Tuesday 2 August 2011

The Debt Debate: A Sign of Things Coming to a Head?

So the great Debt Debate is resolved. For now.

What do I see, over here in the UK, about what is going on, in the U.S., and the UK. And the world, for that matter. But first things first.

I see a change coming. But I also see a change having already happened.

When the political situation in the U.S. is explained, to 'the Brits', through the media, the position of 'the Tea Party' adherents is made out to be very old-fashioned, in its core call for smaller government and fiscal responsibility; the latter equated, for them, with moral rectitude. But over the decades - centuries - a sea change has happened: the capitalist system, with its two-valve engine of interest-bearing money and fractional-reserve banking,* has resulted in people thinking it is perfectly fine to go into debt, because that is how that system works. Money is debt, in its very nature, in such a system.** And people like bankers and brokers make 'big money' by borrowing big; and thus 'creating wealth'. And the little guy, seeing this, starts to feel that he has been sold a bill of goods, when he is told he has to 'live within his means', but sees that that is not, really, how the system works; and so he starts scamming the system just like the big guys do. Spend, spend!, and let tomorrow take care of itself.

Sooner or later, the chickens come home to roost. As we are seeing, all over the world. But in the meantime, an ethical attitude towards 'money' has been seduced into almost total non-existence. As exemplified in the current 'debt' debate in the U.S., between the camp that says the issue is one of spending, and the one that says the issue is one of revenue. The former camp sees all the waste, and considered waste - like 'welfare cheats' - going on, of their tax money, and the latter camp sees the tax cuts and fiddles allowed to the rich, and 'those who can afford' to give more to the revenue side.

The glass is either half full or half empty, depending on how you look at it.

That latter camp hangs in tough, to get at least some of the benefis of the system for themselves, not just for the fat cats. And the 'moral rectitude' camp sees this as sponging off their own hard-earned income. And both sides fail to see the larger picture; having had their eye taken off the ball, to mix metaphors.

I addressed all this in an email this week to a friend, fellow expatriate, who sent me the comments of a (UK) Channel 4 correspondent based in Washington, D.C., in relation to the great Debt debate in that country. She posted a blog on the matter wherein she referred to a scene in the political series The West Wing, on the same subject; the fictional repartee very appropriate to the real-life situation, if rather cynical, in referring to the debt-ceiling scenario being "routine or the end of the world". My friend asked me if I agreed with that series segment's ho-hum, nothing-new take on the subject. I responded:

"Ah yes: the annual (or whatever) Kabuki theatre about The Debt.

"You asked me my opinion about The Matter. On the one hand, I'm a traditionalist, it would probably be called. You live within your means. And especially when some clever s.o.b.'s engineered the situation, so that they could make a bundle in interest payments on 'the full faith and credit of' the stupid sheep, who don't realise fully how they are being sheared by their erstwhile Masters, the classic, through-the-eons 'moneychangers'.*** I'm with the likes of Thomas Jefferson and Andy Jackson on this one.+ (And now ironic that is: the two main totems of the Democratic party, supposedly the party standing against the fat-cat moneyed elite & their big-spending habits - the main one being wanting to make money ON money- but in our day and age the party of the big spenders, in the 'redistribution of wealth' game; wherein the whole lot of'em, both sides of the political aisle, have been seduced into 'getting while the getting is good': the name of the game in Washington.) And with Ron Paul, in his impassioned but lonely call for an audit of The Fed. Actually, he would do better by calling for its outright dismissal, and the Treasury printing its own money; subject to the knowledge, and wisdom, gained by hard experience.++ Me, I'd clean out the Augean stables, root and branch, and start over. But with a twist. And that brings me to

"On the other hand, it's time for more than just a clean-out of the stables. It's time for a change in the basic template, of how we 'do business' on planet Earth. Through a releasing of 'money' - of interest-bearing money, and its training-wheels partner, fractional-reserve banking - and a moving into the truly post-modern world. The world where people give in goods and serbvices to one another, and of their best in human ingenuity, out of a superior motive than that of merely 'making money'. Out of the motive of, in a word, Love; to say, more specifically, out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning. And the full realisation that We Are One Another anyway. Now a prince, now a pauper. Now one race or nationality or sex, now another. In the school of Life; where we learn our lessons, and move on.

"Are supposed to move on. And not get mesmerized and captured by the fools' gold of money, and power. Which we are certainly witnessing a lot of, these days. More's the pity.

"Well. They say that it's always the darkest before the dawn.

"I hope we wake up to that awareness, from this waking dream that we are walking through, in time. Anyway: them's my thoughts on the subject..."

And a final note, at this point: In today's paper I see that in China, in a huge electronics manufacturing 'warehouse', where great numbers of Chinese men and women drudge away for little money (which was the reason the plant was located there in the first place), the management is looking to replace many of them with robots. The whole process triggered by some suicides, which put pressure on the management to raise their wages, which caused the management to look at their sums, and....

the rest, as they say, is history.

