Saturday 5 December 2009

Of Cabbages and Kings

The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things...

...that are well and truly heating up. And causing me to heat up, in my response to them.

Some of them:


* Vaccines


* Obama's eligibility question

(1) AGW is now front and centre (the swine flu 'pandemic' having moved itself off the main pages, for its fizzle out), so I'll deal with it first.

Where to begin. A statement: There is truth on both sides of the debate. But the fact that there is - that it is not all one-sided, as the proponents in particular would make it out to be - should give us pause. To say: Why such harsh treatment of the naysayers? Calling global warming 'deniers' the same as Holocaust 'deniers', and so forth? Yes: because the stakes are big. But when advocates start pushing as hard as they are doing, and when the MSM takes up their cry and demonizes the 'deniers' to the extent that they are doing, it makes one wonder. It makes this truthseeker wonder. And notice. And 'consider the source'. For example: Al Gore. Who stands to make a fortune on the Cap and Trade scheme. And who has said that the issue speaks to the need for "global governance".

Well; could do. If it were true.

But what if it weren't, quite...

Anyway; factors here: Power and profit. The old question: Cui bono.

And speaking of the demonization going on, and the role of the MSM in all this:

(2) Vaccines. In particular, the current hype about the swine flu, and the rubbishing of those speaking out for a role in the autism ''epidemic' going on of vaccines.

I'll cut to the chase here. The government health authorities, and their advisers from the orthodox medical field, are mounting a major campaign to try to silence their critics on both fronts, and get the public to "just take the damn vaccine", for them and for their children (including, outlandishly, their unborn; though none of the flu vaccines have been tested on pregnant women, and no accountability for 'possible side effects' will be allowed). And interestingly, using the same harsh invective as those trying to silence their critics on the 'climate change' front of the current battle. The current battle, between 'the authorities' and 'the people'.

Power and profit. They go together like a horse and carriage.

People, people. We are being fleeced.

Maybe for more than one purpose, in each case. But the end result is the same: authoritarianism. Control over the people by the elite. Top-down governance.

You can't be trusted to make the right choices...

I won't go into all the details of the downsides of vaccines here. Suffice it to say, they are rather horrific. Yes, vaccines do some good. But at what cost, is the question.

A question not looked at by the authorities. But having been done so, by many an honest investigator. With deep concern as an outcome.

It really couldn't be otherwise. Vaccines 'work' by triggering an inflammatory reaction to the (ingredients of the) vaccine, in order to create antibodies to the antigens in them. But antibodies also get created to the other ingredients as well. Like the Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) that is a contaminant from the chick embryo cells that a number of vaccine viral components are cultured on (eg, the measles virus in the MMR shot). Result: an autoimmune reaction, the body attacking its own MBP, and myelin being the insulation to and for the cranial nerve systems. Or to the squalene adjuvant used in some vaccines (an adjuvant being a substance included to enhance the immune reaction). Squalene is a substance found in our own bodies. So those vaccines can trigger an autoimmune reaction in this way as well. Plus the fact that the developers put food proteins in vaccines; hence, allergies, and anaphylactic attacks. And so forth. To say: vaccines, by and large, can easily be causing more trouble than their benefits, because of their myriad of side effects.

Are they? We don't know, in general.+ Why not? Because - altogether now: 'The benefits of vaccines far outweigh their risks.'

You don't know that, Doc. It's a true belief.

Power and profit. And hubris.

Harris L. Coulter, PhD - a leading medical historian - outlined in his book 'Vaccines, Social Violence and Criminality' the link between vaccines and those conditions. Read it, and be outraged. His summary of the literature has never been refuted. And since vaccines can quite easily be the cause of all manner of mental misalignments - leading to all manner of terrible crimes, including horrific rapes and mutilations of both adults and children - the medical authorities have been criminally irresponsible in their lack of proper oversight to this matter.++

Who else to blame? Government oversight authorities? But they have to rely on the advices of medical authorities, who are the experts in these matters - these matters, of adverse mental conditions. And those advices have been tainted by a true-believer mentality - the mentality that has said that the benefits of vaccines 'far outweigh' the risks, without due and proper professional regard to the possible full potential of those risks. Including what is called ADD & ADHD & dyslexia & dyspraxia, and 'Pervasive Developmental Disorders' including ASDs. In a word: brain damage.

The argument seems to be that the childhood diseases themselves would cause these brain damage conditions, so the vaccines are actually a major benefit to society in this mental-damage arena, in addition to their marvelous work in damping down the childhood diseases. My question to those who propose such an argument is: Where is your proof. The answer seems to be: They do so because...the benefits of vaccines far outweigh their - ie, a circular proof offered as evidence.

Not good enough.

The evidence actually seems to be that the inflammatory effects of vaccines are causing these conditions, beyond what the childhood diseases might themselves do, because of the toxic ingredients in vaccines beyond the antigens themselves - ie, the attenuated viruses or bacteria themselves.

But not to get bogged down in this discussion in these details. The main point is: the authorities are misleading the public regarding the true nature of vaccines. And the question is: Why.

Some of that answer has been addressed above. But there is a deeper answer. And it has to do with the use of vaccines in the past, as vectors for various purposes.

Like dispensing anti-fertility agents, to cut the populations in 'developing' countries.

Like the spreading of AIDS, in chosen populations as well.

We are, in short, up against a 'people control' agenda.

By whom.

Part of that answer is obvious; and part of it is not so obvious.

The elite, certainly; wanting to maintain their grip on power.

But who all are they? To say as well: is there more than one camp involved in this caper?

Indeed there is.

Al Gore and the Clintons and George Soros and Maurice Strong and Noam Chomsky and John Deutch, and Barack and Michelle Obama (with Bernardine Dohrn and her ghost-writing Weathermen partner Bill Ayers looking as inconspicuously as possible in the background), personify one such camp. And the Bushes and Cheney and other neo-cons personify another.

And the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds (among others) stand behind them both. Ready to pick up the pieces regardless of which side - the fascists or the socialists - ultimately comes out on top.

Just the like the 'I care not who decides the laws' Rothschilds did in the deciding battle between England and France.

Because ultimately the power is with the ones behind the kings. And it has to do, really, with just one thing.

Money. And the love thereof.

And so it's time to pull that plug.

Because our evolution as a species on this lovely planet is calling us forth to a better future than is dreamt of in these camps' philosophies.

Which are part of the answer. But they are not the answer.

The answer is that it's Ascension time.

To leave our cabbage heads behind. And inherit the New.


+ We do know in some particular instances. For example, the Classens have found that the Hib vaccine's basically-understood benefits are outweighed by the number of cases of type 1 diabetes that it has been associated with. Google it.

++ Perhaps the reason that his book hasn't been acknowledged by the medical authorities is because it is subtitled 'The Medical Assault on the American Brain'. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Partial bibliography:

Coulter, Harris L. (mentioned above; also 'DPT: A Shot in the Dark', with Barbara Loe Fisher)

Horowitz, Leonard: 'Emerging Viruses: AIDS And Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional?', plus others. See his website.

Blaylock, Russell L. - many papers & three books. See his website.

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