Sunday 13 December 2009

The Turning Point

"...As we enhance the lives of others, protect our environment, and work toward abundance, all our lives can become richer and more secure. If these values were put into practice, it would enable all of us to achieve a much higher standard of living within a relatively short period of time; a standard of living that would be continuously improved."
(from FAQ, Jacque Fresco's answers to people about the Venus Project, carried on Peter Joseph's Zeitgeist Movement website)


My email of today to Peter Joseph of the Zeitgeist Movement (who answers questions weekly on a radio show):

"Dear Peter,

"I appreciate the good work that you & Jacque & Roxanne are doing to help people look outside of the current paradigm of how things are or can be done in the world. But in your take on it all: Why would people be 'good' and support the process, of a moneyless, resource-based economy, without a reason to do so other than that it would be nice & would work if people DID. To say: If there is no fundamental reason for being, then life has no real meaning, and people would/could as easily care only for themselves and their own personal wellbeing as not; for the end of the closed system of life could, then, as easily be seen as that as anything else. I am saying, that without an ultimate meaning to life, how do you answer a response to your vision of, 'Nothing really matters but me'?

"I'm sorry, but your vision sounds like a humanistic pipedream to me. Now if you put an additional, spiritual dimension to it, you'd really have something. You would have the true zeitgeist movement for our times: the Turning Point."

These thoughts of mine have been prompted by a number of articles on the web recently, where I have chosen to make comment on the Comments threads to them. The first of these was to an article in Rolling Stone by Naomi Klein on the current scene, from her inimitable perspective. My contribution to the discussion (on November 12; under my user name there of 'kibitzer'):

"So, we're at impasse - great. That means it's time to look beyond the level of the problem. And since the level of the problem is global, that means the solution is a step above 'the global'. And that means above the current global paradigm. And the current global paradigm is calculated with an interest-bearing money system,. Now what if...

"i suggest we look at fundamentals here. The fundamental motivating factor in the world currently is making a profit on one's efforts. But what if people were - could be - motivated by another 'carrot'. What if they were - could be - motivated by an understanding that the universe has purpose, and that purpose is Good; and part of that purpose is to live to our highest potential, as essentially souls on a spiritual journey -'spiritual beings have a human experience' - giving of our best, since life has meaning, beyond one's single incarnation. So: we can do away with money - especially money treated as a commodity in itself, instead of merely as a medium of exchange (as it started out being, before greed, & a sense of separation, crept into the picture). Which we can do electronically now, with a system of credits and debits, like local LETS systems do already.

"Of course, this will require humanity to recognize its essential Ground of Being being beyond merely the physical dimension. But there's plenty of evidence for that now - that there is more than Man in the grand scheme of things. So - it's time, to get serious on this essential matter. Great Crisis creating great Opportunity.

"The left and the right can duke it out if they want. But really it's time to move beyond the current paradigm.

"The planet - our home base, while we experience physical life - is waiting on us to get it. And getting rather impatient, it would appear, and so to speak.

"(R)evolution, anyone?"

The second was in response to an exchange on staunch anti-collectivist G. Edward Griffin's e-newsletter site ( between him and a contributor who took exception to his belief in the value of returning to the gold standard; the contributor believing its trading value & thus its control being in the hands of the Rothschild's, and Griffin standing his ground on the issue (my contribution dated 5 December):

"Dear Ed,

"Re your response to Brian of Central Queensland Free State concerning gold/'social credit':

"I haven't read the book in question. But I do know that

"(1) It is time to look anew at life on this lovely planet; and

"(2) 'You' don't need money to provide each other with goods and services. Yes, gold is a good 'standard' by which to measure value. But a return to that standard is to miss the fullness of the historical point, of where we're at in our evolution.

"We must not continue to be suckered by people of power who want to continue in their positions of power. All a person needs is a motivation to give of their best to one another. And I submit that that motivation - that best motivation - exists not in the relative value of gold, but in the exquisite qualiity of gratitude. Gratitude for life with meaning. The gift of the Creator to that Most High's offspring.

"We have a planet of abundance, to live in harmony with. It's time to do so, on a global, as opposed to a tribal, level. 'Tribal' as in separate races and religions and nationalities. It's time, that is to say, for ascension; to a new, higher level of our being on this lovely planet we call Earth - a higher level of being based on this lovely planet, as we now verge on starting to go exploring in our region of the galaxy. For a start. As a mature race, ready now for such an adventure; and responsibility, to do it with love, and the aforementioned gratitude.

"Practically, all we need is a system of credits and debits; much like the LETS systems of our day. It can all be done electronically. Just not under the thumb of the NWO crowd, and their immature allusions to power. That's of the old, to be shrugged off.

