'Vaccines are safe and effective.' Not.
From my emails this eve:
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Rep. Adam Schiff is acting like a Nazi. He wants the equivalent of books burned that contain material that he doesn't like. But it's worse than these people just wanting to get as many of the citizenry vaccinated as they can, 'for the sake of the herd'. It has two other, sinister purposes. One: TPTB can lace vaccines with material that can act as people-control crap, like anti-fertility material and dumbing-down material, and chip us, and even material to kill us. And two: Mandatory vaccination laws make the government even more powerful over We, the People. So that we get conditioned to believing that the state can do whatever it wants to, to us, and our children. Just line up and be a good docile citizen. Or we will eliminate you. As a threat to our regime. Our wondrous New World Order.
It's the equivalent of the Red China 'Social Credit' system. Starting in a town very near YOU. Don't buy into it.
Some basic info, from many years of reading about this subject.
One. The so-called 'childhood diseases' play a role in life, in maturing our immune systems, and giving us lifelong immunity to the diseases. Vaccinations - not true immunization - deprive us of that goodie, of lifelong immunity; which females can then pass on to their offspring, to protect them until their own immune systems can kick in, and join in the process.
Two. Mortality rates of all the childhood diseases were going down BEFORE the advent of the vaccinations for them. From cleaner water and better hygiene and nutrition. And including of diseases for which there have never been vaccines, like typhoid.
Three. The side effects of vaccines are horrendous, and extensive. They include ADD/ADHD and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), arthritis/arthralgia, asthma, CFS/fibromyalgia, epilepsy, lupus, OCD, SIDS/SUID, etc. etc. etc.*
Four. There are natural modalities to treat all of the childhood diseases by, so that our children can even have them - for their benefit to the immune system - and then get over them more quickly than in previous years, before we learned about such natural modalities. There is vitamin A for measles, for one; large doses of vitamin C even for polio; colloidal silver for the DTP triad; a ketogenic diet for epilepsy; the list goes on.
But, of course, the best answer to the 'problem' is better/more knowledgeable nutrition. Aka an ounce of prevention.
Our modern medicos will be concentrating on such an emphasis. In their approach to the matter, of health. From their training. Which now is affected by the money behind said training. From Big Pharma. And behind even that industry, from the likes of John D. Rockefeller. Aka Big Oil. Who was behind bankrolling our medical schools back at beginning of the 1900s, in order to get our medicos to prescribe drug products. Because drug products are petroleum-based products.
Now, to be phased out.
For more reasons than just this one.
What else?
Because the likes of free energy devices are about to kick in.
Just as soon as we move out from under the power and control of these, our erstwhile masters. By one main action.
The elimination of the money system, as we have known it.
And ultimately,
to eliminate money altogether.
But, first things first.
To come out from under
the Big Lie.
In many areas, of our 'modern' life.
And live as free men and women. Or, more accurately, as
spiritual beings having a human experience.
Coming into our 'own'. Our higher 'own'.
At long last.
In recognizing - really getting -
that the point of life is not to make money.
It is to awaken.
* It is accepted by 'modern medicine' that vaccines can cause brain damage, in the form of 'vaccine-induced encephalitis,' or ADEM (Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis). What our modern medicos are not telling us, or even often admitting to themselves, is that they can also cause sub-cute encephalitis. Such as ADD/ADHD, ASD, etc. etc. etc.
P.S. I forgot to point out specifically, as regards the natural approaches to the matter of the treatment of the childhood diseases, that that way the child gets the immunity-enhancing benefits that the diseases invoke without the damnable side effects of the vaccines.
Our erstwhile masters don’t want this outcome particularly because it entails the mothers being out of the work force to take care of their possible sick child (if good nutrition has failed at the first hurdle), and that undercuts their desire for the elimination of the family unit, for the state more fully - besides by their education - to take over the raising of our children. Sweet.
Such is one of the reasons why they have put into place a largely monopolistic MSM, and are trying to censor alternative viewpoints from the Internet and other alt media. Big Brother can’t have people thinking for themselves. Bad for business.
The business of totalitarian control over the populace.
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