Sunday 1 January 2012

Jan. 1st, And All Is Not Well

In perusing the various e-newsletters that I get, on this first day of this special year, and looking through the (London) Sunday Times for their take on the world scene, I am not a happy camper. The year seems to be starting off in an unsettling manner - to me, at any rate.

Most Americans still just don't seem to get it. Various Comments threads that I have tried to insert some awareness into appear to continue to be oblivious to the enormous moment in time that we are at - and the enormous Opportunity that is ours. Unfortunately, for both Good and Ill. First, some comments I have made on one thread in particular. This was to a surprisingly positive blog by a liberal about Ron Paul's candidacy for the Republican nomination. This liberal has closely observed what Obama has been doing, and is particularly distressed by the new so-called 'National Defense' Act just sent for BHO's signature; a bit of legerdemain legislation that is a foot in the door for U.S. citizens to be deprived of their constitutional rights to habeas corpus and a trial by a jury of their peers, all on the mere say-so of a member of the executive branch of government, now taking on the trappings of a dictatorship:

truthdig: ‘Marginalizing Ron Paul’ - Robert Scheer - 29/12

Comment #12345 by kibitzer  on  12/29  at  8:09 am
Thank you for keeping a clear eye on the key issues, Robert.

The American federal government has been captured by powers who want to destroy the public’s civil liberties and return the world to a form of feudalism, run, of course, by them.  They are doing it by having created the phony War on Terrorism, thus giving the federal executive dictatorial powers, and thereby collapsing the Constitution; making America ripe for takeover by tyrants.  Ron Paul is the only candidate who sees through the smokescreen being blown into the public’s eyes.  The key to the collapse of the scenario of TPTB is to eliminate the central bank control of the Federal Reserve on the American Republic - the sort of scenario that the Founding Fathers warned about, over and over.  Both the non-totalitarian Left and the non-totalitarian Right can rally around this flag.  They should do so, while there’s still time.

By kibitzer, December 29 at 9:38 am

”Ron Paul is too old to be president. 70+ year olds can barely drive…why put them into the highest office in the land?”

The mind boggles…and not just this 70+ year old mind.  How old could you be, son?  In your twenties?  In your eyes, is everybody over fifty well on their way into senility, and everybody over seventy barely making a breathmark on a mirror held close to their mouths to determine if they’re still alive??

Get a life, son.  I don’t need glasses to read or drive, both of which I do very capably.  I’ll tell you another thing.  If you don’t know what’s going on in the world, and has been for years, regarding the agenda to control the world of a very powerful cabal of people, then you are too wet behind the ears to be judging your elders with any kind of legitimate reason to be listened to.

So, as you can see, I can be “as nasty and cynical” as you can be as well, but with far more life experience behind it, to have good reason to BE that way.  What’s your excuse??

Give me Ron Paul over the lot of them who don’t have a clue what’s going on in the world.  Try one clue on for size, sonny.  It’s called ‘blowback’.  Look it up.  And perhaps you, too, will get angry at how America has been used and abused for years - whose good name has been dragged into the mud, by masters of deceit, who need to be ejected from their seats of power.  And fortunately, other young people are beginning to see that.  It’s time for your homework, sonny.  Perhaps there’s still hope for you yet.

By kibitzer (No. 3)

"All of those idiots are nothing but “regressives” who believe we’re still living in the 1950’s."

Ah yes, the old 'living in the 1950's' argument...

And as a good 'progressive', do you just lurv a big government, that can give you all kinds of goodies? With a flexible constitution - excuse me; a 'living constitution' that can make it happen?? And tell me, Mr. Progressive, where do you go, what do you do if that big government that you just lurv cuts against you? Like, takes away your right to your day in court, before a jury of your peers, because that 'other' Big Government that somehow got in power and spoiled everything, decided that you were an undesirable, under the defining terms of 'living legislation'??...

Ron Paul would return America to a constitutional republic, where that sort of thing - a behemoth of a central government - could not happen, under the checks-and-balances terms of its constitution; wherein, if you want your rule of law to change, you change the contract legally. Not by legalistic lergerdemain. Another word for which, you must understand, is tyranny.

