Thursday, 14 March 2019

On ETs

People like Dave Hodges (of his The Common Sense Show) and Steve Quayle (who has his own show, and guests on Hodges's) are good people.  They have their hearts in the right place.  And, they are deadly dangerous.  For being such staunch Christians that they would help, in a self-fulfilling prophecy way, bring about a terrible holocaust, in their name of Armageddon.  A belief overriding their basic reasonableness.


They, like most Christians, look on the whole subject of ETs as being about ’fallen angels’ and demons.  Why?  ‘Because the Bible tells me so.’  Meaning, because ETs wouldn’t have been ’saved by the blood of the Lamb’.(1).  And so, perforce, they must be demons.

Come on, people.  Stop and think.  (Lets use some common sense here, Dave.)  It’s a very big universe.  (Or at least, appears to be.  Another, albeit related, subject.)  Do you really think that a) it is vacant, and b) any other sensate life forms are not ‘saved’ if they have not been ‘saved’ by the Christ on the Cross business?  

And business it has been; and big business, for the likes of the Catholic Church. 

I started having my doubts about this whole Christian ‘business’ at the very least in my Freshman year at university.  Not via atheistic professors (although there were a goodly number of those).   But via the Western Civ course, that was a required course, in those days, for all Freshmen.  And for good reason.  But further on that, another time.  For now, let me stay with the idea that I intended to get to, with this reference; in the form of learning about the Catholic Church’s Inquisition.  

Not very ‘Christian,’ would you say??  But very understandable, if you think of the Catholic church, and the religion associated with it, as a business.(2)  

And then, in addition, there was my reading, years later, of former Jesuit priest Malachi Martin’s very interesting ‘insider’s’ book, ‘Windswept House,’.depicting what can only be called satanic dealings in the dark bowels of the Vatican.  

People not doing a very ‘good’ job in their roles of Power Over Others.  (As I have characterized it: ‘POO for short.’)  

Plus, there is the business, covered in such research books as ‘Caesars Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ by Joseph Atwill, and Flavio Barbiero’s ‘The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia,’ which shows that the Christian Church had its origins in intrigue.  Not in the simple fable of a pacifistic Messiah figure, preaching to the humble people of Judea.  It is time to end the charade.  Before the Christians allow calamity to befall humanity, in fervently wishing for such to occur.     

It is a bit of a shame that The Church is going to go out of business.   For, there are a lot of good people laboring in the fields.  The top echelon of the Jesuits may well be terribly corrupt, for example.  But many of their priests on the ground are doing excellent work.  I think of those who have run, and are running, the likes of Red Cloud Indian School, and St. Joseph’s, and St. Labre’s, among other such institutions, looking out for the welfare of the Native Americans in this country; not only educating the children to be able to make it into colleges and universities, in order to play roles in the modern world, but also in exposing them to their native languages and cultures.  And yes, I know about terrible stories about child abuse, apparently in particular out of Canada, in the past, in those sorts of milieus.  But not to detract from the good side of what The Church has done.(3)  

But it needs to go down, anyway.  Because it is not of

the Truth.

And what is ‘the Truth’ about a lot of things going on these dark days??

I can think of some particulars.  Like how the Obama DOJ was part of a national operation with the Sinaloa drug cartel, of the trafficking not only of drugs and guns, but of children, and organs.  With the Red Chinese, via the CalExit movement, part of the, er. operation.

“America is in the process of being transformed into the same type of narco-terrorist state as we see in Mexico,” as Dave Hodges (of his The Common Sense Show) has so aptly described the matter.  A   matter that Obama’s AG, Eric Holder, knew all about.  And was actively involved in.

As part of the ‘operation’ to take down this country.  (Holder also, now, being the spokesperson for the secessionist CalExit movement.)

With Mafia-family Pelosi connected to all these shenanigans as well.(4)   And Sen. Dianne (‘He was just my driver’) Feinstein joined at the hip.  Which explains her recent concerns, when interviewing a Trump appointee for a judgeship, over what his thoughts were on military tribunals presiding in cases involving treason.

You traitors may have sewn up a great part of the judicial branch of this government over the years, gang.  And bought your way into political power in all the legislative and executive branches.  But you didn’t succeed in completing the job.

Your bad.

P.S. As for the business about ETs:
   There are, it would appear, from the informational record, bad guys amongst them.  And good guys.
     Hey.  Just like us.
     And with the same outcomes.
     For being on the same journey.
     And all being cherished.
     A shame, though, about
     some of


(1) A theme that actually predates Christianity, and by centuries.  See, e.g., ‘The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold’ by ‘Acharya S’/D.M. Murdock

(2) The Protestant schism wasn’t quite as bad, in this sort of regard.  But it also has had its ‘moments’.  But to continue, with my main narrative.  

(3) And to include the Protestant branches in good works; such as their running of missions for the homeless and addicts in our cities.  Great work, folks.
   Not to mention other most worthy Catholic and Protestant projects in this country and around the world.  In the proper spirit of their religion.

(4)  And just why is the Democrat Party, and especially its top echelon, so fiercely resisting Trump’s attempts at increasing national security along our southern border???  
   With elements of the Republican Party along on that ‘mission’ as well.
   I’ll tell you why.  Forget the malarkey about ‘the environment’.  That’s for the young lions.  It’s because 
   Money talks.
   And blackmail convinces.

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