Sunday, 31 March 2019

America, the Beautiful

America, The Beautiful

I woke up this day
With a message.
And accordingly:

I claim this country
For the Light.
All darkness must recede
From within her borders;
And be held at bay
                    by warriors
       The Light.
So: Lightworkers:
We have a work to do.
   A marvelous work 
     and a wonder,
       as it were.


The largely unfettered energy
Of capitalism, in conjunction
With other key elements
Of Western Civilization
Like Christianity, generated
               a reaction
          in the form of
Atheistic communism,
           coming out of
The East.  Out of
The two sides of
That equation 
Will be born
A Synthesis, composed
Of elements of both positions.
And the best of both:
               the dignity
               and sanctity
Of the individual - 
                  for being
  ‘a spiritual being having
   a human experience’ -
 On the one hand, and
A greater degree of cooperation -
    over the inherently
     abrasive element
      of competition -
On the other.  

We Are All One now, here
          at the end of 
The Great Unfoldment. 
Let us grow up
           and into
Our intrinsic nature,
       reflecting it
Into our environment
         and in



       At long

    And may it

    As long as
       a long


Saturday, 30 March 2019

The Way...

        The Way

The way that these things go
It wouldn’t be surprising
                      to know
     that a beauty
     in one incarnation
          is a dud
          in another

         each way

      The Way


     The Truth

So the far Left - having taken over the Democrat Party, and still feeling its oats even after the setback to its agenda by the exoneration of President Trump by the Mueller investigation (and the Senate and House investigations on the same issue before that; and in point of fact, their uncovering enough evidence to now go more deeply into the Hillary Clinton campaign’s collusion with the Russians to affect the outcome of the 2016 elections.  Which was obviously what was behind the deflective projection onto Trump, via the power of the bought-and-paid-for MSM, in the first place) - wants the government, as part of its agenda, and under the cover of an ‘Equality Act’ far beyond anything of that nature ever imagined by the Founding Fathers of this nation, not just, for example, to order Christian charities to hire staff who don’t share (and may possibly even subvert) their values, but to order Christian churches specifically to hire LGBTQ+ pastors.  But then, why not, I guess.  As long as you are into totalitarian - and relativist - thinking, why let anything like common sense get in your way???…

…which leads me to say:

    Nary A Day Goes By
     In Offense of Truth

Nary a day goes by
That I am not assaulted by
        an affront to
        my sensibilities.
                               To say:
I am deeply offended        
               at and by
All the trashing of Truth
That is going on
In this country
In this dark day.
It is as deep a wounding
As though I take it

If you feel the same way:
          Follow me


           The New

           and away
       from apostasy.

      And I don't mean
       from Christianity
               per se.

This Isn't Kansas, Toto

1.  I see that the last social media platform that would 'have' Alex Jones, Instagram, has taken him down.  The charge?  Having written a column that someone commented on in a light unfavorable to the mgt.  Come again?  You heard it right.  Jones posted an article, to which someone replied in a way that the mgt took as being 'anti-Semitic,' and so Jones was banned.  Because - here comes the new wrinkle on Big Brother's hold on us  - Jones is, quote, "a hate figure".
     It can't be long now...

2. I see a report on another case where Child Protective Services has gone too far, and took a young family's children away from them, on flimsy charges.  What is this sort of thing all about??
     Some people called 'child advocates' got into the act some years ago, under false pretenses.  The real agenda:
     a) The NWO crowd want to stop our children from growing up under the control of their parents, who might be Christians, bringing their kids up to be good Christians, which is anathema to the satanists feeling their power these dark days;
     b) who want the children to be the charges of the state, so that they can create their Big State, a la the former USSR or Red China (which is why the moves towards mandatory vaccination programs going on right now: to usurp the role of the parent; plus, to 'chip' us cattle); and
     c) there is a thriving business going on, of both the federal govt making payments for each child seized (kind of like the nifty business regarding for-profit prisons,the proceeds being split with the judges), and regarding child sex trafficking.
     I can feel them going down now......

3.  An old familiar 'gripe':

from ‘Why the Jussie Smollett Case looks like a Cover-Up to protect Kamala Harris’ - Tyler S. Farley - Harris March 28
 (On evidence that K Harris was a friend of both Smollett AND the Cook County prosecutor in the case, and it may have come out that she was involved in the caper, to advance her bill to outlaw lynching in this country.   She is not a NBC for having had parents who were not citizens of this country at the time of her birth.)