Government of, by, and for the people - ie, essentially, self-government - is imperishable, except by its own hand. Too many Americans over the years have decided to Let George Do It. And boy, is he...

Robert Scheer recognizes this. That it's payback time, for having sold your souls to 'the Devil' - to the very wealthy, and very powerful, who have waited, and schemed, for just such a time as this. Ready to spring their trap. Because people like you are oh so progressive; and didn't grok the creature that you were spawning.

If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword.

It's time for a change.

Real change. And it won't come about by letting those who are in power today, stay in power. With the powers that they have schemed for, to put in the hands of the federal government of America, regardless of which political party was, is, in nominal 'power'.

Power, of course, being relative. And you would let it remain in the hands of THESE people??...what a sad, sad end to the experiment in self-government that America was in and for the world. Ah, well. That's life.

Tyrants: Front and Center! Your Day has arrived! The World awaits you!

...not by some.

So where do YOU stand, Citizen?? And how do YOU think this scenario can play out in any other way, if that's really not the kind of world you want to live in???

By kibitzer, December 29 at 5:02 pm

“Unless you have some concrete ideas that will make all this stuff happen, I’m not holding my breath.”

Okay.  Here’s my full shot.  Which requires the citizenry to realize how dangerous the situation is now, with the NDAA giving the federal government the power to pick up anybody, alien or citizen (the latter category co-opted under a developing loose definition of ‘terrorism’, which can include anyone making “a belligerent act” towards the jackboots in power) and ‘disappear’
them, just like in any tinpot dictatorship in the world.  This state of affairs is an abiding insult to the highest vision of America, and the importance of the quality of self-governance in human affairs - ie, not for the individual to be ruled by tyrants, in the form either of royalty or church or state, but to be responsible for his or her own actions.  Because life has a higher meaning, than strictly in and for itself only.

Once The People realize what is going on (as to the plans of TPTB for total control OVER The People), and both ‘the Occupy Movement’ and ‘the Tea Party Movement’ really get that they have a fundamental common cause, against totalitarianism from either the Left or the Right (actually, it’s the same nest of vipers at the top of the present pyramid of power in the world), they should engage in a march on Washington OF The People, Assembled - with Oathkeepers among them, as having taken an oath to defend the Constitution, not the person temporarily in the position of the Commander in Chief - to demand of the present occupier of the office of the president of the U.S. either to release all of his bona fides, for inspection by experts (who have already studied the bc’s that he has released on line, and found them to be forgeries; and not very good ones at that) or vacate the office forthwith, as the usurper that there is every reason to believe that he is, from his sequestering of all of his records from scrutiny; with The People then selecting an Officer OF The People, who will dissolve Congress (for not having carried out their constitutional duty and responsibility in this sort of regard; and, indeed, for some of them having directly aided and abetted this crime against the American people, for which they will have to appear in a duly designated court of law) and call for elections within a time certain (say 90 days); this Officer also to clean out the Augean stables of the executive branch of the federal government, for a clean sweep of the executive branch as well as the legislative branch.  The judicial branch to be ignored, as it has ignored many calls for justice to be served in this matter, of a purloined presidency.

The People need now to fully realize that THEY are the government, in this form of government; not their representatives; and need to accept, now, that there’s no specifically socialistic New World Ordure, or specifically fascistic New World Ordure, in our future, in polar opposites to one another, but that it’s really the same perps sitting up there in all their pomp and glory, ready to take over the world.  And the key to their collapse is to do away with money.  Specifically, interest-bearing money (and its partner, of fractional-reserve banking, to this rickety vehicle that is about to self-destruct anyway).

