Wednesday, 13 March 2019

'Only In America' - Not

     Connecting The Dots

I marvel (So you can call me Captain Marvel if you wish)(1) at the patience of the great swath of the American people in putting up with the audacious crap of the far Left, who have taken over the formerly respectable Democrat Party in our two-party system, in trying to impeach the president because they lost the election.   

What’s that, you say - Hillary won the plurality of the votes?  Leaving aside for the moment the outrageous corruption of the voting and electoral systems in the country, which allow millions - millions - of illegal votes, from illegal aliens and other ineligible voters, dead voters, and duplicate/multiple votes, and corrupted electronic voting machines and false reports from their tallies: And if the shoe had been on the other foot - if the Democrats had won the Electoral College outcome to the election, and the Republicans had tried to play this plurality card - what then?? 

I have one word for it:   


The belief system, if one could call it that, of fatally corrupted individuals, who ‘believe’ that the end justifies the means.  Any and all means.  Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill, even.  Whatever It Takes, to achieve your ends.  Because there are no absolutes; there is no absolute reality.  Everything is relative, subjective.  What is right is whatever advances your agenda, and what is wrong is whatever impedes it.  That is all.  

Do What Thou Wilt.

I have another single word for this particular subject:


Do we see a pattern emerging here???…

As to this particular subject, in this overriding pattern:

I do get it.  The fix was in.   Hillary was supposed to win.(2)  The Usurper, Obama, had prepared the field.  The stage was all set.  For a violent takeover; with the presidential designate - Hillary - having been granted dictatorial powers by her (equally corrupt) predecessor, to keep the opposition in check, while the NWO mob took control, and imposed their totalitarian agenda on the country, as the lynchpin for their takeover of the whole world.

Let’s take a brief look at their subsequent tactics. Subsequent to their best-laid plans having gone awry.

Here’s another story from a recent issue of TNA.(3)  It’s titled ‘Trump vs. Deep State’ - from the February 18th issue - and is about Robert Mueller’s goons arresting Jerome Corsi - after he had published another of his best-seller books, this one entitled Killing the Deep State: The Fight to Save President Trump - and trying to get him to knuckle under their intimidation tactics and say something - anything - that they could use against Trump, in their witch hunt.(4)  Unfortunately for them, it has managed to come out in the media - mostly in the alt media; and to point out its value to the public in this era of the attempted monopolistic takeover of both our mainstream and social media platforms - that they are overwhelmingly Hillary supporters in numbers.  And not just ‘supporters’. But in a totalitarian way.

And I have two words for them.   

Not ‘Gestapo’ and ‘KGB’.  But close.  Very close.  

The two words that I can think of at the moment are

scurrilous critters.

Think to take over my country, will you.

Well, you have another think coming:

The end of your agenda.

In the beginning of another one.

The establishing of a spiritual kingdom on this planet.  To supersede all the corruption that has gone before.  And make of this planet - this Being - the kind of place that it is by its very nature.  As a surpassing orb of

the Creation. 

As we humanoids ensconced on it - for our lessons to be learned; as apprentice gods - return to living by the Will of our Creator.

Not by our own.    But rather - also to say - 

by our Higher



(1) Well, we are living as though in a comic book; are we not??

(2) Hadn’t the MSM told us enough times that she had it in the bag, and so you Deplorables might as well stay home, it’s been all over from the beginning??  And never mind this character, this fat orange buffoon with the rug, or was it his pet ferret, on his head.  He’s good for a laugh, that one.  (And so go ahead: laugh.  Here, we’ll help you.)  But we’ve got a real statesman for you.  Er - strike that.  Stateswoman.  Now.  That’s better.  Especially with PC about to take over in the country… 
   And speaking of political correctness: We’ve had a great use of that tool to beat The Orange One over the head with, in any event.  And to get the public to chastise him with, for mocking a disabled reporter.  What’s that, you say - he actually didn’t??  Oh well.  We’ll bury that little follow-up detail on page 34.  If we ever even get around to saying anything to the subject.  Because the ‘story’ is already out there.  That’s all that matters.  
   Hey - this is war.   You know??  And if you didn’t get that -
   you will.  Soon enough.

(3) And how long would The New American magazine have been allowed to stay in print, and be circulated, if the NWO mob had won the day?
   And what was that business, of Obama having sent over a billion rounds of hollow-point ammunition to 'his' federal agencies, including the U.S. Postal Service, anyway??  Were they expecting the public to rise up, at some point, against the executive-branch agencies, and including that agency responsible for delivering their mail.  Or not doing so???
   ‘Tiz a puzzlement.

(4) There never was any ‘’Russian Collusion’ delusion.  The whole thing was a red herring from the git-go, designed to attempt to distract the public’s attention away from the to-them disastrous leaking of the DNC’s emails to Wikileaks.  
   By, as it turned out, a Bernie Sanders disgruntled DNC employee.  By the name of Seth Rich.  Who paid for his upsetting of their applecart with his life.  
   Such is the seriousness of their attempt to sell us them apples.

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