Friday 6 January 2012

How Long, O Man it going to take you to wake up?

There are two aspects to this query, from my perspective. One is an American factor, and the other involves humanity in general.

But first things first: the overall aspect. (For without the overall aspect, the rest - anything else - is irrelevant.)

In 1955, when I dropped out of university (where I had been a pre-med student, aiming to go on into medical school for a way to be of service in the world) to go searching for answers to life (because of a ‘spiritual experience’ I had that year, that woke me up to the larger picture of things), I came across material regarding what was, and is, called reincarnation: the idea that some component of ‘us’, what we call our soul, returns to life, after life, after life, working out what is called our karma - “the principle of retributive justice determining a person’s state of life and the state of his reincarnations as the effect of his past deeds,” according to the dictionary definition of the term; a factor that both Hinduism and Buddhism have incorporated into their cosmology. Christianity doesn’t have that take on things cosmological, because it is based on a belief that ‘Christ died for our sins’, and thus we - this present being; vehicle and soul - are eternal; ‘bathed in the blood of the Lamb.’ But that’s just a belief system; there is no proof of it.* Is there any proof, alternatively, of the concept of reincarnation?

Indeed there is. And was, at the time of my initial investigation into such matters. But it was, or seemed to me, at any rate - from my access to literature on the subject, in ‘the largest public library in the Western world’ (which I figured must be in New York City), where I went (all the way across the country from my home in California) to look for the answers I was seeking - merely anecdotal, at that point in time. So I continued to keep an open mind on the subject - of reincarnation specifically, and ’religion’ in general...and the evidence for the former has continued to mount, in the years since. Not gone away. Not diminished. But grown; in study after study (a good one: Dr. Ian Stevenson’s ‘Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation’), and article after article, and book after book.

Books like the one recounting stories of children who reported to their parent(s) experiences of a past life, that subsequently got confirmed, in personal investigations in current time. And then, with the advent of TV, various ‘true life’ stories recounted there. And in books like those of Dr. Arthur Guirdham, of the UK, who came across such stories from some of his patients, which he was subsequently able to confirm by checking the historical records...

We really need to wake up to the fact that reincarnation is real. And therefore, we are faced with a basic question: what does that tell us? It tells us that there is a Plan in ‘the universe’ - in the life experience. That there is a meaning to it. And it would behoove us to investigate what that meaning could be.

Part of the meaning, obviously, is that we are playing parts in a drama - for a purpose. For you can’t have a drama without a meaning. But could the meaning - the real meaning - of the drama be embedded in the fact of the drama itself, not just the stories that it throws up, over and over, for us to experience characters from various angles, and learn various lessons/gain insights therefrom??

If now I play a father, and in a past life on the stage of life I played a daughter, and it turns out that in the ongoing drama I am the father to you, and in that past life I was the daughter to you...and we keep changing roles...and races and religions and nationalities...sooner or later, one awakens to the understanding that

We Are One Another. Just playing roles in our individuated soul experiences. And therefore, actually - these incarnations being merely roles we are playing - the reality is that, underneath this realm of duality, of separation -

We Are One.

Are one with each other. And - ineluctably - One with the Creator. Yes, we are creations of - aspects of - the Creator. But we are One WITH the Creator. Like the part of the hologram is one with the Whole.

And life would seem, indeed - to the scientists of our day, it is turning out - to be very much like that: a hologram. A projection. A phantasm.

And so, what we call ‘life’ is not the true reality.

And so, we should not be getting bogged down in it, and hung up in it, as though it were the true reality.

The thing eternal. At least, seeming eternal; since there is a reality beyond the projection of time and space.

Whatever all its properties, the main point is that

‘life’ - as we know it, on this plane of awareness; of consciousness - is not the be-all and end-all of existence. And so we shouldn’t be treating it as though it were.

Christians, and other westerners, may argue that the concept of reincarnation sure didn’t do all those Hindus and Buddhists much good - look at their cultures, and standards of living. Not a lot to be envious of. Look at what a marvelous standard of living can be accomplished with a belief in the primacy of the individual...

