Wednesday, 20 March 2019

On Getting Things Straight

I understand - from the mainstream media, at least, and also from a number of such as political sources - that President Trump is a, quote, ‘racist’.  Because - let me see if I have this right - because he wants to build a wall on the country’s southern border.  Which is being flooded with an influx of the likes not just of illegal aliens, looking for a better life in this country who, for whatever reason, don’t want to come in through the front door, and be vetted properly.  But of the ‘likes’ of drug and gun runners, and human sex traffickers.  And MS-13 gang members.  And ISIS and other terrorists, looking to establish nests in this country, and await their orders. To attack us.  Pres. Trump wanting to build the wall to enhance the country’s national security.  Which is part of his job description. 

I also understand that attempts to stop the voting in this country of illegal aliens and other ineligible voters - like other non-citizens, and duplicate and even multiple voters - by establishing voter ID laws throughout the country (at the least for federal elections, in this federal constitutional republic) is considered, by apparently a sizable percentage of the populace, as, quote, ‘voter suppression’.  

And speaking of illegal aliens, I understand that they are now being referred to - and from the highest political positions in the country - simply as, quote, ‘immigrants’.  

And even simply as, quote, ‘newcomers’…    

This all seems rather strange to me.  But then, I do feel, and increasingly so, as though I am a stranger in a strange land.  And as such, am a bit slow to recognize the apparently prevailing attitude in the country - apparent, that is to say, from, as I say, the mainstream media, and major political and social figures - that ‘there is nothing right or wrong but thinking makes it so’.  Which is not only an atheistic, but a specifically Marxist, attitude.  And so, can I assume correctly that this has become not only a largely atheistic, but a specifically Marxist, country?

Or at the least, very close to it??

And growing closer by the day, it would appear.  Including the attitude that it is okay to kill even freshly-born babies…

It all seems - as I say.  And emphasize in doing so - very strange to me.  Did I make a wrong turn, on my way to visit the United States of America, and see how it was faring???…

It seems to be ‘faring’ not to a fare-thee-well.

But to a farewell.

As - quite possibly - altars to Molech start dotting its countryside.

And the people descend into the cut-off darkness of a Dark Age.

Or its opposite.

Their choice.


P.S. I see that New Zealand is being prepared as a safe haven for the global elite who are beginning to look for such boltholes to hide away in from the inevitable fallout from their outing, as being conducted by Pres. Trump. 
     More power to him.  In all of his honorable endeavors.  To drain the swamp.  And other sites.
     As The Play begins to become
     a wrap.

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