Monday 11 October 2010

The Dark, the Light, and the Questions

In reading over my blog of a couple of days ago, I realise than I can sound awfully sure of myself/come across that way. I'm not, really. I just have strong feelings about some things in particular, and am not shy about opening my mouth and sharing my perspectives. I can remember in junior high and high school (and even in pre-med-drenched university) having strong feelings about some issues that put me at odds with many of those classmates around me. (Injustices - even if only perceived injustices - in particular tend to set me off.) But that was just the way it was. I wasn't going to keep quiet just for the sake of 'keeping the peace'. Not in my nature. In that regard, I can also relate to something I read in the Bible - more precisely the New Testament - during a time in my life when I was intensively studying the religions of the world - trying to gain the benefit of the best of humanity's thinking on such subjects - when Jesus is reported there as saying to some of his disciples something like, "I come not to bring peace but with a sword". I understand, compadre.* If the emperor is not wearing any clothes, call him on it. It's shakeup time.

Something else I have strong feelings about is the nominal presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, and the process of his ascension to that august office. I have written previously in these pages of my feelings in this regard - how there is all manner of evidence, some direct, some circumstantial, that he has usurped that office; with the assistance of some very powerful people, who have continued to work behind the scenes to keep that fact from breaking out far enough into the open to elicit a major response from the body politic. There is a lot of griping going on about this matter on the Internet, but the incense has not reached the nostrils of a critical enough mass of the citizenry to produce a satisfactory result, from the point of view of those who feel strongly that an injustice has been committed - a major injustice; not just a minor quibble over legalistic definitions ("No Person except a natural born Citizen,,,"). And major also, because of the direction that Obama is trying to take the nation - or at least, would seem to be trying to take it. Which is into big-government (by definition) socialism; and as part of a New World Order of the Left.

As opposed to a (big-government) New World Order of the Right, as other shadowy powers would very much appear to be trying to take the country, and the world's now-globalised body of nation-states (and nascent regions).

But which, in actuality, is a process controlled by the same parties at the top of the pyramid of power.

And which, in further actuality, could well be an example of how 'God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform'.

Where to begin, in an exegesis of all this, beyond where I started these musings...

Let me go back there, and share a posting I made on a site carrying an article titled 'the Doctor, the President, and the Birth Certificate'. The article was about a medical doctor in the military who is facing court-martial for refusing to follow orders to be reassigned to duty in iraq until he can be assured that they are legal orders, ie, that they come, via the chain of command, ultimately from his commander in chief who is in that position legally. It has to do with questions about Obama's birth, in relation to the legal definition of a 'natural born citizen'. In his defense, his lawyer has called for 'discovery', ie, his right to evidence in relation to his case. (The military judge has so far not allowed him discovery, saying the trial is only a matter of whether he has failed to obey an order or not. 'But your Honor, the whole point is to ascertain whether it is a lawful order or not.' 'No it isn't.' Yes it is.) One of the posters expressed his anger thusly: "What this tells me or should I say, SHOWS me is that NOTHING in America is sacred and that a foreigner can take control of the highest office in the land in violation of the Constitution because of money in the right places and control of the news media by the left!" My reply to his response:

"All well put, B.J. Just one thing: when you say this sort of thing shows what can happen due to 'money in the right places and control of the news media by the left', you left out one of the most important factors. That is the failure of the Republicans, and the right-wing media, to do their job.
"And why was that.
"If America truly had a two-party system, the Republicans would have been all over the question of Obama's eligibility to run for POTUS like a rash - and ESPECIALLY after McCain's eligibility was subjected to such scrutiny.
"As I say: And why was that.
"All together now:
"Because the fix is in at the top
"Has been for years.
"Because there are people of the Dark who are trying to take over rulership of the Earth for their own malign purposes. And they find individuals like Obama to do their bidding.
"Barack Hussein Obama. Aka Barry Soetoro. Who should also be called Leon, as in chameleon. With a narcissistic personality if there ever was one. To whom, on some level, this has all been a joke, at Whitey's expense. A sick, sick, drug-addled joke."**

So I'm looking at this matter in a very serious way; right? Big issues in play here, considering both the Light and the Dark. Heavy stuff. Feeling Obama is being used by dark forces, and so forth; and being very incensed about it. And then along comes the likes of Matthew, and his spiritual friend Hatonn.*** The latter of whom is quoted on Matthew's channelling of l0/l0/l0 thusly:

" All souls at Matthew's station are highly spiritually evolved, and as their spokesperson, he relays their unified feelings about souls on Earth. They love all equally and send healing light to all. They are able to honor all people as parts of God and separate that from their ungodly thoughts and actions.

