Monday 16 January 2012

I, Lenin

As the Occupy Movement on one side of a divide, and the Tea Party Movement on the other side of the divide - and socialists and capitalists in general on opposite sides of the current economic system divide; and religionists and atheists on opposite sides of their divide (which has relationships to the first one) - stand their ground, in opposition; and the world’s basic economic system begins to crumble, and threatens to throw the world into chaos, and a potential police-state reactive state of mind to that Crisis (the object, actually, of the current PTB):

Part of me thinks of myself as though I were Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. I helped create a revolution, against the oppressive, fat-cat capitalist and royal-lineage system in haughty place, for the proletariat - the real wealth creators, in my then-estimation - to have their day in the sun. It was a given that the oppressive class wouldn’t give way without a struggle; but, as I said to my cohorts and in my writings, “If you want an omelette, you have to crack eggs.” And millions of eggs were cracked, in large part because of my actions and leadership. I was not alone in responsibility for the carnage - those on the other side of the divide had to take responsibility for the development of the situation, too, that I was/we were acting in reaction to. But I was involved.

And then I die; and while millions of my fellow communists file by my empty shell, left on display in Kremlin Square for years of Earth time - apparently for them to pay their respects to me, for their little lives lived with a little more substance to them - I end up in heaven. Yes; heaven. And I marvel, at it, and the whole larger aspect of life.

I didn’t know...I thought this was all the opiate of the masses; used by the power structure class to keep themselves in place, and the hoi polloi in their place...

And I go into a meeting with the Lords of Karma. And they say to me, “Welcome to a session of ‘This is your life,’ Vladimir Ilyich. We’re going to show you the tape of your life. Edited, for selective highlights. And at the end, we’re going to ask you to tell us what you ‘see’ - what you understand, given what you know now.” And I - well; he; Vladimir, who is now no more but a memory - starts thinking, ‘Oh oh...’ And my Vladimir I. Lenin memory tape rolls. And I sink deeper, and deeper, into my self. As I begin to put it all together.

And the memory tape finishes, at that shell of ‘me’ on display just outside the walls of the Kremlin. And one of the Lords of Karma says, “So; what did you gain from that showing of that life?” And I tell them a number of things that I gained from that showing of my Vladimir life, in relation to this obviously larger whole, in the way of insights as to what the life portion is all about. And they nod. And one of them says “All right. Good. Now. Do you choose to go back into that virtual reality, and help set things right, that you helped to unsettle?”

And I find my self saying, “Yes. I so choose.”

And I come back; and at some stage in my new memory tape of a life, I begin to ‘get’ that things are wrong, and need setting right. And I begin to wonder how I can help do that.. And in that state of wonderment, I end up in a spiritual community, that is founded in part on the principle that Work is Love in Action - and I certainly buy that concept, because I had been working, if unconsciously, with that concept, in my recent, Lenin incarnation . But this time, I understand what had been missing before. Before, I had thrown out the baby of spirituality with the bathwater of religion, and denied that there was any larger reality than life itself, and so had nothing, no reason to offer people to live a ‘better’ life than merely for its own material-realm sake. And so had missed the point of the exercise. That there is a Plan in and Purpose to life beyond just in and for itself only. That we are all a part of a larger Whole.

And THAT is what we need to owe our allegiance to.

Not the all-powerful State; which, because it denies any larger meaning to the exercise, has to use power over people. Has to force them to toe the line. Because the State is all that is important. Not their little lives, rounded with, not a sleep, but annihilation.

And so I help create a moneyless society, all right - the ultimate vision of communism. By the concept of Service. In that earlier, preparatory case: by the concept of service to the all-powerful State, determining people’s lives to within an inch of their lives (and giving, and taking away, certain human rights at its whim). But now, with an understanding of what the whole exercise is all about.

And it is not about getting stuck in the classroom. Whereby, life is a school; and the purpose is to graduate. And you do that, by learning that behind everything - all the phenomena of existence - is Love.

