Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Let's Hear It For Handwriting

Goodness knows I don’t have the best of handwriting at the best of times.  But I have come to realize that part of the problem - if not the larger part of it; if not, at least in effect, the whole of it - has not bean my handwriting per se.  It has been handwriting itself.  

I never really grokked on this until just recently, when I read a comment to an article online wherein the lady reported (whatever the triggering subject of the article was; I forget, now) that she had noticed an error on her online bank statement, with a check that she had written for thirty dollars having been debited to her account as thirty-six dollars.  She contacted her bank and asked to be shown an image of her check online. Sure enough, there it was: a check for thirty dollars.  She then inquired of a bank rep about the matter.  He checked into it, and came back to her with the reply that her writing of the number 30 had been interpreted by one of the staff as being 36, with the zero not quite closed.  When she pointed out to the bank rep that the check was clearly written out for ‘thirty’ dollars, his response was to tell her that some of their staff had never learned to read cursive writing, could only read numbers.


’Tis true.  As some of you will have known all along, from your own experience.  But as at least some of us old-timers had no idea. 

What can be behind this trend??

I assume that the argument has been along two main lines:

1) of the time to teach cursive writing taking up time that could be used to ‘better’ advantage (like teaching politically correct language, I presume); and  

2) of society’s increasing adaptation to the printed word, via our cell phones, etc. etc.  But because it can be seen as part of a larger end, it undoubtedly is: the agenda of controlling us.  Brave New World style.

What am I saying/accusing??  

The same ‘people’/school of thought here in the West that has dumbed us down (in order to eliminate a vibrant middle class, which could stand against their machinations)(1) with a difficult method to learn to read by and by teaching math in a similar fashion is trying to go a step further and deprive us of our individuality, and of our sense of our individuality.  To make us merely ciphers in The System.  To be known, most probably, by our numbers.  

Now, granted, we are not our names.  They have just been given to us, by our parents, for our current incarnation.  But the conferring of a name for us outside of the control of the State is part of the Old Order.  The Bad Old Order (or BOO for short).  To have Total Control over us, the State wants also to assign us our ‘names’.  Or our numbers. Whatever fits into their system.  For, please note: If our people can’t read cursive writing, they can’t read our signatures to anything.  Now, granted, many people’s signatures are difficult to read at the best of times (like my writing in general).  But if our people aren’t being taught to (read or) write, except for our signatures, how far is it to take the next step, and just assign us a number??  That should fit into ‘their’ digital system nicely.

No more Johnnys and Susies and such.  (Many of which names were part of the Bad Old Order anyway, from the Bible and such.)  And hey - note how it also fits with the increasing ‘gender identity’ divisive issue.  Which condition is a symptom of an adverse environmental situation, and of our environment having been weaponized on us.  

And which can be reversed.  Back to - um; ‘normal’.

But our erstwhile masters don’t want the bad old ‘normal’ to rule anymore.(2)  So, all aspects of it need to go.

Including our individual names.

It really is a Brave New World that our e.m.’s contemplate for us.

But - hold on.

What if…

What if they are just the Dark side of a natural process going on??

The antithesis to the Old World, reacting against all of it.  Including the monetary system.  Causing reaction to itself. From that Old World.  Or to say, from aspects thereof.  So that, e.g., ‘religion’ morphs into…not atheism.  (Think moving forward.)  But spiritualism.  

Truth.  Not Belief.

And the monetary system?

To change, too.

But not in a Dark side way, wherein and whereby everybody will be controlled to within an inch of their lives, and the State controls everything, including the ‘allotment’ of money.  But in a way that embodies

the Light.  

In a setting of Synthesis.

A global realm, alright. Just not the one planned for us by the Dark side players, in

the Drama of Life.   

But the crowning result of

The Process.

And everyone takes their bows.

And then we move on.  Into

The New.

The real



(1) Also to be eliminated by the brainwashing of our youth with the ‘meme’ that the high standard of living of the likes of the U.S. is responsible for Global Warming er Climate Change, and so we need to be brought down to a Third World level of the use of the world’s resources.  Oh, and such a society, with its mentality of restrictions, would more easily be controlled.  
   Almost forgot that little factoid.  Regarding so much of what is going down these dark days.

(2) Which is the reason for such as ‘women’s lib’.  Not enough people are aware that a rep of the Rockefeller family even admitted in a taped interview once that they had bankrolled the movement.  Their purpose?  To get more bodies into the work force, earning money that could then be taxed, for the likes of the Rockefellers to siphon off, into their banks and industries (like the military-industrial complex).
   What he didn’t mention was that part of the purpose also was to break down the family unit.  So that the State - read as well, in this case: the NWO - could take over the raising of the children.  That they could be considered property of the State.  (And thus be forced to have mandatory vaccinations, e.g.  Supplied by Big Pharma.  Making huge amounts of money on the deal.  Go figure.)

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