But now, history "with a twist". How about thinking outside of the box. And letting
robots take over more and more of the drudge work in life. To free people for more creative pursuits. Because their 'income' is not dependent on earning 'money'. It is dependent basically on being a member of the one human family, now going up a notch in consciousness.+++

I addressed this theme recently in a short essay; to wit:

We Are One

Once humanity as whole awakens - really awakens - to the reality of reincarnation, and its implications - that therefore we are just playing parts in a drama; for, obviously, a reason, since a drama implies/is the material evidence of an Author - they will release the drama and move closer to the real thing: aware, then, that we are but sparks off of One Source. Parts of a Whole. That, in truth, We Are One Another. That, in further truth, We Are One.

Some of those sparks will be more willing to release their roles than others willing to release theirs; the latter having become comfortable in the particular role, and of a lesser consciousness than some of those others. The 'stuck', thus more acclimatized to their roles, still climbing out of the cave of their individuated identity. But there comes a time when the Whole can and will begin to act AS a Whole.

This is that time, for this stream-family of souls, awakening to their true identity, behind the masks of the illusion that we are in. The masks belonging TO that illusion. That hologram. That matrix.

So. We have work to do; a larger work than any heretofore, on planet Earth.

Let's be about it.

Circumstances of the collapse of the old paradigm, the old reality - the stage on which we have been playing out the drama - will force us to do so anyway.

A thought you might be entertaining: What has it been all about, really?

My thought, in response, and reflection on the matter: that the Whole is growing with the growth in consciousness that we as its parts bring to It, from our experiences at one remove from the Whole, in the realm of free will, ie, in our individuated states of being; our individuated soul states.

But then that's just conjecture. What is beyond conjecture is the realisation that, with the detectable phenomenon of reincarnation (detectable from material confirmations, dreams, healings based on its 'insights' regarding the human psyche, etc.), there is Plan in and Purpose to 'the universe'. To the exercise, that we are engaged in.

Could that Plan in actual fact be a malevolent one, instead of a benevolent one?

I would seriously doubt that to be the case. If only for the fact that we experience Love, and Joy, as higher, more sublime states & emotions than Hate, and Anger.

I'd bet my life on it.

There may be some creatures in the universe - the matrix - that, having gotten stuck IN the matrix (having identified too much with their roles in the drama), find the more gross emotions more fitting, more desirable to their level of consciousness. If so - and there is a considerable amount of evidence to that effect - the best thing we can do for them is to send them Love, to help them out of the trap they have created for themselves, and further on their way.

For Love is the key, the Way, out of the illusion. Love for the Whole. Love for ourselves as part of the Whole. And forgiveness OF ourselves, for having dallied in the classroom, and failed to graduate sooner; mesmerized by the magnets of the moment, in the material realm.

So, then, let's turn that Key; and walk into the light of a new day, dawning for all of humanity. For all of us on planet Earth. On Being Earth. As it, too, readies for - in a word - Ascension.

But that's another subject, in the exercise in which we are involved.

The exercise of consciousness raising. Of getting closer, and closer, to

the One. Of which we are, now, but a part.

But getting There. Which is Here, in fuller consciousness.

For We already Are

the One.

And the One we have been waiting for.


* I actually think of these as training wheels: what has apparently been needed to help Man have the incentive to produce 'wealth'. Not understanding that he already has it within himself to produce all that he needs, and more. But I digress. A bit.

** A good read, in this regard: 'Web of Debt' by Ellen Hodgson Brown.

*** Reference is to the Federal Reserve, a creature of the moneyed elite, who bought their way back into power in the U.S. through legislation enacted in 1913, along with an amendment to the U.S Constitution enacting an income tax, to pay for the hordes of interest-created money they saw accruing before their very eyes, when they could, gently gently, over a period of time, seduce the U.S. public into paying for more and more goodies. Like wars. See in particular 'The Creature of Jekyll Island' by G. Edward Griffin.

+ T. Jefferson warned the American people in no uncertain terms about the encroachment into power in the fledgling republic of the moneyed elite; Andrew Jackson saw it all happening in his day, and managed to turf them out of power, by eliminating the national bank that the 'moneychangers' had managed to put in place. With a little help from their friends in politics; who they have continued to buy off ever since, in this ongoing struggle, of the Elite over the Mass.

++ One of the selling points about the Federal Reserve at the time was that politicians couldn't be trusted with the handling of money, since they would have continual pressure put on them by their constituents to spend more money, so the federal government needed a 'safer', professional set of hands holding the purse-strings. That way the big boom-and-bust waves that had afflicted the country many times could be 'scientifically' ironed out, with monetary policy measures. As we have, of course, seen since. Oh wait. Wrong.

+++ With things of limited amounts - ie, not enough for all - dealt with by individuals earning credits for their services to the societal Order. But not in the classic way, with interest-bearing money, where people do things FOR 'the money'; incentivized BY 'the money'. Rather than by Love.

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