Kevin J Lankford says:

The point is; birth place alone does not determine the “jurisdiction” of ones citizenship, or ones allegiance. That is national law. Clearly one born of parents with differing citizenship will have conflicted allegiance, with birth on soil foreign to both parents only a further complication of loyalty. That is the whole purpose for “Natural Born Citizen” being a requirement in our Constitution. To insure un-conflicted allegiance as best as possible, not being able to positively ensure against treason it self.

There is only one source our founders could have derived the very :term” with its clear definition, of which they were all undeniably well familiar. That is the “Law of Nations” by Emmerich de Vattell. obama was elected through a massive scam that took advantage of dumbed down masses and lying pundits claiming expertise.


Willy says:

I have no dispute re Obama….who knows where that mongrel was born. But KH was born in the US…CA, I think…
The Constitution directly addresses the minimum qualifications necessary to serve as President. In addition to requiring thirty-five years of age and fourteen years of residency, the Constitution limits the presidency to “a natural born Citizen.” All the sources routinely used to interpret the Constitution confirm that the phrase “natural born Citizen” has a specific meaning: namely, someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth with no need to go through a naturalization proceeding at some later time. And Congress has made equally clear from the time of the framing of the Constitution to the current day that, subject to certain residency requirements on the parents, someone born to a U.S. citizen parent generally becomes a U.S. citizen without regard to whether the birth takes place in Canada, the Canal Zone, or the continental United States.


Stan says:

You are not listening to KJL. The whole POINT of the exercise of requiring a candidate for the office of the presidency to be a ‘natural born’ citizen, rather than just a citizen, was to make sure that the occupant of that office – who would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces (a key factor in the eyes of the constitutional Framers) – had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S. (in this case). And this is confirmed by the to-some inconvenient historical fact that Alexander Hamilton, as a delegate to the C’l Convention proceedings, made a proposal that the president need only be, quote, “born a Citizen” – and his proposal was SPECIFICALLY TURNED DOWN, in favor of the more stringent category of citizen, i.e., one born “in the country, of parents who are citizens”. The quote being from the source that KJL referred to; which was the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters.

And that’s why BHO wasn’t eligible, either. And when Truth and Justice are finally served in this country, all of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.’s and P..D.’s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made – including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts – will go with him. Into the trash bin For it to be as though he had never been there. For, he was never there legally.


Truth and Justice, anyone else????????????

It is certainly time - and almost past - for both.

Friday, 29 March 2019

It Is Really Time

Last night I started reading online a long dissertation as to why a certain person might be ‘the anti-Christ,’ the well-meaning author citing voluminous sources, from within both the ‘Old Testament’ and the so-called New Testament and from later on historically by various ‘Church fathers’. And I gave up.  

It really is time for some clear thinking on this subject.  The subject of Christianity, in general, and in certain aspects of it in particular.

Stop and think, folks.  Your parents did not create your soul.  They ‘created’ - brought together the pieces for - the physical vessel through which your soul could operate in this realm.  As we change our roles in The Drama, for its educative value.  And there goes the idea that a holy man two thousand years ago ‘died for your sins’.  

Who is ‘you’?  Certainly not your present incarnation.  As the Psychosynthesis school of ‘personal development’ teaches:

‘You have a body.  But you are not your body.’  

You are so much more.  Including being a god in the making.

Going to school.  For that purpose.  Here.  And later on, elsewhere.

And not so far ‘later on’ as one might think.  Given the degree of identity solely with one’s daily self as so many humans have so obviously now fallen into.

As in a trap.  

More later.  I just needed to get this off my chest.

‘This.’   My concern, as to what Christians - for all their good intentions, and excellent works in the world, and standing for the dignity of the individual as opposed to the oppression of the state - might lead the world into.  

In the way of self-fulfilling prophecy.

Bottom line:

You need to ‘save’ yourself.

No one is going to do it for you.

That’s why you



There's Hope Yet

In a recent blog I spoke critically of Western Medicine.  Case in point.

In my daily pile of mail I have received another mailing from an outfit called City of Hope.  I have known about this outfit for 64 years.  They have been in business for 105 years.  Long known for their treatment for, and ‘research’ into, cancer, I note from their letter that they have expanded their operations to include treatment for, and ‘research’ into, diabetes.  To these sorts of outfits, ‘research’ always seems to mean research not into causes, and thus into possible prevention, but into drug treatment for the condition.  Else they would go out of business.  And they are not in business to go out of business.(1)

And synchronistically enough, I have also received in my daily digest another mailing from an outfit called the Sioux Nation Relief Fund,(2) whose mailing included a copy of their ‘2019 Member Newsbrief,’ the main story in which is about ‘Dialysis On The Rez,’ featuring the story of a Native American woman who lost a leg due to “complications from diabetes”.  Which condition apparently (from other mailings that I have received from other NA sources) is rampant on various reservations.  Where what goes on - the same as with us Other Americans - is to “help [them] manage their diabetes”.