I would say to that observation: Wait until you see what a marvelous standard of living can be accomplished when a critical mass of souls wake up to their true essence, and choose to make of life on Earth a Garden of Eden, in a Golden Age; more purely reflective of their understanding of what ‘it’ is all about - dropping the part-playing, and going for ‘the real thing’, out of the highest motive that this species, of Homo sapiens sapiens, could ever hope to have, and be energized by: out of gratitude to their Creator for life with meaning.

And it will come about, when we marry West and East. Or more precisely: the best of the West and the best of the East. And create on Earth a sense of Oneness; with each other, and with our Creator.

One Planet. One Humanity. One Destiny.

About to show at a theater near you.

And now, for the specific American aspect to this query.

Somewhere, somehow, the American people were tricked into believing things about their national constitution that are not true; and I’m unhappy with that. With the tricketers; but especially how they got away with it, with The People going asleep at the switch, from a federal form of government to a centralized one.

When I went searching for capital-t Truth, it included researching into what was going on in my country of origin. One of those matters had to do with the way the Constitution was being used. And I use the term ‘used’ purposely. A little history lesson here. All things in the American form of government are not controlled from the center; as liberals would have the public believe, and support; the easier to take over, than from a decentralized form of government. (For example: abortion.) Though not just the liberals got involved with this caper, this takeover of the American form of government. Right-wing forces bent on creating a fascistic New World Order are equally at fault as left-wingers, among the latter of whom are those bent on creating a socialistic New World Order, not just a ‘nicer’ government.

A pox on both their houses. It’s time for the American people to wake up to the ride they have been and are being taken on, by people given to totalitarian thinking. From either the Left or the Right, it’s still a totalitarian mentality; and we should have nothing to do with it. Not if we value essential liberty. Value freedom of the individual to live his or her life as free from governmental control as possible; as long as he or she doesn’t interfere with the rights of others to so live their lives.

I could go on in this vein, but let me move on to the crux of the matter. Which is the subversion of the Constitution, by people with an agenda.

A note at this point. Many years ago - well; it would have been 1976, I believe, since it was at the time of a key anniversary in American history, and so must have been the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence - a curious article appeared in the paper. It was a short article, reporting on the conclusions of some body of scholarly types that had been assigned to look at the political picture in America, instigated, apparently, because of that major anniversary. And their report was that America could never be taken over, because of “the Constitution”. I found that a rather strange report. Why were they even looking at the matter??...but my personal research on such matters had already led me to understand that there were, indeed, people - forces - who had that very thought in mind; who would dearly love to take over the country, in order to merge it into a One World Government, under their fascistic (bankers, business & industry leaders) control. And it was true that the Constitution would prevent that from happening. Because it was a contract between the States and the federal government, which ceded to the federal government certain limited and delegated powers - “few and defined,” in the words of ‘the father of the Constitution’, James Madison. And this, wilth the addition of the specifically-named powers not ceded to the federal government, in the Bill of Rights, was the reason that the thirteen former colonies chose to go with the new compact (the Articles of Confederation proving not to be sufficient to the vision of many in the day). So it was to establish a federal form of government on critical purpose, that the States entered into the contract - one that would not be given such power in the contract as ever to be dangerous, and take on a power of its own.

Which is precisely what has happened. Even after all that caution on the part of the Founding Fathers. Who did their best...

The ‘Left’ has changed the contract by legalistic legerdemain; inserting liberal interpretations for ‘original intent’ (and demonizing all those who try to plead ‘strict construction’ as stuck in the eighteenth century; not accepting that time has moved on; etc etc). The ‘Right’ has used that ploy, to try to advance their causes, too; but the more devious among that tribe also saw another way to get the Constitution out of the way of their best-laid plans. Which the Left, under Obama, has seized on as well; whereby both sides of the political divide are now playing the same game. And that is to use the boogie-man of the War on Terror ultimately to create an incident (they’re called a ‘false flag op’) that allows the president to declare Martial Law, and take over the whole U.S. governmental apparatus, in one fell swoop.

