Friday 7 January 2011

America's Revival, and Through That Doorway, the World's

Before we get any further lost in the forest of our making on this planet, I feel drawn to state the way out. Or at least, a way out. And it has to do with the quality of Service. And within that context, the higher of two paths. The lower path can be categorized as Service to Self. The higher path can be categorized as Service to Others.

I was triggered into this specific thinking, and declaration, by an e-newsletter I received in the last day or so from my former home town, of Long Beach, in Southern California, where I grew up in the forties and fifties. That has been my 'home' for voting purposes - is my last basic real home in life (I have been just clearly passing through in others) - and recently, because of my appearance on the voting rolls, one of the/my hometown newspapers has been sending me online report summaries of current doings there. Since I don't live there anymore - have located, for the last few decades, in the north of Scotland (after nearly a decade as well Down Under, in Australia; becoming at 'home' on that continent as well) - I didn't find this particularly riveting, and, stretched in my available time anyway to keep an eye on all the subject areas that I am interested in, almost hit the 'unsubscribe' link; but chose, for whatever reason, to stay with it, and occasionally peruse what's going on in my main formative place. It was thus that I clicked the other day on a story of a Breakfast Day this weekend in a park in a particular part of the town (King Park, named after Martin Luther King Jr.; there was a sizeable Colored section in my day, in the area around the high school that I attended, and this park may have been referring to that area), whereby the sponsoring group is meaning to draw the community together, in order to help them get to know one another better. It sounded like a really nice idea - good for them (If it was, indeed, taking place in the Colored section of my experience and memory, with, by now, demographic changes, it could well use such an initiative) - and I found myself making a Comment to that effect, and signing it with my real name, as I was known then, and adding my bona fides; thusly:

Duane 'Stan' Stanfield
Poly High Class of '52
('Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve')

The latter was the motto emblazoned over the inner side (I think it was; maybe the outer) of the main entrance to my high school. I had liked it then, and I like it now. It summarizes perfectly, for me, the way I have tried to live my life. And after hitting the 'Send' button, I got thinking about it.

What have I really accomplished, in this way; the way of Service...

And, as happens, one thought led to another; and I got thinking about what it would be like to be invited back to my old hometown. And be asked questions about my life. And so forth. What I have been up to. And what I would like to be up to. And my reverie took me to a scenario that appeals to me. Which has to do with that motto, that was a background part - maybe even a subliminal part - of my upbringing. That scenario is the following:

I would like to lead a Walk on Washington, starting from that entrance - and exit - of my old high school, with a message for the man who has been named Barack Hussein Obama Jr. That message being the following:

"We the People call on you to identify yourself to us, with no more equivocation, that we can ascertain accurately your eligibility to hold the highest office in the land. And if it turns out that you are, in fact, ineligible for that office that you presently hold, that you relinquish it forthwith; make your case, and apologies, to The People; and repent of your sin, to them, the country, and your eternal soul. As for the higher Office; you have already been forgiven. But there needs be amends made on this level of existence. That the Country can move forward, in greater alignment with its divine purpose, of being 'a light unto the nations'."

And as we made our way east across the continent to Washington - gathering citizens along the way; including what are known as Oathkeepers, ie, members of the military, past and present, who have sworn an oath of loyalty to the Constitution, and mean it - I would explain in detail my vision for the process: that there would be a total cleaning out of the executive branch of government, and, as well, of the legislative branch - Congress; since Congress did not exercise its 'standing' to oversee properly his election to that office, was an accessory to the fact. (Yes, there has been an election since the one of 2008; but some of those members of Congress, from that specifically tainted body, are still there. The People deserve a total sweep of the broom.) The judicial branch of the federal government was complicit in the coverup, also, so it would need to undergo a cleansing as well. Elections to be held within a time certain. And those elections to be 'free and fair': no electronic machinery standing between the vote and the count. A true election, in other words. Which has been long overdue in the country; but that's another subject. And I would leave it to The People, if they wanted me to stand in the position of an Administrator, until the elections gave a true reading of their intentions, of whom they wished to help lead them, and the world, into the new era for mankind.

Because that's what we are really talking about, here. And what could be talked about in further detail 'on the road', as it were. On the lighted road to that highland.

Starting, ironically, from this Highland, in the north of Scotland. Where I dream, from my cave in the north, a dream of a better day for humanity.

Just waiting to be born.

Starting in the Spring - in the green month, and the golden month, of the year.

The colors, ironically, of my high school, and its sports teams.

How good, if we could give this dream a sporting chance.

The dream of more than just this graduate of a school where he imbibed of the nectar of the living plant of Service.

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