It has all prompted me to go to my health bible, Adelle Davis’s ‘Let’s Get Well,’ and refresh my memory on knowledge about this condition, which information - to the public, from this source at least - is now some 53 years old.  Ah yes - here it is.  Under a whole chapter on Diabetes:  

“Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, makes it possible for sugar (glucose) to enter the cells to be converted into energy or, if not needed immediately, to be changed into glycogen (body starch) or fat; and insulin is also necessary before stored fat can be used.  In diabetes the insulin supply becomes inadequate, presumably the result of a damaged pancreas.

“When too little vitamin B6 (pyridoxin) is obtained, an essential amino acid from complete proteins, tryptophane, is not used normally; instead it is changed into a substance known as xanthurenic acid.  If animals are deficient in vitamin B6, xanthurenic acid in the blood becomes so high that it damages the pancreas within 48 hours and diabetes is produced.  The blood sugar rises far above normal, and excessive sugar (glucose) spills into the urine…” etc. etc.

This information, as I say, was first published in 1966.  To the public.  The research that it was based on of course predated that time period.  So, for a good long while, they have known.  

‘They’.  Western medicine.

Go figure.

And I also note that the American Cancer Society, which raises oodles of money at least in part on their announced attempt to find ‘a cure for cancer,’ has a patent on a drug for the treatment of cancer.

As I say.

But hey -

there’s hope yet.

Although it will come from a different source.

And for a different reason.

P.S. And tryptophane, aka tryptophan, is a precursor to serotonin, the ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitter.  If tryptophan levels are lowered by this sort of biochemical process - i.e., the ‘for-want-of-a-nail’ consequences of low vitamin B6 levels - the serotonin levels are of necessity lowered.  But hey - Western medicine has all sorts of goodies to sell you for that sort of condition.  Many of which have terrible side effects.  Including murderous outcomes.  But that’s modern medicine for you…
     It is just as well that I didn’t go on with my medical-school ambitions.  I would never have fit into that paradigm, and would have wasted a lot of time and money finding that out.


(1) Not to deny the value of good palliative care.
   Different strokes for different folks.

(2) I say ‘another’ in these references because I have sent therm all requests to please take me off their mailing lists, for no longer having the discretionary income to continue to give them donations.  But many of these sorts of outfits seem not to be set up to respond in that manner, apparently leave it to their computer to tell them how many times a person on their mailing list has failed to respond to their numerous requests for donations.  But then, since I have found recently that many people in this country can no longer read writing, from not having been taught to read and write cursively, even if my notes to this effect were scanned by a human, that human may well not know what in hell - in a circle of hell - I had attempted to communicate with them anyway.  In these enlightened times.

The Art Of The Deal

I referred in my last blog to the “former presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin”.  I have just watched him read an open letter, which he paid to place as a full-page ad in his state of Montana’s capital-city newspaper this past weekend, regarding legislation undergoing hearings this past week in the federal Senate Judiciary Committee (under its chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham) on newly proposed gun confiscation federal laws (so-called ‘red flag’ laws).  

It is draconian legislation.  Nation takeover stuff.  And he fears that Pres. Trump, if it passes the (highly compromised) Senate, and is sent to the House - where it would undoubtedly pass, with that chamber’s majority of New World Order leftists - would sign it, buckling under the carefully planned and plotted public pressure, as enhanced by the NWO-controlled and double-standard MSM, in the wake of the New Zealand shooting.

Things are coming to a head in this country.

Pastor Baldwin’s Open Letter - “to Legislators, Judges, and Lawmen” - is, er, ‘extremely’ commendable.

I endorse this message.

And if there were going to be any further elections in this country, I would encourage Pastor Baldwin to run again for that office.  But I doubt that that state of affairs is on the agenda.

The agenda of a bigger Will than ours. 

And speaking of that, and of Pres.Trump.   

After reading Pastor Baldwin’s online article of this week on some background to Pres. Trump’s moves regarding the state of Israel, I fear that Pres. Trump, as good and honorable a man as he is, and as having sacrificed so much personally to take on that job, is too conflicted to be able to see this operation through to its natural conclusion. 

I can hear a conversation now:

‘I understand that you have been badmouthing me.  Listen, friend, and perhaps learn something about the world of politics: I had to do it, to get elected.’

