Sunday 8 November 2009

Straight Talk About Autism

Ah, that crazy world again, out there...

Sitting up here in the north of Scotland, I keep an eye on what is going on in the world on my computer screen as best I can. And I am, i have to say, often not impressed, to put it as euphemistically as I can.

Especially disheartening and aggravating at this time is the foot-dragging going on in the troubled bowels of the executive branch of the American federal government regarding the issue of autism (aka ASD, for autism spectrum disorder). The federal bodies designated to explore the matter continue to stonewall, as if there is no real urgency about the matter; even though the reports of its occurrence continue to climb - from 1 in 10,000 in the '70s to recently, 1 in 150 (more in boys than girls), and even more recently, 1 in 91 or so - I mean, what difference does it make, precisely? It continues to grow in occurrence, at an alarming and unacceptable rate. (It's just due to 'better diagnosing'? Tell that to the long-term teachers in grade schools all over the country.) And the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) with its "strategic plan for autism research" continues predictably to drag its feet. Meeting on October 23rd, it waited for some input from another body, called the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC), which for some reason or other was not forthcoming, so they put off their next deliberations until November 18th, and could someone please pass the milk? Actually, don't bother: my coffee has gone cold. Oh well. Next meeting...

And then I read, on a thread of a blog on an ASD parents' forum called Age of Autism, the likes of a mother reporting how her son's pediatrician said that his rock-hard stools complete with bleeding anus after months of chronic diarrhea following on from his 4-month shots was "totally normal".

In that pediatrician's practice, I wouldn't be surprised.

The blog was quite an intriguing, and eye-opening, one. By one of the keepers of the AoA flame, father of a daughter on the spectrum, it was entitled 'Rat On a Hot Tin Plate: New Evidence Shows Ethyl Mercury from Vaccines Causes Abnormal Brain Development in Infants'. It was a report about a new animal study from the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw. One of the methods they used to test for neurological damage was a heat sensitivity assessment called the 'hot plate test', whereby the researchers put the two sets of rats on a hot plate and check with a stopwatch their response to the heat. It turns out that in animal studies, mercury poisoning can result in a lack of normal pain registering. And lo and behold, many kids on the spectrum have the same abnormality as well. This father - one Mark Blaxill - reported in the article on a strange experience his young daughter had with a very hot reading-lamp light bulb; which was one of the symptoms she expressed just a week before they received an official diagnosis of her: autism.

The comments on the blog thread were heart-rending. Case after case after case of parents reporting on their own kids, with the same sorts of conditions (the profile includes abnormal sweating also). I finally was moved to contribute a comment to the dialogue today, even though most of them had already taken place earlier in the week; but hey, better late than never...:

"Sensory Integration Dysfunction [which is what one parent's ped diagnosed his child with]...sounds like a lot of peds, and other medical authorities, these days...

"'These days': I recall reading, in 1955-6, in an upmarket monthly (I think it was The Atlantic), a mother's report of her then-teenaged son who had been diagnosed with a strange new condition starting to appear called autism. Besides the usual symptoms (even then) - of being in a world of his own, etc. - he displayed two in-particular peculiar features. One was that he would put his face right up into reading lamps, as if fascinated where the light was coming from. (It never seemed to hurt his eyes, as I recall his mother reporting to the interviewer.) The other particular peculiarity about him was that if he saw a bottle of cooking or salad oil he would grab it and guzzle the whole thing down, if not stopped.

"I had been a pre-med up until then, and though I chose not to continue on in to medical school, I still had a pre-med's scientific bent of mind; and I remember wondering, What is this all about? What could be causing this obvious brain damage? That conclusion was obvious to me, because of the symptoms in general; and as for the obsession about the cooking/salad oil, that had to be because of the ingredients; and even I knew that the brain was largely made up of fats/oils...

"...even I knew...

"...and all these years later, the medical authorities are still scratching their heads, and wondering... -

"No. I don't buy that. They're not wondering, any longer.

"They know.

"John Stone mused, a ways back in this thread:

"'What has come over so much of the scientific community that they will countenance this great evil and connive at it?'

"I used to think, 'They just don't have a chance to read the alternative literature on this subject; they just don't know.' Or as a last resort: 'They're still convinced that the benefits of vaccines so "far outweigh" the risks that they are just true believers.'

"But no. I can't give them - my just-about peers in life - the benefit of the doubt any longer.

"They know. And John Stone's question is the correct one to ask.

"And my answer?

"That it's more than just venality, John.

"It's power. And the power to corrupt absolutely thereof.

"They are the priests of our day.,

"No. Far more. They are the gods of our day.

"And they are riddled with moral corruption.

"Because without a vision - a vision of something more than Man - the people perish.

"And their keepers go first."


How many studies do we need to clarify 'the role of toxic chemicals in autism'?

They've been done. Enough of them.

How many kids do there have to be who show recovery, or alleviation, after biomeds, before the authorities admit to all of this?

Apparently the answer is: more. And more. And more...

Because this whole thing jeopardizes the whole vaccine programme.

Whereby we're not just talking about a comparatively few cases of autism.