10. We are physical civilizations. We don't have the capacity for that extent of unity and unconditional love. As part of our own evolutionary progress, we are in service to God by helping lower density worlds evolve when they ask for assistance. Some among you don't want anything changed, but Earth does — that's why we have been helping you technologically and many of us are living on the planet to help in other ways. We're spiritually and intellectually advanced too, so we know your thoughts, we know what you're feeling and see what you're doing. But unlike the souls at Matthew's station, we do get anxious, angry, discouraged, impatient and frustrated by some of what's going on. We have differing opinions and ideas just like you do, but we resolve the differences on the basis of what best serves all of us as a universal family.

11. Then there's your civilization. By your admission — and certainly it's obvious! — your world is in a mess, but instead of doing something to fix it, too many are just watching TV or are gung-ho about sports, "Yay for my team!" There's complaining and bickering about problems instead of solving them and criticism about those who are trying to. I'm going to speak about the one whose circumstances most concern us and why.

12. Generally speaking, people know US president Barack Obama only by what he says and what your media report. Most don't have clue about what goes on "behind closed doors." You see stubborn partisan politics. We see Obama's powerful enemies within and far beyond the government who are determined to smash to smithereens his attempts at reform. You see him looking worried and know some call him weak and say he's leading his country in the wrong direction. We feel his pain as his efforts to improve the lives of all who are downtrodden are scuttled by a few self-servers. You see him trying to end foreign conflicts and think he should stay home and fix what's wrong in his own country. We feel his discouragement and exhaustion as the dark ones keep stirring up trouble to dash his efforts everywhere.

13. The folks you call "pundits" speculate whether voters will give Obama a second term in office. We sing his praises for staying the course day after day! He has to deal with some of the very ones who threaten his life and his family's, yet his intention to keep working for a peaceful world without poverty anywhere remains firm. You know that he and his family are protected by the Christed light grid around them, but Obama doesn't know that. You know that he is a major part of the Golden Age master plan, but he doesn't know that either. He acts on his convictions, principles, aspirations and innate experience as an honored leader in a highly evolved civilization who agreed to serve Earth in the most demanding position on the planet. If everyone could know this soul as we do, all the doubts and carping about him would come to a screeching halt and you would thank God for this man's courage, wisdom, spiritual and moral integrity and his willingness to persevere!

14. You know that your thoughts create what happens in your life, in your world, and everything you do affects everything else in this universe. So if any of you are among the carpers and doubters, stop that and start helping Obama to succeed! He's working for you — do the same for him, yourselves, your world and our universe! You don't have to become political activists. Just keep your hearts and minds in the right place and help others do it too. We're in the trenches with you and we need your help—we have more than enough hindrance from the dark ones on Earth!

15. I know I've sounded harsh, but sometimes people don't respond until it's "tough love" time, and it is with love for you that I've spoken. And not just for myself and my people. I'm representing countless others who feel the same but don't have a forum like this to express it."

So - if only as food for thought (and as one of those "carpers and doubters") - can I have been so wrong in my so rightness (read also: so self-righteousness)?

Can this be the true aspect of, more correct take on, the matter, and mine be so far off??

I don't think so.


So: questions, questions. What i do know is some advice given to me in my university days by my Freshman English instructor, when, during my Junior year, I wrote him (he had moved away by that time) and told him of my decision to drop out and go on a search for Truth. He wrote back, and, though expressing that he wasn't "surprised" to hear it, gave me the aforementioned bit of advice. Saying (as I recall) it was from some South American writer and philosopher ("Calderon, I think"), he quoted: "Of all sure things, the surest is to doubt." Fair enough. Don't, to say, take any wooden nickels. Check it out. Keep an open mind. (Still with you, Barney.)