Mission accomplished.

I would say to the less-understanding denizens of both these camps (ie, less understanding of the ultimate intentions of their manipulators): ‘Why are you continuing to pretend that you have laws? They’re not worth the paper they’re written on. The Constitution of the United States is just that. Not as in meaning ‘a constitution’. Not meaning ‘a contract between two parties,’ the States and the federal government. But as in merely paper. As George W. characterized it; though a little more colorfully than that.’

And so forth, in this vein. The short of it: America has been taken over, by people with an agenda. And whether that agenda is from the nominal ‘left’ or the nominal ’right’ of the political aisle, it has the same intended result:


And I will not have it.

My message to both camps: Not my country you won’t.

So, for a number of reasons: Wake up, folks. We have a world to win.

Before we lose it.


P.S. While on the subject of the hijacking of the U.S. Constitution, a word about another hijacking, in and of the U.S., that has taken place. I refer to the hijacking of the office of the president of the U.S. - a crime of major proportions.

There is very good reason to believe and indicate that the man currently occupying the office of the presidency, in cahoots with the hierarchy in particular of the Democratic Party, has usurped the office. And the hierarchy of the Republican Party, and the Mainstream Media in America, are complicit in this crime as well - which shows how powerful these people are, who are behind the scenes of this show-and-don’t tell. The American people have, in short, been had.

A message for them: Are you okay with this? And if so, why? Is it a way to spite the questionable election of George W. Bush - both times?? If they can do it, you can do it, too??? Do two wrongs make a right, in your moral universe????

The man is, on the face of things, not a Natural Born Citizen, according to the clear understanding of the definition of the term at the time that it was included in the Constitution. Which doesn’t even bring into the matter the questions regarding his original, vault-copy birth certificate, and the obvious forgery thereof that was presented to the American people, to - hopefully - get them to go back to sleep at the con game going on before their very eyes. The curious matter of his Social Security number, or numbers - the sort of scam that is used by people who want to create a false identity for someone. His passport - why won’t he let the American public see his passport file; what does he have to hide?? His sequestered school records, which could identify how he presented his citizenship...

These, and other questions about his background, must be dealt with, before we can proceed on our path into the new. The sunlit uplands of our New Age on this planet. Just waiting for us to inherit it. Once we have cleansed our karma sufficiently, to allow that to happen legitimately.

And that is not going to happen with a ringer at the helm of the American Republic.

* And plenty of proof to the contrary; as my search for Truth would expose me to. In short: the material that has been handed down to our day, in the form of what is called the New Testament, is not a true historical record. What we know as Christianity should more accurately be called Pauline Christianity. But that’s for another time, to look into in more detail. For now, just to say that it’s a shame that so many sincere people have been hoodwinked about the assumed bedrock beginnings of their belief system.
Would God do such a thing? That question shows a lack of regard for the life experience. We are here to search out the truth of things. If we blindly accept anything as ‘gospel’, we are missing the point of the exercise.
A good bit of advice that I came across early on in my search for the truth (of a lot of things): ‘Check your premises.’ Another such bit of advice; a bit more cynical, though no less valuable: ‘Of all sure things, the surest is to doubt.’
Blind faith is not a virtue. It is the sign, and characteristic, of an unquestioning mind. Man would never have gotten very far, in his experience of the life scene, and his search for the truth of things, if he had not had a questioning mind. Why is the sky blue, and the grass green; etc etc and etc. We are now on the cusp of a major breakthrough in our life experience, into a higher realm of experience, because of one trait: Man’s questing mind.
We got here.
It is a time for celebration. Not recriminations, about how we have been misled through the centuries, so often, and in so many ways, by people with a thirst for power.
As part of - a vital part of - our learning experience. For there must needs be opposition in all things, in order for free will to function; have its way with us. Help us grow, in spiritual stature. Not be kept stunted souls, but honorable cohorts of the Most High.

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