Sunday 11 September 2011

First: Do No Harm

I'm disgusted by yet another documentary, and other video links, regarding the link between vaccines - a number of them, not just one - and what is called autism. Although semantics is an integral part of this problem.

The Establishment has tried to stifle this link by using all manner of wordplays to avoid saying the magical 'A' word. Among other cloaking euphemisms, it's called PDD-NOS - Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified - or 'encephalopathy'; a word that simply means brain damage. Question at this point: Can vaccines cause encephalopathy (or another word for the same thing, encephalitis, meaning, more specifically, inflammation of the brain)? Answer: Yes. It's called 'vaccine-induced encephalitis'. So - how come all the cover-up? Because the authorities say that vaccine-induced encephalitis happens in only 'one in a million' cases, 'and there is no evidence that vaccines cause autism'. What?? Which seeming contradiction brings up another question: Doctor, what about cases of what could be called sub-acute encephalitis? Answer: Silence. Or other verbal subterfuge.

This argument mirrors the outcomes of cases of brain damage taken to the so-called Vaccine Court: If the case has involved immediate, acute symptoms upon vaccination - that the 'experts' just can't conceal as causative in nature - cases have been won by the parents; but if the symptoms are even the slightest what is called 'slower onset', the authorities have drawn a line in the sand, and do all they can to avoid admitting to causation.


Three reasons. (1) Financial. If the authorities had to admit to the huge number of cases of children having been brain damaged by their vaccinations, we're talking billions in compensation (or actually as 'annuity' - money paid for their lifetime care; however long that may be).* (2) 'If parents got spooked by reports of such widespread compensation from lining their kids up for their shots, we would have a massive return of the childhood diseases, and thousands of kids would die from them.' (So...hide the truth?? More on this angle.) (3) Hubris. The medical professionals involved have staked their reputations and careers on the huge positive nature of vaccines, in the risks-vs-benefits ratio they go by. It would amount to an extreme case of cognitive dissonance for some of them to have to admit to themselves that they have been wrong. Can't face it. So ignore it, and it'll go away.

No longer, ladies and gentlemen. Too much information is coming out now, for you to be able to sweep this matter under the carpet any longer. And about time.

As to the point I mentioned above, about hiding the truth about the full downside of vaccines. By doing so, such authorities are putting off the need for their profession's pharmaceutical arm to come up with safer vaccines. But then, they may already be thinking that that won't happen to any great extent - because of the nature of vaccines - so they don't want to have to 'go there'. This aspect of this matter is worth looking at in a little more detail.

It's not only an issue of, hopefully, safer vaccines in themselves. It's an issue of understanding how they adversely affect some kids more than others; and so those kids could be spared the danger (but which would weaken the goal of 'herd immunity'; so one size fits all is the policy...). Example that they already acknowledge: kids with 'mitochondrial disorder' (which is not as rare as the authorities would like, and like the public, to think). These children can't handle stress as easily as other children - like the fever caused by vaccines. Or another example that the authorities don't know about, by and large, because of professional avoidance of the issue: kids with a genetic polymorphism (susceptibility/predisposition) to be low in a substance called glutathione, which is the body's natural chelator of heavy metals/toxins, taking them out of the body. Vaccines have substances like mercury and aluminum in them: these kids will have a harder time chelating/eliminating those toxins than other kids. Another example: it has been discovered that at least some of the genes associated with autism code for glutamate, which in the wrong place is an excitotoxin, ie, a toxin to the brain. These kids should be spared glutamate - or as it is known in live-virus vaccines, glutamic acid (it acts as a stabilizer). So those kids need to have their diet screened carefully of MSG (or casein or gluten, which have glutamate in them; and thus the value for many such brain-damaged kids of a CF/GF diet) - and need to be spared being vaccinated with the likes of the MMR.**

