On The LGBTQ+ Phenomenon
I remember many years ago there was a hit play, at least in London (I saw it there. Starring the impeccable Anthony Hopkins), based on a true story, about a British diplomat over in China who married a native Chinese there, and was married for eleven years before he discovered that she was a he.
That was some headache.
It puts me to mind of that subject. And including the curious fact about such ‘gender confusion’ being so common in the Orient that much is made of such ‘lady boys’. What can be the cause of this curious feature of life in the world??
I have read enough on the subject over the years to understand that at least a lot of it is due to a mere handful of causes.(1) But these causes are mostly a reflection of life in Most Developed countries. What is causing the rash of skewed fetal brain development in the Least Developed countries?
It could, perhaps, be put down largely to faulty nutrition, which can, indeed, affect the developing fetus, through the stress levels thus imposed on the pregnant woman. But is that all that is involved??
Some observers have posited that it is due to the fact that the souls incarnating are neither male nor female in essence, and pick up their sexual orientation upon their incarnation, and are simply ‘confused’. But if so, why? And in such numbers?? And growing??? It has also been posited, with some anecdotal evidence (i.e., from those incarnates telling their ‘life’ stories), that an incarnate who has had a number of incarnations previously in one of the sexes wants to experience the other sex this time around, and fights against his or her subsequent incarnation.(2) And all of this may well have some merit. But it doesn’t answer the major question, of why so many.(3)
The position has been put forth that that is due to the fact that we are up against an Awakening, to our true natures, and all of this gender confusion going on is to help us see beyond just the physical realm, and realize and acknowledge that there is a larger reality that we are involved in.
If that is so - then let’s get it ON. Too many people are experiencing gender distortion, for it to have to go on much longer. Waiting for us to
get the message.
(1) These cause an imbalance in the hormonal bath in which the fetus is developing, and which imbalances can affect the fetal brain at around the 8-10-wk. period of fetal development, resulting in a male-patterned brain being ‘wired’ into a genetically female fetus and vice versa and every stop along the abnormal spectrum in between, like trannies. Among these causes: A defect in the adrenal glands of the developing fetus or in the mother or both; estrogen mimics/endocrine disrupters in the environment, primarily from plastics, pesticides, or The Pill (and canned food linings); stress, of all kinds - physical, mental, emotional (there is evidence that there are more homosexually-oriented babies born in the wake of wars than the normal background ‘noise’ can account for, e.g.). But perhaps most alarmingly is the effect of drugs like barbiturates, prescribed to pregnant women without sufficient regard for their potential effect on the developing fetus.
(I got most of this info from the book ‘BrainSex’ by Anne L. Moir, Ph.D and David Jessel.)
(2) Although, if we are involved in setting our own incarnations, for their lessons,...???
(3) I am also aware of a ‘corresponding’ increase in children on the autism spectrum; which has fairly been put down to the effect of increasing vaccines on the babies and infants. Which modality has been fairly traced to such brain-damage outcome conditions as Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM). I would like to see a study on the correlation of vaccines on peoples of all kinds of economic conditions with the incidences of such as ASD.
And speaking of Anthony Hopkins:
A friend from overseas has sent me a YT of a speech in this country towards the end of last year from one Katie Hopkins, a Brit with a wicked sense of humor, and an abiding passion for, and concern for, the Western culture of Britain and the U.S. that is, alas, disappearing. My response:
"Wow. Some broad. Never heard of her. If she and Nigel Farage ever got together, they would set off a chemical reaction that would go BOOM.
"Thanks for this. It all smacks, unfortunately, of a losing cause. We'll see. Remember, I'm a Yank. The 7th Cavalry riding in just in the nick of time, and all that. The Q phenomenon seems to point to a big takedown by the Trump White Hats of the Bad Guys. Tweets pointing to something big happening on (or by) the 19th of this month. Which the Cabal may well attempt to pre-empt with a false flag op of major proportions. Since they're in it to do or die. Major fireworks afoot, then. But then, hey - we chose to incarnate at this time.
"As Q says: Enjoy the Show.
"P.S. Is she related to Anthony Hopkins, by any chance? Now, there’s a good man. Sorry he’s not around any more, to grace our screens with his excellent presence. But I digress."
I see, in checking a google search, that Hopkins is still with us, engaging in painting and such at this stage of his life, and has a mansion in Malibu that is dangerously close to falling off a cliff, from storm erosion.
But then, California itself is dangerously close to falling off a cliff. So it figures. Sort of.
And more on that subject, another time.
And I should perhaps make it sooner rather than later. With all sorts of things
coming to a head.
Or to say
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