What I do allow is this business of 'God moving in mysterious ways' sometimes. I see those people who are working for their own interests, in wanting to run the world their way - the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and so forth (and Soros and Chomsky et all on the Left) - as just being part of the larger Plan, that is helping humanity, in a Hegelian, thesis-antithesis working-out way, get to a process-place of Completion, where we can take off for Ascension - complete the long, painful, learning-filled historical process in a pyramid-capping synthesis stage, where humanity can dwell in 'a thousand years of peace' - for not creating, on that level, antithetical reactions from having imbalanced aspects ('contradictions', in the analytical terms of dialectical materialism; which make a lot of sense) needing balancing; needing further outworking. But Obama?

I see him as just part of the outworking picture; and not a very savory part at that. I am insulted (particularly from my sensitivity to injustice; but also, very possibly, from a past-life investment; at least that's the way such affronts to the founding of this nation feel like to me, sometimes) that he has - very possibly - conned his way into the presidency (with the help of a lot of people who have a lot to answer for). I certainly don't see him as a major player of and from 'the Light", incarnating at this time to help out in this key, history-culminating process.

Can something good come out of something bad?? (No original birth certificate; no school records; no passport records; dodgy Social Security records; errors of fact in his books; evidence that he didn't even write them...What all is he hiding...mutter mutter...)

Well - I guess we have to cut a LOT of slack in this one. Because the whole process, on some level, could be seen, and considered, as a part of something 'bad'; with all the wars and such involved. And injustices...

So I guess I shouldn't be so ready to look at things as all black or all white.

Like that self-confessed mutt, Obama.


* I also understand that there is considerable evidence that The Bible is not as it is made out to be; that it is not historicity so much as human manipulation. (See the research of, among others, Tony Bushy and Ralph Ellis.) But interesting, and valuable, thoughts can come from various sources. It pays not to throw the baby out with the bathwater, in life.

** I continued:
"Congratulations to and for keeping this issue alive - and hopefully seeing it through to a successful conclusion. Successful, as in a return in America to moral standards, in an age of widespread immorality, occasioned by relativists. Who may not be fully aware of the principalities and powers that are using them for their own ends - having gained access to their mentalities because they have fallen out of fellowship with the Light.
"P.S. This article was by one David Kupelian, over at WND. Check out his credits, as in his two recent books. He's got a good handle on this sort of thing: of what we are up against.
"In our time and place.
'To do something about.
"And, like, now."
[Kupelian's books are 'The Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom', and 'How Evil Works: Understanding and Overcoming the Destructive Forces That Are Transforming America'. Good themes. Even if there is, ultimately, no 'evil' per se. Just grist for the mill.]

And N.B.: Not to go into the details here of my/the charges, about Obama. Why I call him a chameleon, eg. Although I will point the curious reader in the direction of a blog at National Review Online by one Andrew McCarthy, who reviewed Obama's statements about various matters against his actions, and found the latter rather wanting; Obama caught out tailoring his position time and again. And the "drug-addled joke" business comes from videos on the Internet showing Obama as a student at Occidental College, engaging in a life of drugs and messing around. And if one objects to that 'take', cutting him some slack from his college years - like many of his classmates, experiencing counter-culture 'freedom' - I refer that person to reports at the same YouTube source of Obama's drugs-and-sex dealings, years later on in his mysterious life, with one Larry Sinclair while a Chicago state politician. A charge that has never been followed up on by the MSM. Never independently verified. But never disproved, either.
(As to the latter point: Sinclair is said to have taken a polygraph test that he failed. But it turns out the the 'expert' holding the session had falsified his background; also had spent considerable time with the Obama-supporting sponsors of the test privately beforehand. Who knows the truth at this point.
Two people. Obama. And Sinclair.
Easy choice? One's a grifter? And one's...what, precisely??
Who - and what - IS Obama, really???)

*** Matthew, for those who don't know, is - purports to be - the discarnate son of a woman (named Suzie Ward) who feeds her reports, and observations, from his 'station' in the afterworld. And Hatonn is a spiritual friend of his on this side of the veil.
Careful of judging these sorts of things too soon. Yes, there can be delusion involved in these things. Yes, there can be 'lower astral entities' playing trickster, and so forth. But a good rule of thumb, for anyone, is to 'judge them by their fruits'. Take the material in. See how it feels, for you. Make up your own mind. 'Matthew', for me, makes a lot of sense, often. But I have a particularly hard time with his positive spin on Obama. And that of his buddy Hatonn. Read on...

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