What have I learned in my long life in this realm.
1. Things are often not as they seem.
Example. I first heard of the event in New Zealand from a friend via a phone call. I was immediately suspicious about it. And isn’t that a terrible thing, how we have been ‘burned’ so many times in these sorts of mass-shooter attention-getters that many of us have come to tend to dismiss them out of hand, before any actual facts about the matters come out?? But take this one. It has been widely expected, in the alt media at least, that another false flag op - an Event - was going to surface, in the Cabal’s attempts to derail the Trump express, with its patriots aboard, meaning to take back their country from the NWO devils, before their advantage - from having the high ground, in the form of the MSM, and so many of our politicians (on both sides of the at-least nominal political aisle) - slips from their grasp. And lo and behold: there are a considerable number of substantial questions about that affair, caused by the release of video regarding it, before TPTB have moved to keep said video evidence from reaching (any further into) the public.(1)
Now, to clarify: It is obvious that, e.g., 9/11 happened. But looks can be deceiving. As TPTB behind that atrocity, and these events in general, are well aware. And ‘trade’ on, to ply their evil trade. In their attempts to confiscate the guns of self-defense from ‘the people,’ in order to take their countries over. As has happened a number of times before in history. And so is a warning to the people of this day and age.
This age, of transition. Out of such darkness. Into the dawning of a New Day. For all of humanity. This ‘Event’ having been brought to this ‘head’ by such devious activities as the NWO crowd have been employing, in their attempts to take over. Not just this country. Or any one country. But the whole world. And make of it a global gulag. That they control. As Communist China has succeeded in doing in that one country. Such people-control measures to be duplicated throughout this sorry old world.
If it weren’t for the spiritual equivalent of the 7th Cavalry riding to the rescue.
But to continue.
We have been well warned about these sorts of theater productions, with such demos as the Sandy Hook Elementary School FEMA (two-day) ‘Exercise,’ and the Boston Marathon Bombing even-announced-at-the-site ’Drill,’ and on it has gone. To the point where TPTB started getting sloppy in their production values, with such ‘dead’ giveaways as a video surfacing after one of these ops in the south of France where a member of the public was seen walking casually by a pair of legs showing from underneath a big truck. Obviously knowing that it was a dummy. All of these ‘events’ having been signaled by the known use of crisis actors (and life-like dummies) in simulation ‘exercises’ of such potential events. Ostensibly to train first-responders. But obviously also to ‘train’ the public to react to such productions. In order to accomplish their takeover goal.
And thus, the demonizing (and online demonetizing, and shadow-banning, and now the outright censoring) of such as conservatives, and Christians, and Second Amendment supporters, and so-called ’white supremacists,’ and so forth and so on.
Hearings are scheduled for 9/11, after voluminous evidence about its having been a false flag op (of the real killing kind) has been uncovered over the intervening years. It remains to be seen whether they will be legitimate, honest hearings. If not, the perps will be further outed. For, it’s time for all this play-acting to stop.
Which brings me to my point
2. We are, have been living largely as though there were no God, rather than as though there were. Yes, there have been religions. But they have all been belief systems.(2) Nothing much in the way of hard evidence to back them up. But in our day, such hard evidence has come forth. In the form of Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs/OOBEs), and dreams, and visions, and just knowings, of past-life experiences on the one hand (as having subsequently been corroborated in fact, and passed on in the form of studies and books and articles and videos) and post-life experiences on the other (in the NOW behind this illusory realm of Time). All, being evidence that there is something more than Man; that there are more dimensions than just this 3D schoolroom one. Of free-willed Choice. That there is a Law that we have come to call Karma, whereby we work out ‘imbalances’ that we have created in our dealings with one another.
On our way to understanding that we are One Another.
And further, that
We Are All One.
Not just doing things to Ourselves. But also to the One of which we are parts. Facets. Fractals.
Like the evidences for the false-flag reality of 9/11, there is just too much evidence in by now for us humans to pretend any longer that we are the be-all and end-all of existence. And that there is no Justice in the universe.
I apparently have news for some of us. For now. That
the universe is built on such as Justice. And Truth. And Love. For having Purpose.
Beyond the petty purposes - of such as Power Over Others - of those incarnate souls who have settled for less. And have tried to make of themselves gods
before they have finished their apprenticeships.
Which Event is now before us. And a new stage emerging of our development. As we face going Up a notch.
And with Gaia as well.
Our home. Away from Home.
Which we are heading back towards. In a process approaching
And, on a more practical note; I have learned -
* not to go to the supermarket on an empty stomach;
* to close off the top of your handkerchief when blowing your nose, to keep germs from being ejected into your eyes; and that
* this, too, shall pass away.
(1) New Zealand is part of the Five Eyes consortium, which has been feeding intel to each other, and thereby getting around (for example) U.S. law regarding some of it. These intel agencies will do anything to keep their subversive activities that way. Including their attempts to take away the self-defense weaponry from their respective citizenries. On their way to intended takeover, and submergence of their countries into their totalitarian New World Order.
The termites beginning to panic, and go too far. But to continue.
(2) Take Christianity. There is more evidence that it was created fraudulently than that it was based on reality. I ask Christians to stop and think: Why does the (so-called) New Testament contain such advices as to “Render unto Caesar’s what is Cesar’s,” and to “obey authority,” and have its central, messianic figure declare that “My kingdom is not of this world”? No, of course not. It wouldn’t be. if the Roman imperial household of the time was behind the charade.
With a key member of that household, as adopted into it - for services rendered (to save his skin; and that of a number of other members of the Jewish priestly line, and their families) - being a former Jewish general-cum-governor-cum-historian, named Josephus, contributing in a major way to the fraud. Including writing himself into the script, as a character named Saul-become-Paul.
But to move on, here. But to encourage auditors to look into this matter online.
To read it. And, very possibly, weep. But then to do something about it. If one is more committed to Truth than to falsehood.
And the Truth shall set us all free.
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