Thursday, 14 March 2019

You Are Now Entering Big Brother Country

1. I have just watched a short video in which a panel of doctors in front of a U.S. Senate committee agreed with the sworn statement of one of them that, quote:

"There is absolutely no evidence that vaccines cause autism."*

   a) I was reminded of the similar lineup of industry experts many years ago testifying to a similar congressional committee that there was absolutely no evidence that cigarettes cause health problems.

   b) Perhaps it's just a matter of semantics.  The Vaccine Court - notorious for the difficulty of parents with vaccine-damaged children to get justice from it - has accepted, e.g., a case of ADEM as having been caused by vaccines.  What is ADEM?  The acronym stands for Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis.  In layman's terms: brain damage.  The child having all the symptoms of 'autism spectrum disorder,' or ASD.
     'Ah.  Well.  Er, uh.  Yes.  Well; ADEM is another, er, matter.'

2. Dr. Mike Adams of Natural News has reported that Facebook is now allowing no human opinions on controversial topics, e.g., the dangers of vaccines.  Only the 'official' position will be allowed.

We have 'officially' entered

Big Brother Country.


* He took the word of the CDC on that (and used it to tell his own 'anti-vaccine' mother that she was "misinformed" on the subject).
   The CDC - to indicate its mentality on the matter - owns the patent to a vaccine.  And has been shown to ignore evidence regarding the dangers of vaccines.
   And especially to young black males.  I.e.,  not including biological females with male-patterned brains.  At least, that I know of.   And which, of course, is another matter, about which to
   Go figure.

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