In my last blog I talked about you - you - being, in your essence, a fractal of The One. I call on you to start acting like it. And join me in cleaning up this mess, that has been made/created in order for us to clean it up, and impart our ‘fractal’ (and now with the addition of Ascension) energy to it in doing so. The energy of
speaking Truth to Power. The Power of the Dark side. Which has ruled on this planet long enough.
What will that New Era look like.
First things first. Which is to deal with old business first. One aspect of which:
from ‘Headlines and Updates for March 11, 2019: It’s About to Get Real [videos]’ - March 11
(It contained a brief video post from The Patriot Hour guy discussing bg to the question that BHO was not a NBC. A good, fairly comprehensive article on the subject was read - in parts - onscreen.
The gal behind this site - a Canadian living in Arizona - does a good job of covering the bases. Highly recommended.)
kibitzer3 says:
For the record, for your readership: The definition of a NBC at the time that it was made an eligibility requirement in the Constitution for the office of POTUS (for which there is considerable historical evidence) is: a person “born in the country, of parents who are citizens”. It is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’. (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212. Look it up. It’s right here, on the Internet. Although the way things are going, in the hands of the totalitarians, it may not be for long.)
Let me get this all out onto the record here. Besides the above, the facts in this ‘matter’ include the fact that both major political parties and in both houses of Congress tried a total of eight times between them, between 2003 and ’08 alone, to get constitutional amendments regarding the eligibility requirements for the office of the presidency going through Congress, all of which had this particular issue as their common denominator - and they failed each time even to get their proposals out of committee, such was the sensitivity around this particular issue. So; number one: THEY KNEW. And know. The truth of the matter.
So, what did they do?
It’s obvious what they did. They colluded. In the 2008 elections; thus allowing the illegal candidate of the Democrat Party, Barack Hussein Obama, a free ride, which carried him all the way into the Oval Office. Whether some of their people met in a smoke-filled room to hash out details of a deal or not, the gist of the matter that came out of the collusory process was the Republican Party rep(s) saying: ‘We won’t say anything about your candidate on this, er, issue if you won’t say anything about any of ours on this, er, issue that we may put up in the future.’ Which the Repubs in fact ended up doing. In the 2016 primaries.(1) With a number of non-eligible candidates, on this precise issue, among them. Including Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Rick Santorum. (And I think Bobby Jindal isn’t a NBC either, but I don’t know his birth details offhand.) And so, both major political parties of our day need to be taken to court, on RICO-statute charges, tried for the record, found guilty as sin, fined, dissolved, snd their major authorities sent to prison.(2)
Now, to the issues at hand. Which list includes follow-on to this one; namely:
the failure of the Congress to act properly in the matter, of BHO’s ineligibility for the office. As a co-equal branch of the federal government, they had as much right and responsibility to act in that constitutional matter as the judicial branch. It failed in its duty. Therefore, it needs to be censured, as an entity, and dissolved as well, until such time as new representatives of The People can be elected - in an electorally cleansed system way, as I have dealt with before in these pages.(3)
Far-reaching effects, these sorts of corrupt practices.
For us to get - really get -
the lesson - the major lesson - that
actions have consequences.
There is more. Much more. In the setting of things to rights. In this country. And the world. Including in particular the monetary and financial system that we will operate under.
But you get
the idea.
(1) I don’t know enough about the question regarding Mitt Romney, in the 2012 elections, to comment on his eligibility for the office or not. As I recall, it centered around whether his parents had to give up their U.S. citizenship to live in Mexico.
(2) And that would be a real, American Common Law court; not a Maritime/Admiralty Court. Which are going to be dissolved as well. As part and parcel of this cleaning-out to take place, at this Ascension time out of such corrupted environments.
(3) And with the stripping from the record of the illegal Obama two-term administrations, all of his appointments to the various executive-branch agencies and departments - and including to the SCOTUS, and all inferior courts - go with him. And all - all - of the decisions that they all figured in crucially. For it to be as though they had never been there.
For, they were never in their various positions legally. Under a, the,
rule of law.
Which we need to get crystal clean on. Before we can proceed further. Into
The New.
“It is time to release the past and evolve beyond the lower frequencies…Everything is in place from the 13th dimension on down to the 3rd. It is going to be a wild ride…Live the dream by stepping out of the nightmare.”
- James Gilliland
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