I could go on; but I need to move on, to the 'official' rationale of kids dying from the childhood diseases if their parents started refusing to have them vaccinated. (1) Let's look at the true ratio of risks-vs-benefits; not the limited one being used today. There is far more damage being wrought by this vaunted medical modality than is being admitted to. We're talking, in their side effects, the (epidemic) likes of ADD/ADHD (& dyslexia & dyspraxia & other such PDD conditions, including autism); allergies/asthma; arthritis/arthralgia; CFS/ME; convulsions/seizures/epilepsy; type 1 diabetes; MS - the list goes on, of autoimmune and neurological and other disorders caused by vaccines. So we need a more honest risk assessment here. (2) It's not as if there are not other treatments for the childhood diseases, that don't have the damnable side effects to them that the vaccines have anyway. There's vitamin A/cod liver oil for measles; large doses of vitamin C for polio; colloidal silver for the DPT triad - the list goes on, of natural anti-virals and -bacterials, that can get the child through the condition - and that way, allow the children to develop natural, lifelong immunity to the conditions, that they do not get from the weakened vaccine strains (from which they get only what is called sensitization).***

And we now come to a fourth reason for the cover-up in this ignoble matter; and its link to my wrapping up this blog. The matter of profits - to the pharmaceutical companies, and to the allopathic medical profession, relying on the products of those corporations for their own comfortable incomes. The corporate-government complex (aka fascism) is protecting those profits, with all the fact-obfuscating that they can muster.

But there's even more to this matter than that. It turns out that vaccines have been identified by the Powers That Be as an excellent vehicle for people control, and culling, from the substances that can be introduced into people through them. And since the PTB have, as part of their mission, the culling of millions if not billions of our fellow humans as 'useless eaters' in their Brave New World, of people control and technological replacement of people, they will not stand for anything compromising their use of this wonderful tool. Not even the truth about the downsides of vaccines.

So now you know why they don't want to run the studies of vaccinated-vs unvaccinated cohorts, which could put to rest this question, of their downsides. And why they skew study after study to come up with their desired outcome. (The Verstraeten study; the Madsen study; the Fombonne study; the Honda-Rutter study...)

As I say; I could go on. but let me wrap this blog up for now.

Tony Bennett used to sing a song entitled 'If I Ruled the World'. If I ruled the world, I would eliminate the concept of profit as the motivating factor for human activity - which has caused most of the trouble on the planet today; with some individuals gaining great well-being from it, but the large majority being damaged terribly by it; and with its seeding of wars and rumours of wars from time immemorial - and replace it with the motivating factor of, in a word, Love: when people will provide each other with goods and services, and give of their best in the process, out of gratitude to their Creator for life with meaning. And we will thus get rid of all this atrocious behaviour that many have been, and are, engaging in, that does our full potential - of spiritual beings having a human experience - no justice.

It will be replaced anyway. Because the old is dying. Having had its day in the sun. And in the end, being found wanting. 'Not fit for purpose,' as they say. The purpose, of our future on this lovely planet we call Earth. Now calling of us our best. Not our worst.

You were given free will. You will have to live with the consequences of your actions. And in the meantime, humanity is moving up, to a higher level of expression of our basic divine nature. Join us. Or be left behind.

Your choice.


* The number of cases of autism have gone up in association with a number of vaccinal factors: (1) Vaccination - and the increased number of vaccines - being made mandatory in more states in the 80s and 90s; (2) the ingredients of vaccines changing over the same general period of time. These changes have not been studied well, because 'everybody knows that vaccines are good' - because the practice is governmental policy, so 'don't confuse me with the facts'.

** And note something here: the MMR, or any live-virus vaccine, should not be given at the same time as vaccines with mercury (thimerosal; as an antiseptic) or aluminum (as an adjuvant) in them, because glutamic acid lowers levels of glutathione, and thus the interaction will cause the child not to be able to eliminate the mercury or aluminum as easily, as if such vaccines are given at separate times.
And while on the subject of glutathione antagonists: acetaminophen - Tylenol in the US - also causes levels of glutathione to be lowered. Thus, if the child runs a fever from the vaccines, and the health practitioner gives it Tylenol, and those vaccines contain such as thimerosal or aluminum, they will likewise, as with glutamate, not be able to be eliminated as easily. Result: brain damage.

*** And besides, mortality from all of the childhood diseases was already going down before the advent of the vaccines for them. As it was for diseases for which there are no vaccines. It has been mostly due to better hygiene and nutrition and cleaner water.

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