"'Human nature' is involved in all this, yes. But I submit to you that it is time to move out of the old paradign in which that expressed itself, into the new.

"We can do it. And in part now, because we must. Or we unravel back down into our past.

"Been there. Done that. No thanks.

"Keep up the excellent work," (etc)

Griffin's comment regarding 'human nature' was to the effect that any pie in the sky (in this case, the theory of Scottish engineer Clifford H. Douglas regarding 'social credit' and the implicit assumption therein that people would do the right thing merely on spec) would be brought splatting down via its auspices, ie, that people are people; fallen souls, in effect, and there is nothing new under the sun.

And speaking of which, on to my last entry in this review of recent comments of mine to 'timely' offerings on the internet, as it were. This one was to another article at Rolling Stone, by a columnist who was clearly disillusioned by Obama's choices for financial advisors. The article was headed 'Obama's Big Sellout'. My comment (on December 10):


"I can appreciate your feelings as to how the American people were made over for many years by the Republicans and their BB [for Big Business] cronies, but Matt is doing a major favor to The People by pointing out the facts of life regarding the Democrat side of politics as well. Succinctly put: The fix is in at the top. So: what to do?

"I encrouage some blue-sky thinking here. Corruption is rampant wherever you look. Globalisation has made the whole world economic system vulnerable to collapse. Answer: Let it. And give thanks.

"Crisis = Opportunity. Great Crisis = Great Opportunity. Stop & think: What is needed in life is, simply, a motivation to exchange goods and services, and give of our best to each other in appreciation of others doing the same to us. You don't need money - and definitely not interest-bearing money; and definitely not money that has become an end in itself, rather than merely the medium of exchange that it started out to be - to do that. Perhaps it was needed, like training wheels, during this early stage of our evolution here. But look around: there is something new under the sun. In a word: technology.

"I submit that the best motivation we can have, to give of our best to one another, exists not, eg, in the relative value of gold (& certainly not in the fool's gold of fiat money), but in the exquisite quality of gratitude: Gratitude for life with meaning. The gift of the Creator to that Source's offspring.

"Don't believe there is something more than Man? Ach, weil. I have no answer for you. But I do have a suggestion. Examine your premises. Seriously. And then join the move up a notch, on this lovely planet, NEEDING us now to give of our best.

"Your choice. Our choice.

"As for fascism, or socialism, or any other merely humanistic ism: Been there. Done that. No thanks.

"A higher outcome is calling us up out of ourselves. It's time to listen to that voice. And stop listening to these siren songs around us, of the old."

As for feedback: My contributions disappear into cyberspace with no noticeable effect. The threads continue right on, as if my offerings have been at the most a curious glitch in the process, like a stone that the river just keeps rolling by, and over.

Sometimes I despair if people are ever going to get it.* But then I 'trust the process', and allow things to unfold as they will.

But not without comments from time to time; tossed into the pot, for a little seasoning...

And speaking of seasoning: Happy holidays.

P.S. In case Griffin gets back to me on the question/excuse of 'human nature', and in response to Jacque Fresco's attitude (& by extension, Peter Joseph) that the matter is not 'human nature' so much as 'human behavior' - ie, in 'his' belief system, that we are blank slates, and it is merely our environment that makes us the way we are - I will be pointing out to both of them, for different reasons, that part of our 'human nature' is our conditioning from past lives. That that matter has to be taken into consideration as well, regarding who we 'are', and how we respond to our environment.

But that conditioning can be overcome. In part by grace. The grace of a loving Creator.

Wanting us to have our experiences, meaningfully (as part of The Plan). But not totally divorced from the process.

With a little help from his/her friends, the angels...

But I won't be holding my breath, as to a response from either of them. Based on my past experience in cyberspace...

...yet, patience is a virtue.

Still. After all these years.

* A despair that particularly dates back to the early 60s, when I 'got it', and decided to share it in the best way that I could think of, at the time, and in terms of the time. I wrapped up my life to then, and started out from Los Angeles, to the east, on foot, dropping off the following message at newspaper offices along the way:

"I am a young man walking on his way to Washington, to see the President and draw to his attention that the way to rid ourselves of all our aches and evils is to do away with money.

"If after considering the matter thoroughly you agree, I suggest you write a letter saying so to Mr. Kennedy."

As to the outcome of that little adventure: I in fact got to the White House, although only as far as a member of the Secret Service, who stopped my little bullet from reaching the President. And then I picked up my life again after that watershed point OF my life.

Watershed, as in: nothing would ever be the same again, for me.

It was commitment time.

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