Sunday, 10 March 2019

A Word On Families

In a cover-story article in a recent issue of The New American magazine it was pointed out that the Red China regime has maintained a cultural tradition (whilst overthrowing many others, in the Maoist ‘Great Cultural Revolution’) of frowning on premarital sex, and where the people and their government look down on the decadent West as being rather inferior and disgusting in that regard.  Whereas many in said decadent West could well look on Red China’s position regarding its people, with their extremely heavy hand over them - controlling them to within an inch of their lives - as not something to be either admired or emulated.  And both sides would have a positive aspect to their positions, and a drawback.

I don’t want to get into that particular issue in this blog.  Here, I want to address the general issue of families.  And to ‘frown,’ as it were, on the modern phenomenon in our culture of single mother ‘families’.  Which deprives the children, and especially the young boys, of a father figure, to help them weather the rite of passage into adulthood.  And which also deprives the father of the learning experience of taking responsibility for his actions, and gaining maturity himself by being a mature role model to and for his offspring.  But the particular problem, in that cultural situation, being that the boy-child then turns to the likes of street gangs, to help him in his development.  The  result, often: feral young boys.

The statists behind the development of the phenomenon - in succeeding in getting the country to pay single females to have babies, and pay them to raise them to ’adulthood’ - would want the children to be subjected to their indoctrination centers, called schools, for their upbringing, in the ways that the statists want them brought up.  Terrible stuff.  Not fair.  Either to the children.  Or to the society.*

We have been warned about all this sort of thing, in the likes of Orwell’s ‘1984,’ and Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World'.  What has happened that we have ignored the warning signals??

Answer: Our educational system has been taken over by the statists.  For many years.

And a key feature of that ‘education’ has been from Marxists; and especially those of the ‘Frankfurt School,’ who have succeeded in planting and cultivating the idea into society that there is no objective reality; that all is subjective, and relative.  Which attitude - together with the financial power of TPTB - has given them carte blanche to take over the educational systems, and turn their product - largely; thankfully, not entirely - into automatons; ready for their implants, to turn them into actual transhumans.


Are YOU ready for that Brave New World?  And to have your children be primed for it?? 

Welcome to 

the threshold

of a New Era.

A negative one.

Or a positive one.

Your choice.

While you still have one.

As for the American family, and the American family home:

If the government were on my shoulders, I would -

a) See that there would be no more elections until each state’s voter registration rolls had been certifiably cleansed of all ineligible voters (including duplicates/multiples), and kept that way, and that the elections were conducted in a fair and impartial manner, including with the need for photo ID and a paper trail, and no electronic voting machines to be used (unless they can be guaranteed to be tamper-proof); and

b) Give all people who are in this country illegally fair notice to vacate our premises before they would face deportation.  If they wish to come back by way of the front door, they would be allowed to, on an individual vetting basis.  But if they had committed any crimes here over and above the original one of breaking and entering our home,
     No mas.  

A lot of this sort of corruption will be cleaned up anyway, via natural processes.  The natural processes of The New, here, on this planet in the process of Going Up.  All corruption to be wrung out of our national, and individual, processes, as part of that Ascension process.

I may not have the quote quite correct; but some advanced incarnate soul has been reported as having said something like ‘You belch what you eat’.  I think the point is something like, ‘You live on the level that you resonate to, that you can relate to’.  In sum: The intensity of the Light in the higher realms than this current 3D one is too strong for those who are not ready for it.  

May you be ready for    

the Harvesting; in the fuller Light of

the New Day.

* I am not enamored by the idea of ‘the state’ raising the children for another reason as well: Your children are ‘yours’ karmically.  There are reasons that you have attracted those particular souls to you.  Important reasons.  Educative reasons.  For you.  And for them.


P.S. I see that an Obama-appointed federal judge, in California, has blocked the addition of a question regarding citizenship status on the upcoming Census questionnaire form, on the basis that the Commerce Secretary (which department conducts the Census, scheduled for 2020), didn’t give a good enough reason for adding it.  Even though such a question has been on the Census form before; and makes eminent sense, to determine the precise status of residents in this country. 
     To U.S. District Judge Richard Seeborg of the Northern District of California (whose ruling has been upheld by the notorious 9th Circuit; another story), I say: 
     And your days on that bench are numbered anyway.  For being an Obama-appointed judge.  Who will be stripped of your position, once Justice returns to this country.
     In my form.  If no one else’s.    
     However it happens, ultimately you nation-overthrowers - you erstwhile nation-wreckers - are going DOWN.


P.P.S. Further on the immediately-above issue, of people trying to overthrow ‘my’ American family:
from ‘AP: Omar furor reflects intensifying national debate over Israel’ - David Crary - March 10
(Muslim new member of the House Ilhan Omar drawing much flak from the Usual Suspects for her anti-Israel remarks - NOT ‘anti-Semitic,’ as is attempted to be categorized - over the Palestinian issue, but getting support for it even from some Jews.  And the beat - especially in our universities; and involving as well the BDS movement - goes on.
This may not end well.  Unless we do, indeed, move into
The New.) 

Stan says:

An excellent article. Thanks for the even hand, David.

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