We're talking about case after case after case of the likes of: allergies/asthma/anaphylaxis. (How could it be otherwise, when they put food proteins into vaccines? And glutamate; which appears in many foodstuffs??) Arthritis/arthralgia. ADD/ADHD & dyslexia & dyspraxia and ASD and the whole range of PDDs? CFS/ME? Convulsions/seizures/epilepsy? Type 1 diabetes (the Hib vaccine in particular, that one)? Lupus? MS? and other autoimmune conditions, like ALS......

What am I really saying here.

I'm saying that all the ingredients in vaccines HAVE to have caught their attention, and concern. (Including animal cells, inevitably carrying viruses. And aborted fetal cells; inevitably causing the potential of cancers and autoimmunity. And the adjuvant squalene, which is a substance found naturally in the body; so as part of an inflammation-inducing vaccine, those vaccines are inevitably going to run the risk of causing yet another autoimmune assault on the modern child. Plus, as shark oil, squalene is sourced from one of the highest mercury-containing creatures in the ocean...) So they're staying quiet.


Various reasons.

Some of them sincerely believe that 'the benefits far outweigh the risks' of vaccines. (After all, that's what they were taught; and if they start questioning that, what else might they have to start questioning??)

Some of them are on the payrolls, in various ways, of the pharmaceutical industry; their partners in the (incredibly remunerative) plying of their craft.

Some of them have bought the corrupted philosophy of allopathic-based medicine, whereby they know that their bread is buttered on the side of more and more illness and disease.

And some of them have bought into the prevailing mindset of the power structure on the planet, whereby our keepers want to keep us sick and docile, and even want to kill us off - in our excessive numbers - through this wonderful and wonderfully ubiquitous modality, of pumping all manner of agents into our mind-controlled bodies.

(Including anti-fertility agents, I will just briefly note here.)

And so anyone who jeopardizes this tool of the trade needs to be sorted out.


Before the sheeple gain a critical mass, and it is harder to deal with them.

So: Round them up. Take their civil rights away from them. Make them susceptible to the control of the Powers That Be.

That is to say: Show them who's boss.




For a partial listing of vaccine ingredients: informed

As for giving The Atlantic Monthly credit for keeping an independent eye on things in America; these recent articles:

'Does the Vaccine Matter?', article by Shannon Brownlee & Jeanne Lenzer in the November 2009 issue of The Atlantic (

'How American Health Care Killed My Father', article by David Goldhill in the September 2009 issue of The Atlantic (

Books (Partial listing):

Coulter, Harris L., Ph.D. - 'Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality: the Medical Assault on the American Brain'

Horowitz, Leonard, DMD, MA, MPH - 'Emerging Viruses - AIDs and Ebola'

P.S. Some naysayers will naysay that 'thimerosal has been taken out of almost all vaccines so what are you people on about? And hey - the incidences of ASD haven't gone down since, so what about that, huh? Huh?'
What about that is an interesting subject, since you ask. 'What about that' includes the fact that the mostly thimerosal-containing flu vaccine was added to the schedule about the same time as thimerosal was being phased out of many vaccines (which took some years to accomplish; and what sort of toxic preservative did they replace it with, anyway? Huh? Huh?). And not only added to the schedule, but including being recommended to pregnant women. Not a good idea, since mercury can cross the placenta. (They're not supposed to get the multi-dose vials with the mercury in the U.S.; but who's keeping track??) So the figures have been neatly confounded. On purpose? I couldn't possibly say. And anyway, thimerosal isn't the only cause of autism. Nor are vaccines themselves. But THEY ARE IMPLICATED. And this matter should have been addressed long ago.
If the PTB had actually wanted to know the answer.
Being all scientific-minded, as they are.

P.P.S. Hint: The vaccine schedule has been multiplied enormously since those early autism-incidence years. Go figure.

P.P.P.S. 'Correlation is not causation'? No. But when the point of a procedure is to produce an inflammatory reaction in the body...
No. I don't want to embarrass anybody, by pointing out such an obvious factor, as regards the incidences of vaccines as compared, say, to people changing their method of tooth brushing, or bicycling more to work in the same time period, get the drift. So no. I couldn't possibly comment on such thinking. Which, not so incidentally, has been used - seriously - on many of these autism-article threads.
As I say: Go figure.
(And why are the vaccine & vaccine-schedule defenders so willing not to listen to parents' feedback in this matter? Or the healthcare providers themselves? What legitimate medical professional would NOT listen to their stories?? The most favorable presumption must be that these authorities and their defenders feel that parents can be mistaken, in their take on the correlation/causation issue. And that is a possibility. But the possibility is also there that they are not mistaken; that their child, ultimately diagnosed with autism, started down that terrible hill in the wake of AND DUE TO their shots. And it is this basic medical-history stuff that their peds should have been listening to, and looking at.
If they had wanted to.
As for the story of one such clear-eyed, and in addition scientifically-trained, parent, see the blog of Ginger Taylor:

P.P.P.P.S. Also, just to note in passing: that the day of that IACC meeting, where the foot-dragging continued to take place - October 23 - was also the day that President Obama announced his National Declaration of Emergency regarding the swine flu, er, pandemic. Which could have caused the 'emergency' authorization of adding squalene to the H1N1 vaccines in the U.S.; besides other emergency procedures, including mandating the vaccine.
Again: Go figure.
And don't expect much help from the authorities for you and your families in this matter. This matter, of autism in particular, and the downsides of vaccines in general. Because 'the authorities' are fatally compromised by the system that they are authorities in.

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