By kibitzer, December 29 at 5:09 pm

Consider a basic fact of life.  Either there is a ‘God’ - something more than Man - or there isn’t.  If there isn’t, then nothing really matters anyway, and you might as well sit at home and watch tv.  If there is, however -  and there is plenty of evidence of that, in our day and enlightened age - then certain things follow.  It follows, for one thing, that there is a Purpose to life, beyond just in and for itself only.  And there you have the only motive you really need, to create a viable, and harmonious, society: each to give of their best, in sharing goods and services with one another, out of gratitude to their Creator for life
with meaning. 

Nonsense?  Never happen??  And YOUR answer to this situation we are deeply embedded in now is…???

Think big.  You’ll be glad you did.  And so will all of humanity.  Who are our brothers and sisters, on this lovely old, beleaguered old, planet we call Earth.  Just waiting for us to give it our best shot.  Not our worst. 

Which could happen.  But in that, I’m a believer, in the best.

For good reason."

First of all, an apology to mrfreeze. I kind of lost it there, a bit, when he referred to anyone in the 70+ category as though we have considerably more than one foot in the grave, and really shouldn't be driving cars, let alone running for political office. My first response was to think: What the hell. And just what are you younguns doing about this tawdry state of affairs that you have allowed to develop under your sniffy noses. We should leave YOU in charge of things???...but it wasn't just him. I was getting no response from anybody else either. One poster did respond, by saying that my call 'to do away with money' should be likened to doing away with electricity and whatever else it was he cited. Man oh Manishevitz; how can people stop thinking so fast??...anyway, I tried a couple more times, before I let it go:

[5th Comment, 2-parter; 30/12]


"Let me close with a crazy idea. What if any future revolution in this nation will be based on the ideas of liberty, equality, and fraternity (eg the ideals of the French and American revolutions, not the Marxist one)? Maybe it’s time to start thinking about how to fashion a message of reform that a majority of Americans can get behind. Maybe the energy of the Paul campaign is part of the solution and not part of the problem."

Well said. Why support Ron Paul in this campaign?: Because he's the only candidate who's even half making any sense, given the circumstances. The circumstances of a need for major change, including taking away the power of those who are currently wielding it. For they are not wielding it in a high-consciousness way - rather, just its opposite. Empire is upon us. The People need to wake up, and fast. A major shift is called for.

The key to unlocking this conundrum - how to move them out of power, and The People of the planet out of harm's way - I already posited in this thread. It's to do away with money - with the money system as is, ie, debt-creating interest-bearing money and its companion in crime, fractional-reserve banking. This system has to go, for humanity to come together, as One. For it is true that we are at a globalized stage of human development. The dialectical historical process has brought us here (Hegel was spot-on in his analysis of this process). It's time now to go neither Left nor Right but Up, to a stage of Synthesis. I would say THE stage of Synthesis, but one doesn't have to believe in an End to History (as it has been wrote) to understand that we don't have a supply problem; we have a distribution problem. Meaning, we have a systems problem.

Many people are recognizing this. The Venus Project folks and the Zeitgeist Movement folks, eg, recognize this, and have put good thinking into a post-money society (operating on a resource-based economy). Their weakness happens to be that they are still thinking on materialistic lines, don't understand fully where we're at as a species. Which includes verging on free energy devices - thus putting an end to the Era of Oil - and the understanding that we are "spiritual beings having a human experience": that there is solid evidence, in our time, that there is 'something more than Man' at play in the scheme of things. And that is the flag that we can all rally 'round.

I refer to such evidences as all of the info in our time about the truth of reincarnation - that we come back, again and again, until we 'get it right', work out our karma - and the scientific awareness that we are part of a living Field, in which we, truthfully, are One; are part of one divine Whole. (See, eg, the recent book 'The Source Field Investigations' by David Wilcock.)

I bring up the 'spiritual' aspect of this matter because it is now time to acknowledge that aspect of the human drama, for what it is. Not one religion or another, that one can believe in or not. Not pie in the sky. But a very down-to-earth acknowledgment of where and when we're at, on planet Earth. We are at a Turning Point. What some have called The Great Turning. And we are not going to solve the great problems OF our time without recognition of that fundamental fact of life: that we have an important work to do. Before tyrants with their own vision of life take over, and teach us, very clearly, the truth that 'Without a vision, the people perish'.


