Tuesday 21 February 2012

Obama and the Rule of Law in World Affairs

In the UK, the leading liberal newspaper, the Guardian, has many good columnists, almost all on the 'left' of political affairs. One of them is Timothy Garton Ash, a confirmed Europhile. I don''t agree with him on that subject - have what I consider a healthy suspicion of the ultimate plans for Europe by TPTB behind the scenes, and sometimes in front of them. But Garton Ash often has important things to say, for those who want to keep up with European, and world, affairs. Last week he wrote an interesting column under the header 'Why Obama and Xi need an Australian Retreat with Kevin'. To explain, briefly, before getting on with the main point I want to make in this blog.

Garton Ash pointed out that China is soon to have another leader, one Xi Jinping, and that it would behoove the West to know as much about him as possible, given the trajectory of world econo-politics. He talked about the fact that "there are now all the makings of a classic great power rivalry between China and the US," and what could be done about that. There was a recent security conference in Europe, at which the Chinese representative - their vice-minister of foreign affairs, one Zhang Zhijun - and the American rep - who happened to be Senator and former presidential candidate John McCain - showed, in Ash's mind, how not to do it; and how the Australian rep, Kevin Rudd - its foreign minister, and former prime minister - exampled "how to get it right". The gist of that approach: for the West to recognise that "For the first time in 200 years the world's largest economy will be a non-democracy; for the first time in 500 years, it will be a non-western country," and how important it was for the US and China to break bread together - or, in Ash's colourful expression, for Xi and Obama to have a beer together. His precise words: "So Xi and Barack Obama should now plan to take a joint summer retreat on the coast of Australia, guided by Rudd, wlth a snorkelling trip to the Great Barrier Reef. Full-blown, Castlemaine XXXX mateship between Chinese and Americans may be too much to expect, but it is essential for them to open a frank, strategic conversation about global values and the foundations of international order." (Earlier he had referred to how Rudd had "calmly sketched both the huge growth in individual freedom and prosperity in China over the past 30 years, and the distance still to go before China can be described as a well-governed country under the rule of law. Implicitly rejecting the positions taken by both McCain and Zhang, he said 'we need to shape global values together'.")

Ah, yes. 'Global values.' The 'rule of law'. The 'foundations of international order.' To be shaped by the leader of a newly-arrived major world power, with a "distance still to go before [it] can be described as a well-governed country under the rule of law," and the leader of the former king of the hill, who is a usurper under that country's 'rule of law', and thus is demonstrating the corrupt 'foundations of international order'.

The West currently has nothing to teach a power with a "distance still to go" to be considered "a well-governed country under the rule of law".

It is precisely wrong to let the man who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama* hold that space. It reeks of corruption; feeds into the idea of the rule of men - of overlords, not subject to law, but arrogantly assuming the role of being the law, without regard to The People.

This goes to the heart of the matter: Whether the world is to be ruled by henchmen of the wealthy Elite, to say of the status quo, or by the will of The People; as incarnated souls, given free will, by which to test their mettle.

Which is it to be, Earthlings, for your future on this beleaguered planet?? - Needing now your best. Not your worst.

Not that the Republicans are any 'better' in this matter. They obviously conspired to let the Democrat candidate off the hook;** for their own purposes. One can surmise that it was principally because it plays right into their hands, of wanting to get the Constitution out of the way of their plans for a New World Order - making of the Constitution "just a damn piece of paper",*** not worth the paper it is written on.

And these Elite are very close to their accomplishment. I see that the Big Bankers are close to having to make their move, of takeover, because the collapse of the international banking system may happen before they can control the process. If the word gets out about the impossibly huge debt that is owed throughout that system - particularly via an arcane 'financial instrument' called Credit Default Swaps (CDS), which is one of the results of the casino operation that the old, comparatively venerable banking system has become (greed has a way of doing that to people) - the plug may be pulled on it before the perps are in their most desired positions to weather that storm.

Shall we name some names? There's Goldman Sachs; Citigroup, the Bank of America; HSBC; the list goes on. Of the banks that control an entity known as ISDA, which has the power to declare defaults on debts - or not. If they don't declare a default, they don't have to pay out on that insurance. Sweet. The fox and the chicken coop comes to mind.

Also best-laid plans, and mice, and men...

The whole thing is beyond redemption.

It has to go.

And leading the way: the current, putative president of the United States. Whatever his real name is. Who should not be leading the country - and the world - into its New Age.

And I assure you: that will NOT be the New World Order of international banking and business infamy.

Their days are numbered.

You will know them by the degrees of corruption that they emanate.

It smells of death.

As the Old Order passes.

And a new, better way of being on lovely old planet Earth comes into being.

At last.

As I have said, in a bit of poetry that I have come up with recently:

'I want to see a society/Where people do things out of love./I will settle/For nothing less./If that means/I will have to wait an eternity/Then that's what I will have to do,/I guess./Until/As Below is the same as As Above.

'But it will happen./I bet my life on it./And we will sharpen/that point to it/With a grinding stone/that makes of us One/and makes it our own/divine/nature/coming into its own/at the very last.

'So secure a place for yourself/at the table of that feast/at the very least

'It will happen/you know./So don't be slow/to sitting down/At that Round Table/As the select person that you are/the elect person that you are/extremely able/Underneath your current reality

'that tells you: 'Me?/I don't think so./No thank you./I'm not up to it.'

'I say: Yes you are/now/and always will be'

- and on, in that vein. Declaring that

it's time.

And we need a few knights of the Round Table around here, to help bring it into being.

And I don't mean the Round Table groups that Prof. Carroll Quigley talks about in his magnum opus 'Tragedy and Hope'.

That's terrestrial stuff.

I mean the kinds of souls who are ready to do the work that they came into this vale of tears and strife to do.

Are you one of them?

Then carry on.

You'll get your marching orders soon.

On the inner.

But you'll have to do your homework.

Your Home work.

Which is to cultivate the art of inner listening

And then act on your instructions from that source.

That Source.

Of us all.

Asking of us, now, our best

At the very least.


* It's not enough that the person does not qualify for the job of president of the U.S. - not being a 'natural born citizen', according to his testimony about his father; but without an undoctored birth certificate, the country does not know who he is, precisely - and in point of fact, has to endure the fact as well that he has had various names in the past.
The man is a cipher; a Mystery. That mystery will be uncovered, sooner or later. But in the meantime, he is no proper representative of the U.S. in domestic affairs, let alone foreign ones.
Unless one is of the opinion that the U.S. citizenry has gotten the leadership that it deserves; for being asleep on the job, of being a self-governing people.

** obviously, because in the five years leading up to the elections of 2008, there were eight attempts in Congress to change the Constitution's 'natural born citizen' requirement for the presidential office - by both sides of the political aisle. They all failed even to get out of committee. So what happened? TPTB decided just to go around the Constitution, and brazen their way through to their desired outcome. And obviously, they figured they could do it, because (a) they controlled most of the MSM in the country; (b) they controlled both houses of Congress; and (c) they had helped dumb the populace down enough that they could count on the great mass of the citizenry just to continue watching the telly.
And they have been able to get away with their machinations.
So far.

*** In the colourful words of The Great Pretender's successor, George Dubya; under whom a lot of the civil rights-destroying legislation has been brought into being. Setting the stage for a false flag op, or similar supersaturating event, giving TPTB the 'authority' to declare Martial Law, and thereby accomplish the complete takeover of the American Republic; in order to merge it into their vaunted New World Order. A subject in itself; not to go into here and now.

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