‘I understand.’

‘ - What?’

‘I understand.  And I’ll take over now.’


‘That’s the deal.’


As part of how ‘bad’ it has gotten - to say, more precisely: how full-headed - I see in my daily mail that Tom DeWeese, of his American Policy Center, is keeping a good close eye on the machinations that started under the Usurper’s administration to establish a base of operations in this country of UN troops under something called the ’Strong Cities Network,’ whereby city mayors - artfully maneuvered into control by the NWO crowd - will call on the UN to re-establish control after clashes begin between the NWO cannon fodder and patriots.  The latter of whom have been all set up for being labeled ‘extremists’ and ‘potential domestic terrorists,’ engaged in ‘Right Wing Violence’ and ‘Far Right Extremism’ - naturally, in reaction to orchestrated provocations by the NWO crowd.  To kick in any day now.  With the Department of Homeland Security likewise ‘conflicted,’ by having bought into the Southern Poverty Law Center’s ‘take’ on who needs to be watched and taken down in this country.  In a word: the patriots.  (In a few more words: conservatives, Christians, and ‘’white nationalists’.)  Because the SPLC is about as far Left as you can get, and still operate within the law.   

And tell us, Pres. Trump: Why have you allowed your DHS to be so compromised, by accepting such tainted material into their reports, and perspective??  And allowed them to amass such a huge amount of weaponry and ammo as quietly took place under the Usurper???  

This all being why the Left is trying, in a heated-up way now - and as orchestrated by the 4 a.m. drops from the CIA as to the main talking points for the day, and as appears on the teleprompters of our talking heads - to take away the guns of patriots, as they make their more overt moves now to take over the country.

My country.

And to all of which I say:

Hands.  Off.

There is a different outcome that is going to take place, than is dreamt of in your philosophy.


And learn.

It’s not the end of The Play because I and others like me are here.  We are here because it’s the end of The Play.

And the beginning of

The Real Thing.

As we begin to move up energetically into our real, to say (ultimately) Light, bodies.

And get on with

the Purpose


The Whole Thing.

Not just parts of it any longer.

Because that’s

the deal.

Thursday, 28 March 2019

Calling It As It Is

Like many of us, I’m sure, I have felt that now that Pres. Trump is more in control, with the Barrier that was the Mueller Investigation now out of the way, he will guide us out of our Dark (provisional) Place, and all will be well, as we start moving more directly towards our Next Steps, as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience,’ and about to engage in some transcending - to move out of the controlling energy of our 3D human being selves, and on up the spiral stairway towards our 5D bodies of Light.(1)  But that was to assume that - as it appeared - Trump was his own man, in charge of his own being.

Apparently, not so.  

Apparently, there is a factor beyond his control.  Regarding who is in control of him.  

According to the latest online offering by (former presidential candidate) Chuck Baldwin, “billionaire benefactor” and “casino magnate” Sheldon Adelson not only donated $25 million to the Trump campaign.  But he and his wife “gave $82 million to Republicans and candidate Trump” in 2016.  And thus bought some property.  Which turned into a U.S. presidential declaration of Jerusalem as the “true” capital of israel.  And a presidential position of not opposing Israel’s expansionist policies in the West Bank.  And a withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal.(2)  And has now turned into a presidential declaration - at a key time supporting Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu in his run for his life, against being turfed out of his office in upcoming elections and against criminal charges - in support of the Golan Heights being under the “sovereignty” of the state of israel.

Which is contrary to international law.

Is in reality occupied territory.

Dear President Trump:

The American people did not elect you to be the state of Israel’s water boy in the Oval Office.*

Thank you for your excellent services to this nation, in general.

Now please declare a state of martial law.  And announce NESARA.

And step down, at this New Beginning.  And I will take over now.  As this nation leads the fleet of nation states into a New World.

Far above such tawdry episodes of pure politics, as you have allowed yourself to be cornered into.

P.S. I understand that you sent your VP and your Secretary of State to appear at the AIPAC’s annual conference, where SoS Mike Pompeo had the audacious gall to say to that crowd:

“My friends, let me go on record: Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.”

Secretary of State Pompeo, President Trump; let mo go on record as replying:


I will go further, and call it more precisely what it is:


* Wrong kind of Water Bearer, Donald.


(1) Regarding which change we are, or at least many are, experiencing strong physical/emotional change symptoms; as would be befitting such a major transition.  And including, purportedly, a transition first from our basic carbon-based system to a crystalline base.  In any event: Much change afoot.  As it were.

