..All Its Own
On Rebranding
It has been a wonder to watch, like a shell game. First, those in this country illegally - enticed to do so on purpose, by those behind the shell game being played on the country bumpkins - were called, rightly, illegal aliens, which term - considered by the erstwhile nation hijackers as merely a ’label’ - got deftly switched, by the MSM and self-serving politicians (largely, but not exclusively, on the Left),* to ‘undocumented workers,’ which ‘label’ then in turn has now become, audaciously, the outrightly dishonest ‘brand’ of ‘immigrant’ - as though there were no distinction between those people in the country legally and those here illegally. And that blatantly false determination having been quickly followed now by - get this. Really get this - the label, or ’brand,’ of ’newcomers’.
The mind boggles.
That gurgling sound you hear (you can hear it, can’t you?? Please tell me that you can hear it) is that of the United States being flushed down the historical toilet along with its excretory products: a dumbed-down citizenry who have yet to wake up - in large enough numbers to do something about the situation - to how they have been had by experts in the field of subversion.
I hear the echo of an old song: So long, it's been good to know you.
I didn’t incarnate at this time to live indefinitely in the darkness largely of ignorance. I came here to help bring light on the subject. Please don’t make me regret that I, and many others like me, ever bothered.
To come to help save you from the evil ones. Whose job it is, in the largest picture, to give you Choice.
On this Planet of Choice.
Which you could have read about long ago. If you hadn’t allowed yourselves, and your children, to be put off from reading, by people who have, obviously, to a large extent, put you off from reading. In order to keep you in their
Circle of Hell.
Remember: ‘evil’ is the opposite of ‘live’.
And to live more abundantly.
Not merely exist.
To say, more clearly: to progress.
Be ‘progressive’.
The right way.
Which is the way out of the endless circles of (the equivalent of) hell. Constantly accruing karma. Simply for its own sake. And the ‘sake’ of your erstwhile masters. Who feed off of your energy. And love the sense of Power Over Others. And want to keep you locked in this lower dimension, for those purposes.
Instead of progressing up the spiral stairway to
the heavens.
Constantly ascending. Until you come back, finally, to
Where you began. Your journey. Purposefully.
To know the place as though for the first time.
P.S. On an incarnate note: I have just received an email from my Congressman (or his office; it reads as though having been drafted on a prescription form from the offices of Big Pharma) responding to a petition I signed calling on our congressional representatives not to get involved in laws mandating vaccines, leaving that decision regarding one’s children to the parents and their various types of exemption position. It read as though he had nothing to do with it, just accepted the CDC’s position on the matter, and let it go at that; vaccines are “safe and effective,” etc. etc.
I don’t think that it will do any good to go back to him and try to point out to him how, e.g., the CDC owns a patent on a vaccine, number one, and number two, has been outed already as covering up the deleterious, brain-damaging effects of the MMR vaccine especially on young male black boys.
I think the only thing that will work, by now, is a revolution.
The opposite of the one that is in progress.
As we speak.
And to finish this particular blog on a word of advice on this note Don’t look to the pharmaceutical industry to come up with cures for the likes of cancer. That’s not what they are in business for. In the business of. They are in the business of selling treatments for such conditions.
That would be like going to a surgeon to ask advice on how to avoid surgery.
Bad move.
As I am sure that you will agree.
If you engage in even a little bit of thinking on the matter.
Which an awful - awful - lot of you obviously haven’t.
* On the Left: for their prospective votes; and on the Chamber-of-Commerce Right, for their cheap labor.
Those ‘prospective’ votes, of course, having already become realized, under Democrat Party control of the voter and electoral systems.
Those ‘prospective’ votes, of course, having already become realized, under Democrat Party control of the voter and electoral systems.
"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." - T. S. Eliot
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