Thursday, 14 March 2019

On Channeling

Having talked in my last blog (of early this morning) about ‘demons’ and ETs, I would like to go on the record here about my attitude regarding channeled material.

Like ETs and us humans, there are channeled sources and then there are channeled sources.  (And, of course, channelers and channelers.)  Over the years I have come across a lot of channeled material.  How is one to tell if the source is legitimate or not??   The Christians, of course, seem to relegate all that material to the rubbish bin, as coming from ‘demons,’ because it doesn’t fit into their belief system.  But there is plenty wrong with their belief system, so I won’t spend much more time defending the phenomenon from such Christian automatic rejection.  But that doesn’t mean that the phenomenon doesn’t require criticism - a clear eye.  And feel, for what seems ‘right’.  Legitimate.  So we’re talking here about the need for deep discrimination.(1)

Take the material coming through channeler Linda Dillon who/which identifies itself as Archangel Michael.  Although that material quite often has a good ‘feel’ to it for me, I am, shall we say, irritated at its stand regarding the Usurper, Barack H Obama.  That source has just recently reiterated its position regarding the man: that he is high spiritual being, and that criticism of him is unwarranted.(2)

Bull.  Shit.

Not only was BHO illegally occupying that office.  (What’s with you and the rule of law, AAM?  Human law beneath you??  To be held in contempt, by superior beings???)  But he engaged in many activities while in that purloined position that forwarded the agenda of the New World Order totalitarians - that is, the Dark side players, in the Drama that we humans are engaged in.  Now, one could say, with a duly ‘liberal’ attitude, that in the long run his activity there served ‘the greater purpose,’ in helping immeasurably to bring things to a head politically.  In this country, and for the world. And to bring things in general to Completion.  But when the man told a female Hispanic radio-show host, on air and on video camera, in the lead-up to the 2016 elections, that illegal aliens could vote in U.S. elections - and so, they should get out there and vote.  And vote, of course, for Hillary, and the people with a ‘D’ after their names on the ballot.  And they could legitimately do so because of some sort of backward-thinking process, involving the idea that if they vote, they are eligible to vote, or some sort of similar cockamamie thinking process - what then, o mighty Archangel Mik-a-el???       

I will challenge AAM to a duel anytime.  At least, the entity which comes through Linda Dillon  purporting to be AAM.  On this issue alone.

And may the better being win.

P.S. And I still follow sites such as Steve Beckow’s Golden Age of Gaia.  Because a lot of this channeled material is valid.


Discrimination - discernment - is the key.

It is all to get you to exercise your abilities.  As gods in the making.  And not have others do your thinking for you.


Proceed.  With caution.

And insight.


(1) Funny, how that word has taken on a negative connotation.
   But to continue.
   But to consider.

(2) His exact words:
    “Steve: Has [BHO] done all the bad things that they are saying he did?
   “AAM: No
   “Steve: Okay, he’s clear.
   “AAM: He has never been clearer. Again, it is distraction. It is to take a being who is a [sic] an agent and an angel of change and to sully his light so that people will not follow.  (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 14, 2019.)”
   Follow his light - i.e., his Luciferian light - into the NWO gulag, you mean, AAM.
   “This is not what the memes say,” Beckow concludes the reference.
   The ‘memes’ are not always right.  But in this case
   they are.
   From my perspective.
   And I could be wrong.
   Check it out for yourself.
   In the meantime...

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