(2) Which needed to happen anyway; being one of the Usurper’s acts in office that need to go with him into the trash bin.
     When Truth and Justice are finally served in this country.

Schools Of Thought

As a Junior at Stanford U, and about the time that I received word of my acceptance into its Medical School starting the following year - subject to finishing my current year’s course of study; which I never did (another story) - I remember well glancing through an article in a magazine at the campus general store that was about a new treatment for stomach ulcers coming into vogue (and onto the market).  The ‘treatment’ was to cut the vagus nerve leading to the stomach; so that ‘nerves’ could no longer cause the problem.  Simple; right?  Wrong.  Even at that tender age and stage of my education I knew that that approach to such a matter was terribly, well, wrong.  The same as one becoming an aspirin junkie for constant headaches, say.  One should get to the underlying cause of the condition, which is, of course, only a symptom, of an underlying cause.  I feel that that chance occasion, of reading that article, and coming to that conclusion, was a signal to me, of what was coming next on my life’s journey: I became a dropout from the conveyor belt that I was on into Western medicine. Which obviously had its priorities all wrong.  From having surrendered, along with its medical-schools’s curriculums, to drug-oriented ‘medicine’.  Not true medicine.  That is to say, medicine based on the truisms ‘hit on’ by Hippocrates, those so many centuries ago, now; to wit:

'First, Do No Harm'; and

'Let your Food be your Medicine and your Medicine be your Food.'*

I point this out for two reasons.  One: We, in our day now - my personal anecdote goes back to 1955 - are experiencing the consequences of the West’s approach to ‘medicine’ in the huge numbers of the likes of cancer going on in our Western culture, and continuing to grow, from our having failed to deal with the underlying causal factors of it, and ill health in general.  After all this time, we still haven’t ‘got it’.  And ‘it’ includes the underlying cause as to why we haven’t ‘got it’ about health:


There is no money - in an interest-bearing money and fractional-reserve banking system - in people being well.  Only in people being sick.  Because of the monetary system that we labor under.

With its debt money.  Keeping us constantly in debt.  

To our erstwhile masters.

Who figured this all out a long time ago.

And seduced us, into their way of thinking.

That ‘money’ - and the making of money - was essentially the point of life.

Was what ‘made the world go ’round’.

Hardly.  But to continue.

The other reason that I pointed this out was to get to the other thing that we ‘still haven’t got’.  But then, it has taken me awhile to ’get it,’ too.  So, no judgments, on this one.  (As I have in the other thing that we have failed to ‘get’.  Which should have been at least undergraduate stuff.)  To wit:

I am learning to ‘get,’ more and more, that we are in - that this is - a simulation.

That the movie The Matrix was on to something.

The subject no longer seems quite as preposterous to me as when I first came across it; which was, as I recall (other than general musings by thinkers many years ago, that I came across when I first started out on my journey of discovery about such things), when I read a book a few years ago by the always interesting Brit author (unfortunately now deceased) Colin Wilson, on ’Unexplained Mysteries’ or some such title.  In one of his chapters in it he told the story of a young Brit who was looking out of a window of a home in the British countryside one day idly watching a groundskeeper chopping wood, when all of a sudden he realized - and there’s a good word for you in the English language - that he was hearing the chopping of the axe before he was seeing it happen, in ‘reality’.  The realization, according to the story, led him ultimately to being able to fly in and out of the upstairs windows of the homes of friends.

Actually, it wasn’t quite as ‘preposterous’ an anecdote to me as I have made it sound here.  I have long had an open mind as to what is going on in our world.  In large part, fueled by evidences that our MSM has been misleading us as to events for years.  And long before the apparent hoodwinking of us about the Man on the Moon business.  Which appears to have been, in ’reality,’ simply a trick, played - by NASA with the support of the CIA Mockingbird Media assets?? - in order to make the Soviets think that it wouldn’t be worth their while to try to get to the moon first, to gain that prestige for the Communists, after ‘the West’ lost ‘the race to space’ with the Soviets putting up in orbit their Sputnik basketball.  And so, what else have we been lied to; or at least, been misinformed about?  Besides the ’obligatory’ false flag ops (mostly designed to get our weapons of self-defense away from us, for our takeover by our erstwhile masters, for the advent of their totalitarian New World Order): Outer space itself?  The precise nature of our Moon??  And of our Sun; and if there are in actual fact more than one of those???

The list goes on.  Of questions, about our ‘reality’.  And not just about actual facts within it.

