Saturday, 2 March 2019

On Completion

In my last blog I ended up referring to the ‘bad’ business of “totalitarian control over the populace”.

A friend has sent me, as being on her email list, a video of some singing at the Taize community in France.  They are renowned for their singing of choral Christian stuff.  I was too busy to listen to it last night; but got around to it earlier today.   My subsequent comment back to her:

"Many thanks for this, (name).

"This is the sort of thing that makes the truth about Christianity so difficult to deal with.  It has a great positive side to it.  But at its heart, it is false.  Is based on a fable.  Or so I am convinced, after much research into the matter, over a long period of time.  

"Do I care about its ultimate, and inevitable, collapse?  (Much the same as 'our' monetary & financial system.)  Yes.  Because, as acknowledged, it has a very good side.  But falsehood needs to make way for Truth.  In all areas.  

"We have lived under falsehoods for long enough.  It's time - and well past, to my way of thinking - for Truth to prevail, on this beleaguered, but still lovely, old planet.

"A subject to be gone into in more detail another time, perhaps.  In the meantime: Good stuff, here.


"P.S. Music I have also found uplifting - besides of Beethoven - are the three CDs of Jackie Evancho.  Do you know of her?  Great stuff.  I have called her (and her voice) living proof that there is a God. Highly recommend a listen."

Further comment:

1. This Taize community-singing business is the sort of thing that gives Christianity a good name.

2. The issue here: 

The concern to have Something of Value to replace Something of Value with.

I have an idea, in that regard.

An ‘ecumenical’ civilization for the planet Earth. 

Yes yes, I know: Christians have been led to believe in an ‘anti-Christ,’ who will lead the world astray.  But, please; for a moment of your time:


A totalitarian system, of/from either the far Left or the far Right - i.e, either communism or fascism; or any human rights-destroying combination thereof, making the individuals merely subjects to the almighty State, in a low-consciousness, Power Over Others way - now raised to the global level, is the reverse image of

the Real Thing:

a/the kingdom of heaven.

Which supersedes what has gone before.  As the crowning Synthesis of The Process.  Of our, Earth’s - our Human colony’s - civilizational development.

Allowing it - legally - to pass the Ring Pass Not.  And go exploring into space.

To join the community of such nations - planets - that have gone before.  And earned

the privilege.


a right.

We need to earn our way to

space.  And

the higher realms, above our 3D one.

It’s all a matter of consciousness.  And consciousness-raising.

A/k/a the frequency level on which we live and move and have our being.

In the process, now, of going


With you.

Or without you.

Your choice.

And Christians will have a very large test in this matter.

Reserved for ultimate leaders of The New.  For having been so committed to their belief system.  (The best of them, that is.  And in the spirit of it.  Not regarding its socio-political power.)  And having done so many ‘good works’ in the world based on that belief.

I would have them on my team

any time.

Especially at this


And ask them to keep an open mind.

And practice



As to that civilizational structure.

Why women would think that there is any more responsible or important a job in life than the raising of the children is a bit of a mystery.  Including the understanding that many females, especially these days, of major toxicity in our environment, including from drugs, have had their brains skewed in the hormonal uterine bath, into thinking of themselves more as males than as the females that they are biologically (in their present incarnation).  And so everybody suffers, from this near-complete elimination by now of the idea of the family unit as the basis for the development of the race.  

The human race.  Now ready to reach for the stars.

Just as soon as we correct the ‘contradictions’ in our society.  And come to


And a word of clarification, in this context.

No, the raising of the children is not the only honorable thing that women can do.

But it’s the most important thing.

Because their brains are ’wired’ for the job.

In the best of all possible worlds.

Which it is ours to achieve.

If we will.

In the Right


And speaking of the quality of Discernment; a timely entry:

from ‘One of the Greatest Gifts: Discernment [video]’ - March 2
(A rambling but well-put essay on the importance of developing one’s ability to discern, esp. truth from untruth; and especially these days, of the Dark side trying to take over, with the Light now going for its, and our, Ascension.
This gal, a Canadian living in Arizona now, does an excellent job of keeping her readership alerted to important issues of the/our day.  And she is particularly ‘keen’ on the messages from Q.)

kibitzer3 says:

You are a great provider, BP. Thanks for your contributions to The Cause.


There.  Notice that mothers can do a lot, from home???

And the likes of fight against mandatory vaccination laws.   And the dumbing-down of our children in their government-run public schools.  And.  And.  And......... able to keep a close eye on such family-affecting matters.

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