Wednesday 15 February 2012

Crisis in America

The office of the presidency of the United States is being occupied by a usurper. Besides being a crime, this is a dishonor to that honorable office. Other occupants of the office have done it dishonor as well; but this one has gone a bridge too far. As have those who signed off on his eligibility; and that includes not only members of his own political party, in acts of commission, but of the so-called Opposition party in American politics, in acts of omission, of their political duty, and role. Which is, or should be, to act as a check and balance against the party in power, and to give The People - the sovereigns in the American form of government - a choice in their socio-econo-political deliberations.

One can surmise about why the Opposition has chosen to go along with this usurpation; on which, more later. But one need only to look at the record, in assigning guilt to the usurper’s own political party, and especially the higher-ups thereof: who fraudulently declared his eligibility to run for the office in an obviously knowing manner. Which I will also get into in more detail later. For now, the fact: that the person currently occupying the office of the presidency is not eligible for that office, in the clear terms of the U.S. Constitution.

The term itself involved in this matter, ie, of the person in that particular office of the Republic needing to be, quote, a ‘natural born Citizen’, unquote, is not defined within the Constitution; and so, one needs to go to the historical record, to find out what that definition was, in the minds of those who inserted that qualification into the law of the land. And that definition can be, and has been, traced, historically and judicially. And the legal definition of that term involves both jus soli and jus sanguinis, ie, born of the soil and of the blood; and as to the latter qualification, it means having been born of citizen parents - plural.

The whole point of this exercise in nation-building was to make sure that the person occupying that office did not have dual loyalties - and especially not to Great Britain, from whom the fledgling Americans had just fought a war of independence. This fact is so clear to anybody who has the slightest understanding of the Constitution that it beggars belief that the politicians in our day could not have known this fundamental fact of constitutional life; and in fact, they proved that they indeed knew of it, in submitting no less than eight attempts to amend the Constitution in regards to this specific matter in the five years leading up to the elections of 2008 - and from both sides of the political aisle. None of those attempts made it out of committee. So what happened?

Both political parties - obviously in concert, and thus in a conspiracy between them - simply chose to ignore the law, and attempt to brazen their way through any attempt by any uncontrolled citizens to make an issue of the matter.

The issue, of the rule of law in the country; and of the fact that the power elite in the country are not the sovereigns. That honor belongs to The People.

That honor, and responsibility. For if a people, duly authorized by the law of their nation to be the sovereigns, do not exercise their responsibility, “government of, by, and for the people” may, indeed, “perish from the Earth”.

Perish the thought.

Thus it is incumbent upon The People to right this wrong that has been done to them, and to the country that they are the current custodians of: by taking back their country from the usurpers, plural, who have schemed to take it from them, and put it in the hands of shadowy schemers behind the scenes.

The perpetrators of this crime shall not prevail. But it’s time for The People to make that fact known, loud, and clear. And I suggest that a March on Washington of The People, Assembled, turfing out both the usurper in the office of the presidency and the sitting Congress - the latter for not having done its constitutional duty and responsibility in this matter - and having them present themselves before a court of law (an incorrupted court of law; duly authorized by The People) be the way to do it. To take the first step in the cleansing of the Augean stables of the federal level of government in the country.

A word about the supposition as to why the Republican Party chose to go along with this scam on the American people. And this is, simply, at this point, mere supposition. But the reason would seem to be pretty clear: that there was a quid pro quo involved. Along the lines of, the Republican Party members of the conspiracy saying to their Democratic Party counterparts: ‘We won’t say anything about your candidate if you won’t say anything about ours’. - the latter, current or future. (It turns out that there was some question about McCain’s eligibility, as to whether he was in fact born in a hospital in Panama City rather than on the U.S. military base in the Panama Canal Zone.)*

As to the evidence for the Democratic Party authorities knowingly signing off on their presidential candidate’s fraudulent eligibility: this is attested to in the difference between the forms sent to the Hawaiian election authorities - who had let it be known that they wanted to be advised of evidence of the candidates’s eligibility - and the other states; wherein the form sent to the Hawaiian authorities - over the signatures of the attesting authorities of the Democratic Pary Nominating Convention - specifically referred to their candidate’s eligibility to run for the office of the presidency (and so the Hawaiian authorities were in the clear, if anything ever came of the legal point), and the forms sent to all the other state authorities made no mention of that specific fact.

This is execrable behavior. And it must not stand.

And will not stand, only if The People will not stand for it.

In conclusion:

I call on all those who know, or have suspected, why they have incarnated at this time - ie, to help bring in the New Order of Things on planet Earth - to step forward now, and claim their rightful place in this transition time into a new and better world; a world more fully mirroring the higher realms, from which we have come. To learn our lessons, in this school - and impart the benefit of the lessons that we have already learned - and then move on.

But for now, to face the moment, fully; and give it our best. The best of who we are, individually and collectively. As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience,’ in the insightful words of a recent Teacher of wisdom.

For, make no mistake: We are on the cusp of something new. The world will be a different place, from now on. With the Light replacing the Dark in power; the former legacy to be on Earth, as it is in Heaven.

And let the chips fall where thay may - the chips of the carving out of the New Era of humanity. And certainly not the New World Order that is currently planned for it, by souls who have lost their way in the darkness of their making, in thinking to be as very gods. To whom The People can, and should, say, now, loud and clear: We are not amused.


* A resolution of Congress that was passed at the time, declaring their belief that he was in fact a Natural Born Citizen, was an act of Kabuki theater. Such an issue is not decided by resolutions of Congress. Congress can resolve anything it wants. This is a legal issue; which goes to the legal definition of the expression.+
And incidentally: Isn’t it interesting that no such ‘resolution’ was passed regarding the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama (or whatever his real name is; which has not yet been clarified)? Passing strange, that. It’s as if he were a Mystery Candidate.
Which, in point of fact, he was. And is.

+ It also goes to the issue of the difference between judicial attitudes regarding contracts, ie, the parsing of words. The Democrats - ie, liberals - apparently thought they could get away with a change in the definition of the expression as part of their ‘creative’ approach to such matters. To say: the idea has been conjured up that there are two competing but legitimate camps regarding ‘the law’; that there are on the one hand ‘originalists’ - ie, those who believe in a reading of the law from the point of view of ascertaining the ‘original intent’ of those who wrote it (and on which strength it was passed) - and on the other hand there are, you should pardon the expression, ‘creationists’ - ie, those who believe in a reading of the law from the point of view of considering it ‘a living document’, subject merely to the test of the interpretation to be given to it from the personal socio-econo-political proclivities of the current crop of justices. Precise wordsmiths need not apply, in the latter camp’s perspective. ‘Words mean what I say they mean’, said Humpty Dumpty.
Who, some people in this ‘debate’ should remember, had a great fall.
The bottom line: The members of the SCOTUS are supposed to interpret the law against the Constitution; not against their personal proclivities, and personal reading INTO the words of the Constitution. Which, shall we never forget, is a contract. Not just “a damn piece of paper,” as it has been characterized by a recent POTUS; and treated as such by the present occupant of the office. Which just goes to show us that the rot has set in on both sides of the political aisle; and so the answer lies on neither side of that temporal division.
The answer - as always - lies within.

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