I’ll wrap this blog up with a relatively quick (and perhaps not totally satisfying) conclusion.  To wit:

I can’t do ‘it’ - pull you out of your darkness - for you.  But when you rise to the occasion, and it is your victory, to celebrate, know that I, like many others from higher realms (call us ‘the team’), have come down into this creation - this construct, this facsimile, this verisimilitude, this simulacrum; this classroom - to set a standard, and hold Humanity to it.  In occupying, now - for those who are ready to move on, and Up - a higher rung up the spiral stairway to the heavens.  A standard, of Truth, and Justice, and other such high-energy qualities.

As I said in a recent blog: 

Let the Light shine forth with little or no blockage.  It’s time to leave the classroom behind, and graduate into a -

the - 

New Day.

* And synchronistically enough, I see that a new, seven-part series is now debuting on the Internet about Eastern Medicine.  Emphasizing this very point.
   Check it out.  It should be highly informative.
   And that's what life is all about.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

On Making Stuff Up

You really can’t make this stuff up.

Hillary Clinton in the presidential debates for the 2016 election, when candidate Trump failed to guarantee “that he wouldn’t uncritically accept the outcome or give up his right to challenge the results”:

“‘It was horrifying,’ Clinton thundered, ‘what he said on the debate stage tonight. Our country has been around for 240 years, and . . . one of our hallmarks has always been we accept the outcome of our elections.’ This civic piety was immediately followed after the election by Clinton, the Democrats, the FBI, the DOJ, and most of the left-wing media refusing to accept the outcome of the election, and ginning up preposterous conspiracy theories about Russian ‘collusion.’”

The quotes are from ‘The Fallout From The Mueller Report: The dire urgency for an investigation into the investigation’ by Bruce Thornton - March 26 - at David Horowitz’s FrontPage Mag, a product of Horowitz’s Freedom Center.  Thornton goes on, insightfully:

“The Democrats’ behavior eerily evokes comments made by two Soviet secret police thugs. Stalin’s chief of the secret police, Lavrentiy Beria, famously said, “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” From the moment in 2015 Donald Trump rode down the golden escalator in Trump Tower to announce his candidacy, he has been the “man” whom the progressives have  pursued and for whom they have created the “crime.” Earlier in 1918, Felix Dzerzhinsky, founder of the Cheka, the first of the Soviet era’s secret police agencies, set out the communists’ modus operandi: “We are not waging war against individual persons. We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class.” Substitute “conservatives” for “bourgeoisie” and you can see the intent of the progressives. It’s not just about Trump, though their class prejudices and bitter resentment feed their hatred. It’s really about those who uphold the political philosophy, enshrined in the Constitution, that for a century has resisted the progressives’ aggrandizement of power and control in order to fulfill their vision of ‘social justice.’

“Going forward, we will see the Democrat-controlled House, egged on by the media, abuse its investigative powers to continue their desperate search for something, anything upon which to build yet another false narrative of Trump’s and the Republicans’ evil. Indeed, we’ve already had a foretaste of things to come in the extremist antics of the new generation of Democrats like socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and in the rush of old-school Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden to prostitute themselves to these Jacobins.

“This brings us to perhaps the most important consequence of the sorry spectacle of the Mueller investigation. The leftist “mantra” of “any means necessary” embraced by Democrats now includes the corruption of agencies armed with enormous power to surveil, investigate, subpoena, and arrest with lethal force American citizens, in gross violation of their Constitutional rights.

“Strong evidence suggest that this abuse of federal police and investigative powers started with Obama, the same Obama who in 2004 said of the Patriot Act, “The act goes too far in violating our fundamental notions of privacy, thus seriously eroding the very ideals at the heart of our country’s greatness.” This is the same Obama who before he left office multiplied the number of deep-state functionaries allowed access to surveillance intelligence, which led to illegal leaks. And this is the same Obama who did nothing about the clear evidence of Russian interference in our election until he could weaponize it to harm Donald Trump.

“With the example of their boss, is it any wonder that numerous FBI and DOJ functionaries violated their oath of office and turned their investigative and interrogation powers against U.S. citizens, powers that they wielded without oversight and, it seems so far, without accountability? And while NeverTrump hysteric Bret Stephens demands an apology from Mueller’s critics, what about demanding an apology from Mueller for the thuggish tactics he used in his investigation, like laying specious perjury traps, threatening Michael Flynn’s son, and going after the sexagenarian Roger Stone in a predawn raid by a 29-member heavily armed SWAT team? How about the millions of dollars that those caught up in Mueller’s inquisition had to spend to defend themselves and their reputations? All these tactics, more suitable for an investigation of violent gangsters, were aimed at bullying witnesses into rolling over on Donald Trump, probably because Mueller already knew he had nothing substantial on the president.

