Saturday, 9 March 2019

A Little Matter

I see that Nancy Pelosi, in her role as Speaker of the House, has come out in expressing concern for President Trump’s loyalty to the Constitution.  Which they have both taken an oath to “preserve, protect and defend”.

This is the person, as Speaker of the House then as well, who, at the Democrat National Nominating Convention in 2008, and wielding the gavel there as well, signed off on the election by said Convention as its Party’s chosen candidate for the office of the United States of America of one Barack Hussein Obama.

A word about that little matter.

The office of the president of the United States is an extremely important one.  Particularly, in the minds of the constitutional Framers - as the record shows(1) - for the reason that the occupant of that office becomes as well the Commander in Chief of the military forces of the United States.  So, the authors of that constitutional contract included a special eligibility requirement for that office: that the occupant needed to be, not just a “citizen”.  But a special kind of citizen: a “natural born” citizen.

Now, what did that term mean to those authors of that contract?  Which still exists; since there has never been a constitutional amendment changing that eligibility requirement.  Which it would have taken to do so.  Regardless if definitions of terms change over the years.  Which, in this instance, actually, it has not.  At least, not legally.

But to continue.  Into the definition of the term at the time that the constitutional Framers put it into their contract creating a federal government.  Which determination is made easy for us, in cur day, by virtue of the fact that Benjamin Franklin, the elderly and well respected mentor of those men, and sitting right there amongst them as a delegate himself to those proceedings, is known to have had three copies of the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters (and one of which he gave to the Continental Congress; so highly did he think of the tome): Emer de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’.  And in that tome, the definition of a ‘natural born’ citizen is the following:

It is a person ”born in the country, of parents who are citizens”.(2)

Thus, born both of the soil (jus soli, in legal parlance) and of the blood (jus sanguinis).

This requirement, then, so that the occupant of that office would have NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Would have SOLE ALLEGIANCE to - in this case - the United States. 

And to drive this whole point home, it would almost appear as though Providence had Alexander Hamilton, as a delegate to those proceedings, make a proposal there that the president need only be, quote, “born a Citizen” - and his proposal was SPECIFICALLY TURNED DOWN, in favor of the more stringent category of citizen, of a ‘natural born’ citizen.  That is to say: One “born in the country, of parents who are citizens” thereof.       

I am saying:    

Forget the controversy surrounding the birth certificate.  Which has been proven to be a forgery anyway.  (Not so’’s the MSM, or the American public at large, seem to be concerned about.)  Once he swore that his birth father was Barack Obama, Senior, he was toast right there.  

I wouldn’t want any of you lot involved in any government of mine, if you can’t pass muster on such an important issue as this one. 

And, having said all this.  It would seem that this matter has been choreographed in such a way as to be ‘a teaching moment’ .  A deliberate lesson.  And a big one. To draw your attention to the importance, of

living by law.

By the rule of law.

Not by the rule of men.  Aka arbitrary law.

Aka tyanny.  Despotism.

Which would have been the lot of you lot.  If it weren’t for

the grace of God.

Hallowed be His name.


(1) See, e.g., respected statesman John Jay’s letter of July 25, 1787 to G. Washington, in his role as Chair of the Convention proceedings.
   (Jay, not so incidentally, would become the first Chief Justice of the new U.S. Supreme Couirt, such was the respect for his persectives on things of state.) 

(2) Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  Look it up.  It’s right here, on the Internet.
   At least it was the last time I looked.  You can never tell about these sorts of things, these Big Brother-like days.  Of our erstwhile masters attempting to airbrush out of history any perspective contrary to 
   the authorized version.


P.S. Oh, and BHO also has a phony Social Security number as well.  
     It’s all part of the coverup regarding his true background.
     More on which, another time, perhaps.
     A sad tale of deceit and corruption.
     Wake UP, America.  You are being had.

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