Saturday, 23 March 2019

Lightworkers To The Rescue

In my last blog I talked about ‘answering the call’.

Actually, many of you have already ‘answered the call’.  By being willing to be born into this darkness.  And with your help, to change it, from darkness to light.  To  

Nova Earth.  The New Earth.

Actually, apparently, more like going back to Pristine Earth.  A place of beauty and harmony.  A Garden, for the Galaxy.  Until something happened.  Precisely what, is a matter of some debate, amongst researchers into the matter.  The Bible has one take on the matter; Zecharia Sitchin has another take on it; others have still others.  But essentially, apparently some interlopers from space came into the picture, and took the planet’s higher life forms out of their ‘Eden’ and started creating the likes of wars, and Power Over, rather than Power With and Within.  Knocking the balance between the masculine and the feminine for a loop.

We can get that balance back.

We need to, now.

And it is happening.  In pockets.  And in individuals, all over the world.  Who have incarnated at this time, to make it happen.


The move into

the New Earth.

In Time.

And just in time, it would appear.

And then

transcending Time.  When it gets up and running.  And we

Ascend with it.

Those who are ready, that is.  To move Up a notch.  On the spiral stairway to the heavens.

So.  An old bit of advice:

It's always the darkest before the dawn.

And a New Dawn

there will be.

You can bank on it.

In the new such system.


the real

New Order of the Ages.

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