Thursday, 7 March 2019

On Living By Law

In my Biology 101 class at university I was struck by one ‘learning’ in particular regarding nature: the phenomenon of phototropism.  For the uninitiated, that means the ‘instinct’ of seeds to grow towards the Sun (or any light stimulus).  So that it doesn’t matter in which direction a seed is planted; the consequent sprout will unfailingly grow towards the surface, and the access there to sunlight.  

We humans don’t have that same automatic response.  We have another set of laws that we live our lives by, which we call free will on the one hand, and karma on the other.  The Law of Free Will allows us to grow as we choose to, in seeming independence of/separation from our Source.  I say ‘seeming,’ because we can’t avoid the automatic fact that we are by inherent nature part of our Source; but are on a course of education, and so, exist in a form of illusion of Separation, for educational purposes, in being at a higher level of consciousness than plants. 

 And the other Law that we live our seeming-separation lives by, the Law of Karma, is a form of leash.  It keeps us from going too far off the education Path.  Because part of that education path is to learn, as the apprentice gods that we are, that actions have consequences.  And so, in the purely spirit realm between incarnations in 3D, we have a Life Review, conducted with the assistance of our guides and guardians,(1) whereby we look at our just-concluded life’s experience, and see where we did well and where we went wrong, and set goals for ourselves in our next incarnation to bring the karmic debt into balance.  In such ways as to make it up to another soul for harm done by having that soul ’turn the tables’ on us the next time in Time, or by some other means.  The purpose of the Law of Karma being, not to exact ’revenge’.  But to bring about Balance.  So that we work out our debt, to The System, built on Laws.(2) 

Where am I going with all this.  I am going to the matter of living our lives by law.  Of learning to live our lives by law.  In part by experiencing what it means not to live our lives by law.  And seeing what results from that approach to the life experience/school. 

Take the U.S. Constitution, for us American citizens, as a good example. 

A little American history here.

This is a federal constitutional republic.  The federal government was, by the terms of the Constitutional contract with the States, ceded certain powers; limited and delegated - “few and defined,” in the rather authoritative words of the man fairly known as the Father of the Constitution, James Madison.  The fact that they were enumerated powers was further highlighted by the 9th and 10th Amendments, which indicated that the first eight such amendments - in what is known as the Bill of Rights - were only examples of rights and powers not ceded in the contract to the federal government; not a list of rights and powers that would otherwise be/ deemed to be in the purview of the new federal government.  

In the words of the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting…”  In the Ninth Amendment: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”  In the words of the Tenth Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”  The point being that, as a constitutional republic, and guaranteeing said form of government of and to the States (Art. IV, Sect. 4), all rights and powers not delegated to the U.S. are the province of the several States - AND they need to be secured by and in their state constitutions.  

The Fourteenth Amendment turned things around in certain instances, and made certain conditions be applied from the federal government to the States - e.g.: “No State shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law”, whereas the Fifth Amendment only applied that provision as an example of such limitations to and on the federal government.  Up until the time of the 14th Amendment, then, a State could do such a thing, because the Bill of Rights only applied to the federal government.  

Now, more has been made of the 14th than is actually in that amendment, by people who have been attempting for a long time to make of the U.S. form of government a centralized form, thus making it easier to take it over.  But the 14th never said nor intended to say the equivalent of ‘All the powers and rights formerly reserved to the States respectively or to the people shall now reside in the federal government’.(3)  The main point that I wish to make here is that a) The People’s rights need to be secured by their State constitutions, i.e., under law;(4) and b) The law has been played fast and loose with in this country terribly over the years.  Including a lack of proper ratification of amendments in some instances.)

Not a good outcome for a people.  But a good experience for people who are involved in a school.

For learning just such things.                   

P.S. In this learning Process, it could be that some fractals get so caught up in their sense of Separation, and desire for material goodies - enamored by and with matter; which is a means to an end; not the end in itself - that they lose track of The Point, and start existing solely for the experience of Power Over Others.  They will be given every opportunity to turn their growth trajectory around, and head, phototropic-like, for the Sun.  But if they choose to stay on the Dark side, they will ultimately be taken to a place (called, in the literature on the subject, the Central Sun) where they will have their individual identity extinguished, and their essence recycled back into the One.  For we All live by
     The Law.  


(1) Aka angels.  Who are on a different Path than we.  Whereby they exist constantly only in bliss; in the essence of their Creator Source.  Or so we are told, by some incarnate souls.  Personally, I have the ‘suspicion’ - inkling, that they are precisely like us incarnates in our 3D school of hard knocks - have traveled this Way before us, and part of their mission in their graduate school is to give us an assist on our educational path.  But the Truth of all this will come out in the wash, as it were. 

(2) I’m not going to go here into all the proofs of reincarnation as part of The Plan of Life.  The proofs of that phenomenon are too numerous to deny any longer, by people living by various beliefs that deny it.  It’s time to move on, in such matters.
   We have work to do.  A Great Work.  Let’s be about it.       

(3) This has been attempted to be made the meaning of the 14th by the use of a legalistic-sounding gimmick, or ‘principle,’ called ‘incorporation,’ whereby it is argued that ALL the terms of the Bill of Rights were ‘incorporated’/turned on their heads and made to apply from the federal government to the states.  But that is sophistry.  Balderdash.  
   Which I won’t go into further, in the course of this particular blog.

(4) So, the Constitution does not 'guarantee us our rights'.  We need to do that by staying awake in our several States, closer to home.  And, for example, clean up our individual State's voter registration rolls.
   Freedom not being free.

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