“And this is the most important takeaway from the investigation and its report: the unaccountable power that unscrupulous, unethical, and rabidly ambitious or egomaniacal prosecutors drunk on their own power can bring to bear against their fellow citizens. This problem, of course, predates the Mueller investigation. Remember Patrick Fitzgerald’s despicable hounding of Scooter Libby even as the prosecutor knew who had leaked CIA agent Valerie Plame’s name? And unless checked, this abuse of power will continue, and the present abuse be left as unpunished as Libby’s persecution has been.

“That’s why the Mueller report is not the end, but should be the beginning. We should hold those accountable who, entrusted with such power, abused it and the Constitution by meddling with a legitimate presidential election the results of which didn’t suit their ideological prejudices or careerist ambitions. As the Wall Street Journal’s Kimberly Strassel, who has been stellar in analyzing these abuses, writes,

“Americans now deserve a full accounting of the missteps of former FBI Director James Comey and his team—in part so that this never happens again. That includes the following: What “evidence” did the FBI have in totality? What efforts did the bureau take to verify it? Did it corroborate anything before launching its probe? What role did political players play? How aware was the FBI that it was being gulled into a dirty-trick operation, and if so, how did it justify proceeding? How intrusive were the FBI methods? And who was harmed?

“As Strassel suggests, step number one will be full disclosure of all FBI and DOJ documents related to the initial investigation that metastasized into the Russian collusion canard, so we can identify, investigate and prosecute the guilty men and women complicit in the soft, slow-motion coup d’état.

“Finally, we should remember that “democratic norms” and other obsessions over Trump’s personal style are not central to our Republic’s foundational principles that protect our political freedom. Two of the most important are the equality of all citizens before the law, and the accountability of government agency officials to the citizens whom they are supposed to serve. The compromising of both those principles is a necessary step for those who, like the current crop of Democrat presidential candidates, seek to dismantle that order and replace it with a regime that will move us even farther down the road to tyranny.”

And similar, telling-it-like-it-is coverage of what has been going on regarding the Trump presidency is contained in the current, March 18 issue of The New American magazine.*  A publication of The John Birch Society. 

Yes, I am a conservative.  On many issues.  Not all.  (As there is a Synthesis going on; not a zero-sum 'game'.)  I am against Big Ag and Big Pharma (actually the whole medical-pharmaceutical-government complex), and other arrogant corporate players in the American scene.  Who have been emulating the classic definition of fascism, i.e, a corporate-government complex.  I am thus as opposed to the far Right as I am the far Left.  Totalitarians, all.

Freedom.  Essential liberty.

May it ring out in this land.  And drown out those who are attempting to censor speech into oblivion, from their totalitarian perspectives.  

Disgusting stuff, that has been going on in this country, and especially in that censorship regard.

As I say:

For long enough.

* And pointing out in its cover story how the MSM basically ignored the conclusive findings of both the Senate Intelligence Committee and the House Intelligence Committee in their investigations into the (MSM’s) much ballyhooed claims of Trump-Russia Collusion, that there was none.  Period.
   ‘But wait!  We’ve still got the Mueller investigation going for us!  Bury that other stuff - Mueller is Our Man!  He’ll come through, and do the job, and get rid of Trump!’    
   Scurrilous stuff.  Dishonest as hell.
   The hell that we have been in, with these totalitarians in charge of our mainstream media, and social media, and education systems, and entertainment sector, for long enough.

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

But You Said!

‘You said!’

‘I know, Jimmy, I know.  But things have changed, that’s all.’

‘But you said!’

‘I know, I know.  And I really meant it, at the time.  Or, well, I wanted to mean it.  Wanted to believe it.  But, it just didn’t turn out the way I - we - wanted it to.  Hey, listen, kid - things don’t always go in life the way you want them to.  It’s a good lesson for you to learn.’

And for us all.

Speaking of like talking to children.

If I have - am given - anything to say about the matter, there will be no more elections in this country until the voter and electoral systems are cleaned up - completely.(1)  That means:

* A Certified cleansing of the Voter Registration rolls.  Checked against the likes of mailings to the persons at their listed addresses, to make sure that they are an actual person, living at an actual address; (quantum) computer check of Birth and Naturalization and Deceased records; duplicate names in different precincts and states; etc.  

