‘You said!’
‘I know, Jimmy, I know. But things have changed, that’s all.’
‘But you said!’
‘I know, I know. And I really meant it, at the time. Or, well, I wanted to mean it. Wanted to believe it. But, it just didn’t turn out the way I - we - wanted it to. Hey, listen, kid - things don’t always go in life the way you want them to. It’s a good lesson for you to learn.’
And for us all.
Speaking of like talking to children.
If I have - am given - anything to say about the matter, there will be no more elections in this country until the voter and electoral systems are cleaned up - completely.(1) That means:
* A Certified cleansing of the Voter Registration rolls. Checked against the likes of mailings to the persons at their listed addresses, to make sure that they are an actual person, living at an actual address; (quantum) computer check of Birth and Naturalization and Deceased records; duplicate names in different precincts and states; etc.
* No more Early Voting (which convenience is conveniently allowing people to vote more than once - which they reportedly are. See the evidence compiled by the likes of Judicial Watch);
* No more Absentee Ballot Voting (unless the names can be certified, as is the case with military personnel);
* No more Automatic Voter Registration scams;
* No more Same-Day Voter Registration;
* Only Certified personnel running the electoral process;
* No more electronic voting machines, unless they can become guaranteed against fraud (not likely), and thus a clear paper trail re-introduced;
* Mandatory exit polls, to guard against fraudulent vote counting; and above all:
* Photo Voter ID, obtained by showing a birth certificate. (A driver's license alone no longer sufficient, since some states have allowed illegal aliens to acquire them legally.)
ENOUGH of this ‘voter suppression’ crap. If you can’t identify yourself, you can’t vote. And we’ll go even to dipping a voter’s finger in purple dye, as they do in some banana republics, if we have to, to clean up this terrible and embarrassing mess, of a voting system in this country. That it has been allowed to become.
If you are going to behave like children, you need to be treated like children. In order for The People to have the 'civil right' of their vote to count. Not be diluted into mere appearances, by illegal voting. And a veritable flood of it, these uber dark days.
As dark as the reported last time of such a Flood.
This will all happen just as soon as Pres.Trump declares martial law, and invokes some particulars, and I take over the country. Here at the end of The Play. And the start of
The Real Thing.
Of course, I could be wrong.
We’ll see.
And if true, it will happen very, very soon.
it’s time.
And almost past.
I never realized quite how bad it had gotten in this country for example in the area of the media, mainstream and social, in censoring their political opposition - i.e., conservatives/constitutionalists, Christians, ‘anti-vaxxers’, ‘Climate Change deniers,’ etc. etc. - until I read last night where a major TV network has banned Chris Farrell, genial Director of Investigations and Research at the great bipartisan (but, because of the country’s circumstances, mostly from a conservative perspective) watchdog outfit the aforementioned Judicial Watch, from ever being interviewed on their news broadcasts again. His ‘crime’? He referred on ‘their’ air (a subject to be addressed) to the role that George Soros and his Open Society Foundation was playing in some area of the hijinks going on in the country. Which the TV management objected to. The excuse used?
You heard it right. Because, you see - if you didn’t know - George Soros is a Jew. And so, referring to George Soros in a critical way might - get this - “offend” some viewers.
You can’t make this stuff up.(2)
What is this country coming to.
My answer:
Its wrap. Just not the way that the Dark side wanted it to be.
Who have been part of a Process.
To catch our consciences. And deliver us back to
alignment with the Will of our Creator.
Not the little wills of men.
Especially not that of those who have lost their way and have gotten stuck in the thicket of life.
And have meant to entrap the rest of us in their lost state of being.
We were once lost.
And now
have been found.
Rejoice in the fact.
Deliverance is at hand.
(1) And that means both state and federal elections. All American citizens must be treated equally. Their 'civil rights' as citizens are violated - by the likes of voter fraud - in local and state elections just as much as in federal elections.
Give me the reins and there will be NO MORE in-effect disenfranchisement of American citizens, as I experience in my home county of Los Angeles in California; where, according to the L.A. County Voter Registrars Office themselves - a county notorious for having been flooded with illegal aliens over the Democrat-controlled years - they don’t clean the voter registration rolls. Why not? Because - get this - “People sign up on penalty of perjury”. Yes; as indeed should well be the case. And so? That’s it??!
That’s it.
No more.
(2) Whoever said it (although it is in the anti-authoritarian spirit of Voltaire, it is not actually from him), it is apt:
‘To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.’
P.S. I referred to the TV network in question as operating on ‘their’ air. Which is actually the public’s airwaves. And which, then, makes them subject to Open Forum and anti-trust legislation.
Which will be applied in the instance.
In the stopping of this crap about speech not being allowed that might ‘offend’ somebody.
Welcome to a free country, gang. Which means:
You are welcome to leave your authoritarian ways elsewhere.
Say, in Huxley’s Brave New World??
Which is decidedly not the New World that we are facing now.
Which, I realize, is going to be quite a shock to some.
Especially amongst the Dark side players amongst us.
Who are going to have to release their roles, in the Drama that has been going on.
Or go down with
their pirate ship.
Who have been attempting to board and take over this ship for a long time.
This flagship of the fleet of nation states, now sailing into
the Light-filled
New World.
Light Workers:
All hands on deck.
‘Man’ your stations.
We have work to do.
A work for
the Ages.
And this new Age in particular.