Like many of us, I’m sure, I have felt that now that Pres. Trump is more in control, with the Barrier that was the Mueller Investigation now out of the way, he will guide us out of our Dark (provisional) Place, and all will be well, as we start moving more directly towards our Next Steps, as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience,’ and about to engage in some transcending - to move out of the controlling energy of our 3D human being selves, and on up the spiral stairway towards our 5D bodies of Light.(1) But that was to assume that - as it appeared - Trump was his own man, in charge of his own being.
Apparently, not so.
Apparently, there is a factor beyond his control. Regarding who is in control of him.
According to the latest online offering by (former presidential candidate) Chuck Baldwin, “billionaire benefactor” and “casino magnate” Sheldon Adelson not only donated $25 million to the Trump campaign. But he and his wife “gave $82 million to Republicans and candidate Trump” in 2016. And thus bought some property. Which turned into a U.S. presidential declaration of Jerusalem as the “true” capital of israel. And a presidential position of not opposing Israel’s expansionist policies in the West Bank. And a withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal.(2) And has now turned into a presidential declaration - at a key time supporting Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu in his run for his life, against being turfed out of his office in upcoming elections and against criminal charges - in support of the Golan Heights being under the “sovereignty” of the state of israel.
Which is contrary to international law.
Is in reality occupied territory.
Dear President Trump:
The American people did not elect you to be the state of Israel’s water boy in the Oval Office.*
Thank you for your excellent services to this nation, in general.
Now please declare a state of martial law. And announce NESARA.
And step down, at this New Beginning. And I will take over now. As this nation leads the fleet of nation states into a New World.
Far above such tawdry episodes of pure politics, as you have allowed yourself to be cornered into.
P.S. I understand that you sent your VP and your Secretary of State to appear at the AIPAC’s annual conference, where SoS Mike Pompeo had the audacious gall to say to that crowd:
“My friends, let me go on record: Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.”
Secretary of State Pompeo, President Trump; let mo go on record as replying:
I will go further, and call it more precisely what it is:
* Wrong kind of Water Bearer, Donald.
* Wrong kind of Water Bearer, Donald.
(1) Regarding which change we are, or at least many are, experiencing strong physical/emotional change symptoms; as would be befitting such a major transition. And including, purportedly, a transition first from our basic carbon-based system to a crystalline base. In any event: Much change afoot. As it were.
(2) Which needed to happen anyway; being one of the Usurper’s acts in office that need to go with him into the trash bin.
When Truth and Justice are finally served in this country.
When Truth and Justice are finally served in this country.
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