Saturday 26 September 2009

Technology: Shiva or Brahma or Both

Ah, technology. According to the likes of Peter Joseph, he the maker of the interesting videos Zeitgeist and its Addendum (with Zeitgeist 3 coming up), and the man behind The Zeitgeist Movement (dot com), technology is our Savior. We don't need anything more than that, to move out of the old failing paradigm of interest-bearing money and scarcity consciousness, and into the Brave New World of robotics and 'a systems approach' to civilization. Good thinking going on here, though to my mind it has its limitations. Which I experienced metaphorically this evening, when tuning in to listen to his weekly radio blog and some pop-up or other interfered with my computer image, and in trying to swat the darn thing away I pressed some wrong button or other and lost the site, and in trying to pick up the radio feed where I had left off listening, I couldn't, and got further into a state of frustration. He may have a good point, but I'm not sure we're there yet...(and P.S. See Also in this line of thinking his partner in futuristic imaging, Jacque Fresco of Good stuff; but as I say, with limitations. Particularly in the area of ultimate motivation. It all appears to be merely a humanistic take on things. Not good enough, IMHO. For more on which, see below.)

The other part of the 'technology' subject to strike me this evening was that which supported the making-money-at-all-costs Masters of the Universe in wreaking their havoc on the international economic scene - and supports their apparent attempts now merely to pick up where they left off, with hardly a beat lost. Beautiful minds we have here...exemplified by the widespread belief in financial circles - at least from my take on observing the capitalist scene through many an email business newsletter - that the 'dollar destruction is coming' ('and what a great time to make money on that collapse! Sell! Sell!'). One of these e-newsletters - Moneynewscom, from 24/9 - had an article by one Dan Weil quoting a financial expert under the heading 'Faber: Choose Stocks over Bonds and Cash':

"Investment guru Marc Faber sees stocks outperforming cash and bonds as the Federal Reserve's massive monetary stimulus props up the U.S. economy." And then he starts to quote Faber:

"'When there is inflation in the system as defined by money supply growth and credit growth, you have currency weakness. Stocks can easily go higher."' [At this point I started thinking of a wolf licking a knife, growing weaker while he enjoys the taste of the blood, not realizing that it is his blood he is consuming; or if he does, that realization doesn't - can't? - cancel out the 'immediate gratification' satisfaction.] "'If you print the money, they can go anywhere."' [ At THIS point I started thinking of the last throes of the Weimar Republic in Germany, with wives reportedly meeting their husbands at the factory gates in order to rush their pay cheques to the bank before they went further into devaluation.]

"But ignoring U.S. debt burden isn't pretty," comments Weil; going back then to quoting Faber:

"'You just postpone the problem until the ultimate crisis happens. And that will happen one day.

"'I don't know whether it will be tomorrow, or in three years, five years, 10 years. But the next crisis will bring down the entire capitalist system."'

And in the meantime, keep licking the knife, for all it's worth?...

We can do better than this. But it will take some 'blue sky thinking' to do it. And not humanistic pie in that sky. That's on the same level as the theorizing behind communism/socialism - that people will do and be 'good' just because, well, because. And if they won't, we'll force them to. Because we'll all be better off if they do; don't they see that?

Maybe they do indeed see what you're saying. And they're not buying it.

People have to have a good, solid, meaningful reason to 'give of their best'.

And that's not dreamt of in the humanistic philosophy.

Well; it's dreamt of, there. But it's not grounded in reality, there. That's of the same materialistic belief, from communism, that someday 'the state will wither away'. Once the training wheels OF the state have finished their job, of indoctrinating the workers in the mental-malleable creation of the New Soviet Man.

Been there. Done that. No thanks.

No, folks. It's time for Ascension. Coming into our maturity, as 'spiritual beings having a human experience'.

And THUS the reason to do, and be, good. Because it has a purpose, beyond the merely material. Because by giving of our best, we advance ourselves on our spiritual paths, and the Whole in the process.

And that truth, combined with the level of technology that humanity has achieved, and the feedback we have seen from trashing the planet because of a short-sighted vision, of making money while the sun shines - of licking that knife for all it's worth, in the moment - is what makes it all possible.


In our time.

And thus can - will - technology become - after its Shiva stage, of causing breakdown in the current monetary system, and threatening more - its Brahma incarnation of the creative principle.

And THAT'S what will free us, here on terra firma; and to be able to explore our material universe. For there is no way we can start to play on that field, if we can't get our act together on this one - prove that we can be responsible with such power, and level of technology as we are verging on.

Bribes for contracts; making drugs to treat conditions indefinitely rather than prevent them, or treat them in a way that does not make them merely return; hold people in debt to a currency system designed TO hold them in debt -

this is all greasy kid stuff. It's time to grow up. The planet deserves our best, not our worst.

Are we up to it?

Let's see.

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