* No more Early Voting (which convenience is conveniently allowing people to vote more than once - which they reportedly are.  See the evidence compiled by the likes of Judicial Watch);

* No more Absentee Ballot Voting (unless the names can be certified, as is the case with military personnel);

* No more Automatic Voter Registration scams;

* No more Same-Day Voter Registration;

* Only Certified personnel running the electoral process;

* No more electronic voting machines, unless they can become guaranteed against fraud (not likely), and thus a clear paper trail re-introduced; 

* Mandatory exit polls, to guard against fraudulent vote counting; and above all:

* Photo Voter ID, obtained by showing a birth certificate.  (A driver's license alone no longer sufficient, since some states have allowed illegal aliens to acquire them legally.)  

ENOUGH of this ‘voter suppression’ crap.  If you can’t identify yourself, you can’t vote.  And we’ll go even to dipping a voter’s finger in purple dye, as they do in some banana republics, if we have to, to clean up this terrible and embarrassing mess, of a voting system in this country.   That it has been allowed to become.   

If you are going to behave like children, you need to be treated like children.  In order for The People to have the 'civil right' of their vote to count.  Not be diluted into mere appearances, by illegal voting.  And a veritable flood of it, these uber dark days.

As dark as the reported last time of such a Flood.

This will all happen just as soon as Pres.Trump declares martial law, and invokes some particulars, and I take over the country.  Here at the end of The Play.  And the start of

The Real Thing.  

Of course, I could be wrong.

We’ll see.

And if true, it will happen very, very soon.


it’s time.

And almost past.


I never realized quite how bad it had gotten in this country for example in the area of the media, mainstream and social, in censoring their political opposition - i.e., conservatives/constitutionalists, Christians, ‘anti-vaxxers’, ‘Climate Change deniers,’ etc. etc. - until I read last night where a major TV network has banned Chris Farrell, genial Director of Investigations and Research at the great bipartisan (but, because of the country’s circumstances, mostly from a conservative perspective) watchdog outfit the aforementioned Judicial Watch, from ever being interviewed on their news broadcasts again.  His ‘crime’?  He referred on ‘their’ air (a subject to be addressed) to the role that George Soros and his Open Society Foundation was playing in some area of the hijinks going on in the country.  Which the TV management objected to.  The excuse used?



You heard it right.  Because, you see - if you didn’t know - George Soros is a Jew.  And so, referring to George Soros in a critical way might - get this - “offend” some viewers.

You can’t make this stuff up.(2)

What is this country coming to.    

My answer:          

Its wrap.  Just not the way that the Dark side wanted it to be.

Who have been part of a Process.  

To catch our consciences.  And deliver us back to 

alignment with the Will of our Creator.

Not the little wills of men.

Especially not that of those who have lost their way and have gotten stuck in the thicket of life. 

And have meant to entrap the rest of us in their lost state of being.

We were once lost.

And now

have been found.

Rejoice in the fact.

Deliverance is at hand.


(1) And that means both state and federal elections.  All American citizens must be treated equally.  Their 'civil rights' as citizens are violated - by the likes of voter fraud - in local and state elections just as much as in federal elections.
   Give me the reins and there will be NO MORE in-effect disenfranchisement of American citizens, as I experience in my home county of Los Angeles in California; where, according to the L.A. County Voter Registrars Office themselves - a county notorious for having been flooded with illegal aliens over the Democrat-controlled years - they don’t clean the voter registration rolls.  Why not?  Because - get this - “People sign up on penalty of perjury”.  Yes; as indeed should well be the case.  And so?  That’s it??!
   That’s it.
   No more.  

(2) Whoever said it (although it is in the anti-authoritarian spirit of Voltaire, it is not actually from him), it is apt:
   ‘To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.’

P.S. I referred to the TV network in question as operating on ‘their’ air.  Which is actually the public’s airwaves.  And which, then, makes them subject to Open Forum and anti-trust legislation.
     Which will be applied in the instance.
     In the stopping of this crap about speech not being allowed that might ‘offend’ somebody.
     Welcome to a free country, gang.  Which means:  
     You are welcome to leave your authoritarian ways elsewhere.
     Say, in Huxley’s Brave New World??
     Which is decidedly not the New World that we are facing now.
     Which, I realize, is going to be quite a shock to some.
     Especially amongst the Dark side players amongst us.
     Who are going to have to release their roles, in the Drama that has been going on.
     Or go down with
     their pirate ship.  
     Who have been attempting to board and take over this ship for a long time.
     This flagship of the fleet of nation states, now sailing into
     the Light-filled
     New World.
     Light Workers:
     All hands on deck.
     ‘Man’ your stations.
     We have work to do.
     A work for
     the Ages.
     And this new Age in particular.