The love of the Creator for iIs creation. And Its wish to share Its All with Its parts.

Its parts, that make UP the Whole.

Are not just the parts.

So that a little mantrum that is sometimes used in the human realm is literally true. The mantrum, the declaration, that

‘I am God. You are God. We are One.’

And We, now, have work to do.

Very important work.

Which is, to help move humanity - all of humanity - into a state of this understanding.

That we can reflect more of who we are really into the human realm, and dimension. Because

it’s time to.

To move up, into Graduate school.

It’s still school. But on a higher level than before.


Join in. It’s for your, and Our, own good.

And P.S. Love those caught up in the Dark of unawareness. If only because they are You too. And so, As you do unto others, so do you do unto yourself. Literally.


We Are All One.

And All IS One.

And that awareness, that recognition, is how the Occupy Movement and the Tea Party Movement can come together. In common cause. For a greater Good, than their current positions in seeming opposition would provide each on their own.

As for religionists and atheists...that ‘coming together’ may take a little more work.

But with the concept that Work is Love in Action, it could well take less time than would appear, on the surface of the divide. For once the Mind gets out of the way, and the Heart starts taking over - miracles can happen.

Seeming miracles, of course.

Because it’s all a great play.

Wherein nothing is real.

But Love.

The bottom line.

...How does this 'work', in practice?

It's really very simple. Instead of being motivated to do things - exchange goods and services with one another - through the (relatively primitive) profit motive, we share our abilities - manifesting as goods and services - with one another, and give of our best in the process, out of a higher motive. Out of the highest motive that we could ever hope to have, and be inspired by. We will create community on Planet Earth out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning. Out of, in a word: Love.

And there's your Golden Age.

Just waiting in the wings, to make its entrance, once we have played our parts to that point in the drama.

That is playing in a 'theatre' near you.

As we speak.


A concluding word here about the 'buts'. I hope everybody realizes that we do not have a supply problem in the world; we have a distribution problem. We have the technology to meet all of our needs efficiently. I repeat: our needs. Our wants are a different matter. We are limited in that provision by the planetary resources. The level of comfort will have to be met with some degree of the mentality of 'economy' still. But the day is done when there is such a discrepancy between the many who have nothing or very little, and the few who have so much that it is obscene in comparison to the standard of living of the vast majority - of Us.

So: A minimum standard of living for all. With people earning credits for service to the system, which they can spend as they wish. But no more of this business of 'debt'.

In our current era, the emphasis is on earning 'money'; doing things for the 'money'. Rather than the emphasis being on Service; on the principle and quality of Service. For the future on the planet, in its Golden Age that is imminent, is based ON Service. Not on 'money'. And especially not on interest-bearing money, which creates debt, and leaves people, and nations, in terrible debt, and in the state of stress that is inherent therein. That is not the way of the future. That is the way of the money lenders. And you don't REALLY want the moneychangers running the world, do you??

Thus, the New Age (yes, that expression, that butt of copious jokes, about navel gazers and crystal freaks and such. Guess what. It's real; and it's here, now upon us) comes about by our doing away with 'money' - with interest-bearing money; and substituting for it a steady-state system with credits, as individuals give Service to the system. And thereby will "all else be added unto" us. It is all, then, simply a matter of attitude. Of putting heart energy to work.

And thus the seeming paradox, of how we reach a state of abundance by the very act of releasing the chase for the almighty dollar: doing things not for the expectation of a personal return on our 'investment', but for the loving sake of doing them. And as we engage in that service to the Whole, we all benefit; because everybody else is doing the same thing. And out of the same motive. Because we are all One. And showing our gratitude to our Creator by acting thus. By showing - really showing - that we GET, that

We Are One.

One Incredible Family.

About to make its debut, on Planet Earth. On this living entity, that gives us a home, to work out our karma, and lessons, on. On Gaia.

Going up.

And P.P.S. I hope you realise that part of us ALL thinks of ourselves as though we were Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
Because we were.
And are.
And those fat-cat capitalists. And. And......


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