A relative who knows of my political interests and leanings and who lives here in CA has asked me what I think of the question around the parentage of Sen. Kamala Harris, who has announced her candidacy for the presidential nomination of her Democrat Parry. My response:
“I don't know the details on this. If her parents were not both U.S. citizens at the time of her birth, she is not a 'natural born' citizen, and is therefore ineligible for the job. And if that is, indeed, the case, it will help to bring this whole issue back up for review. And hopefully we will get to proper Justice in this matter. This matter, of having had a Usurper in the Oval Office for 8 years. Who did a lot to bring this country down. As was the whole idea, of TPTB getting him in there. From both sides of the political aisle.
“Help get the word out in your circles: The definition of a 'natural born' citizen at the time that it was codified in the Constitution as an eligibility requirement for the office of the presidency - and that particular federal office only; testifying to its special nature in the eyes of the constitutional Framers - was, and is: A person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens". It is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, Emer de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations'. (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212. Look it up. It's right here, on the Internet. This is not arcane legalistic mumbo jumbo.) The whole POINT of the exercise was to make sure - at least as sure as the Framers could, in their time - that the occupant of that office - who would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces; the particular concern of theirs, as the historical record attests to - had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S.. UNDIVIDED ALLEGIANCE. (And their concern has certainly been born out, with all the measures that the Usurper engaged in, to bring this country down.) And that eligibility requirement STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.
“There has been some legalistic legerdemain employed since, to attempt to get around this blunt fact. Sone of which involves the Naturalization Act of 1790, and its unfortunate and misleading use of the term. But these erstwhile hijackers fail to point out that that Act was repealed - ON THIS VERY POINT - by the Naturalization Act of 1795; which succeeding Act was signed off on by no less a couple of constitutional authorities as James Madison, then a Congressman, and Pres. G. Washington. And in any event, no Act of Congress, or Resolution, or whatever, can take the place of a required constitutional Amendment on such a fundamental, substantive issue as the eligibility requirements for the office of the president.
“There may be some legitimate leeway in the NBC definition to allow for a person born outside of the U.S. to, say, diplomats at a diplomatic mission. But that would be the extent of the leeway in the matter. Which I certainly hope the American people wake up to, before permanent damage is done to this country. So far, we can reverse the damage. But it will take patriots to rise to the occasion to do it.
“Sign me
“Looking for Takers”
I reiterate: Both major political parties are involved in this chicanery and deception. Between them they tried a total of eight times, between 2003 and ’08 alone, to get constitutional amendments going through Congress on this presidential eligibility issue - all the proposals having this specific NBC issue as their common denominator - and they failed each time even to get their proposals out of committee, such was the sensitivity around this particular issue. So: THEY KNEW. And have known.
So what did they decide to do? It’s obvious what they did. They colluded. Whether in a smoke-filled room or not, they decided to simply ignore the law on the issue; and, since they felt that between them they had the judiciary sewed up - and the MSM - they figured that they could get away with their crime.
And they have another think coming.
Let there be no mistake. Both major political parties were party to this canard. And so, the authorities of both parties need to be brought to court - and make that a true, American Common Law court; not one of these false, Admiralty courts that rule, illegally, in this country; another story - and those authorities tried, found guilty on the merits of the case, the individuals responsible for the crime jailed, and the parties fined, and dissolved, under RICO statutes, for being the corrupt enterprises that they are, and will have then been proven to be.
And we thereby - along with other, allied measures - enter a New Era in this country. One characterized by Truth. Not untruth. Any longer.
This obscene activity against Truth must not be allowed to stand. And it WILL not stand, if I have anything to do or say about the matter. And I will. Until the Truth prevails in this land.
This land of the free, and the home of the brave. If the citizenry will rise to this occasion - this major occasion - in such numbers as to set this nation free from these termites who would attempt to bring it down.
Defend your country now, Citizen. Or lose it. And for your children. And your children’s children.
I want some stouthearted men and women to join me in taking this country back from those who would think to hijack it. Step forward, all you patriots, who will answer the call, to Stand and Deliver.
There will be those who will need to go home and look after their family obligations. And that’s fine, and understandable. But to all those patriots who can rise to this occasion: I call on you to heed the call.
Let’s roll up our sleeves, and get to work.
A marvelous work and a wonder.
With that statement, I have just used a Mormon expression. I am sorry to have to report that I feel that the leadership of the Mormon Church has failed its flock, and is allowing, and even aiding and abetting, by its silence in the matter, the flooding not only of unassimilating Mexican and Central American immigrants but of illegal aliens into this country, and especially into such areas as the state of Utah. For, many of these peoples mean to ‘Reconquest’ the Southwestern portion (7 states) of the United States, and turn it into what they call Aztlan. Supposedly, the ‘land of their fathers’. Who in fact were mostly Spanish, to tell the truth of the matter. So, don’t bring your sad story to me. I don’t buy it. I would ask you all, Mestizos and Church leadership alike, to join me in activating a move into a whole New Era. Characterized, as I say, by Truth. No longer by deception.
Been there. Done that. It’s time to move up a notch, in our political, and spiritual, evolution.
More on which, later.
First things first. Which is, to set things to rights in this nation. Under God. The One true Creator of us all.
And to conclude on that note:
We Are All One. And our job in ‘life’ - more accurately, in incarnation - is to, first, awaken to that fact for ourselves, and then to help awaken each other to that fact; and treat each other accordingly.
And thus the truth of, and wisdom in, the Golden Rule: to Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
I would take that admonition a step further, into a truism, and declare: As you do unto others, so do you do unto yourself - literally. For, We Are All One. And All IS
And in the meantime - before we get to total Unity with The One - we have work to do:
To anchor the Truth of Life, and Life more abundantly, first, into ourselves. And then, into others. Of Us.
And when we do,
all else will be added unto
And it all hinges on one quality, above all others.
Don’t sell it short.
Or you will be selling your very Self short.
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