Saturday 28 November 2009

The Destruction of the Old Order Cometh - One Way or Another

As the United States approaches bankruptcy within the next 12 months - through being unable to refinance its debt (or trying to by revving up the printing presses; which will crash the dollar, and result in the same end anyway) - I invite the discerning member of the public to envision two scenarios: the scenario of the world economic system collapsing under onerous debt and the oligarchical elite picking up the pieces in the final execution-stage of their well-planned-for New World Order, of power over the people; or the release from a scarcity system into something new, that in point of fact releases abundance to become manifest, in a scenario that emphasizes the power of the people. The latter scenario comes about via the elimination of money, as the false god it has become; and even as simply the medium of exchange that it has historically been.

What in the world am I talking about.

I am talking about lifting our eyes a bit. And backing off our nose a bit. To say: We've had our nose too close to the grindstone for too long, to be able to see another way of doing things. We haven't seen clearly the nature of things, and our time and place within the nature of things.

America has just celebrated its Thanksgiving cultural holiday, when they are reminded to appreciate what they have. It dates to the early colony days, when the Pilgrims and other Europeans celebrated in thanksgiving with the help of the North American natives, after a time of near-starvation. There is also a political spin to the holiday, by its commemorating the release of an early form of communism as the pervading societal idea of the Pilgrims - all things to be held in common - and the advent of capitalism in the New World, with individuals in the settlements allowed to own property and sell the food raised therein excess to their familial needs to others. And fair enough. In a scarcity situation, those who labor the hardest deserve the fruits of their labors, over those who don't labor as hard. But what happens if/when humanity arrives at a point on its timeline where it can experience abundance?

I invite you to think of the future, and picture it, and see a world that works: People happy, doing what makes their heart sing, and contributing periods of service to their communities; an abundance of food and shelter; high technology in energy sources and so forth. And I invite you to consider that what makes it work is not money but gratitude: Gratitude for life with meaning.

I recently posted a comment on a conservative blogger's site, to an article wherein this 'issue' of the first Pilgrims' progress in the New World was raised with the intention to note the value of a capitalist economic system over a socialist one (as a warning to current trends noted in the country with the advent of the new political administration). My response:

"On a day set aside to appreciate what we have, a gentle reminder that that includes an ideal opportunity to release old forms and enter into a new compact within the human family; one based on the proposition that the universe has purpose, and that purpose is Good. Accepting such a proposition gives individuals all the motivation they need to give of their best, in a mutual exchange of goods and services; and thus we can release the training wheels of a system based on interest-bearing money, wherein 'money' has become an end in itself, not the means to an end that it was intended to be. We have all the 'wealth' we need, in the provision to us of the Creation, by the I Am; and thus the basis for the highest incentive: giving in gratitude for life, and its opportunities to grow in stature.

"The Pilgrims were right; human nature was weak. We now have ourselves in a situation where the one humanity on this lovely planet can move up on the scale of human consciousness, and reflect more fully, and abundantly, its potential, individually and collectively. It's time to release the old battles, waged on the level of the problem, and listen to those who are speaking of a new order of things. Just not the one that those corrupted by Power would impose on the people.

"It's time for the truly new. Something, indeed, to be thankful for."

Fortunately, this vision of a better order of things is landing with and through many people. I think, in this regard, of the likes of David C. Korten, referenced in his books, 'When Corporations Rule the World', 'The Great Turning: The Post-Corporate World', and 'Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth'; of Thomas H. Greco, Jr., as referenced in his book 'The End of Money And the Future of Civilization'; of the insights of Peter Joseph ( and Jacque Fresco & Roxanne Meadows (; of Yes! Magazine, and of innumerable groups working for positive change. One of the latter that I particularly appreciate is the group behind The World Peace Treaty, with its manifesto:

"We, The Inheritors of a new era, see Peace as essential to our Being, giving honor and respect to all life. Therefore, we take our stand for World Peace. We choose Peace for ourselves, for our children and for our children's children. We invite everyone to join us in our dedication to Peace!' (

Ant there are more and more of these sorts of initiatives coming on line...

There is something new under the sun. It's called globalization: the infrastructure for the literal landing of a sense of One Planet, One Humanity, One Destiny.

May the Force be with you.

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