I am reading a lot these days about how the Dems and their echo chambers in the MSM are pushing for Pres. Trump’s impeachment. My response to them:
So let me get this straight. You want to see a lawbreaker brought to justice. Right? You want to see a breaker of federal laws brought to justice under federal degrees of criminality, of prosecution and sentencing. Right? Do I have that right??
I have today received a mailing from a conservative legal outfit containing an excerpted copy of a decision by the SCOTUS which references the subject of having ‘standing’ in litigation. It reminded me of how our courts dismissed challenges by private citizens to BHO’s legality to run for the office of POTUS, much less to actually occupy it (and for two terms, to add insult to injury), on the grounds that they ‘lacked standing’ - i.e., that they had no proof that they were as individuals personally ‘injured’ by the matter. But then a case came to the court system in this country where the plaintiff very reasonably claimed standing, on tho basis of having been a candidate themselves for that office. So obviously they could proceed in the courts, on the basis of personal injury in the matter. And what happened?
Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. That legitimate case never went anywhere. Why?
I don’t know what the procedural decision was. But the effective reason for its elimination from the scene was that the court system in this country has become corrupted.
Now, some - a lot - of this sorry state of affairs can be cleaned up by eliminating BHO’s ‘legacy’ in the office, with the dismissal of all of his appointments to the various benches in the country (once he is taken to court on charges of fraud, perjury, and treason, and found guilty enough for such a cleansing of the executive branch of government). But the matter goes deeper than that.
It goes way back into the 1800s, when ’something happened,’ that put this country under the thumb of England after all; and shifted our form of jurisprudence to what is called Admiralty (or Maritime) Law, rather than American Common Law, or Natural Law. People who have researched this matter know all about it. All I know about it is that
it’s time for a cleanup. Of the court system in this country.
Along with a lot of other matters. For, we are going to have
a major housecleaning. To operate from a higher base. In this country. And the world. For moving Up. First, through 4D to 5D.
And I am not talking about 5G.
Which is going to come under major scrutiny itself.
In the general cleaning-up
of Life on Earth.
3. And to round out this short commentary primarily on life in America: Another look at today’s national scene from my day’s snail mail. This, from a covering letter from Michelle Malkin, writing for the Clare Booth Luce Center for Conservative Women:
“Did you ever think universities would tolerate masked thugs punching, spitting, and throwing feces, urine, and chemicals on young, conservative women.students simply because they happen to celebrate and exercise their constitutionally protected liberties, free speech, free enterprise, and their own chosen faith?
“Embittered radicals have gleefully fostered environments where young conservatives—particularly young conservative women—are subject to increasing violence and bodily harm…” (Emphasis in original)
This sort of thing
We are better than this.
By our innate natures.
As spiritual beings having a human experience.
Not as brainwashed idiots.
Who don’t realize - obviously - that they are being used as cannon fodder.
By some very Dark-side characters.
In a Drama that has gone
far enough.
And now needs to be rounded up
and drawn to a close.
On this level.
For a whole new level of bing to come into being.
On Planet Earth.
Going Up herself.
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