So THIS is how we come together, Anarcissie; all "310 million different, highly variegated people" - and the rest of humanity. In a Golden Age. Sharing goods and services with one another, and giving of our best in the process, out of a higher motive than the profit motive. (You don't REALLY want the moneychangers running the world, do you??) Out of the highest motive there is, or could ever be: out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.

To be acknowledged now, because it's time.

So, no: Ron Paul doesn't have the answers, alone. But he's on the right track (the importance of self-governance, not state power over our lives, making our decisions for us; and working with others as friends on this small planet, not
made-up enemies, for econo-political purposes). And none of the rest of them are.

Liberals, you're just going to have to face a basic fact of life: You threw the spiritual baby out with the bathwater of religion. Conservatives, you're just going to have to face a basic fact of your own: Liberals have a sense of the future just as good as, or even better than, your own: because they see and feel us all in this together, with a sense of community guiding our actions. Yes, the New Era will need individuals. But it will need them in a community context. Not 'each one for himself, and the devil take the hindmost'.

And it will all come about - including the end to wars - through one decision. To eliminate interest-bearing money. Which relatively primitive system has pitted us against one another for long enough.

Indeed: It's time for a change.

But REAL change.

Change we can all know, in our heart of hearts.

Worth feeling, and listening to, now."


I might as well have been whistling into the wind...

I think a large part of the problem, with a liberal readership, is that they by natural inclination LIKE a 'big government', to protect them from the majoritarian rednecks of the country (who might control the politics on the state level), and force those reactionaries to come kicking and screaming into the 21st century. I'd like to say to them:

"I trust you realize the dishonesty in what you are saying. You don't want the country's governing returning to the Constitution - ie, to the rule of law - because that might mean some states will legislate against, say, abortion, or whatever other pet cause you have.

"It is the same reason why so many on the left seem not to be bothered by the apparent illegality of Obama to hold that particular office: laws are merely guidelines, or for little people, or whatever rationale the 'enlightened' mind employs to ignore the clear wording and intent of the Constitution - which is something to get around, by hook or by crook.

"Well, learn a lesson well: If you do not live by the rule of law, you will be ruled by tyrants. It's a creature you should never have let out of its cage, or it will devour you, too, in the long run. And whatever made you think that the very powerful Elite of the planet would NOT run with that ball, once it became available, with liberal lawyers paving the way to that playing field?..."

And so forth. But that's all to get bogged down in 'politics as usual'. It's time to move the scenario forward. What we need to look at, very clearly now, is twofold.

(1) Obama is a usurper in that office. He is besmirching it. Not that others before him in that office haven't done that sort of thing as well. But his affront is unique: he is ineligible for the office, and he knows it (as per his vote on the McCain 'sense of the Senate' resolution regarding the eligibility issue), and so does his political party - after all, Pelosi and co. put him up for it knowing (as evidenced by their nominating-forms action) that he was not eligible - AND so did, and does, the nominal Opposition party in the U.S.*
And therein hangs a tale, of even more duplicity; which includes the Neocon control of U.S. foreign policy for far too long, including 9/11 - their (Project for a New American Century's) "new Pearl Harbor" that gave them (through their Muslim patsies) the political clout to increase the U.S. military spending, and through that proxy to try to take over hegemony in the Middle East; in particular for them to expand Israeli clout in the area, and, by trying to create a Pax Americana in the world, to take over control ultimately of the whole shebang. Using the American people like stupid sheep - taxpaying sheep; roped into the scam via the Federal Reserve's control of the country's money - to further their ends.** Which brings up

(2) The key to the unraveling of this Gordian knot, and its burgeoning Crisis, is - as I said in the above contributions to the debate; which particular point seemed to go nowhere, but is nevertheless still the key - to do away with money. That is to say, in further detail (as I did; but people see what they want to see, and move on): interest-bearing money. And its companion in (debt-creating) crime, fractional-reserve banking. (As I have also said in these Comments thread-offerings of mine: 'You don't really want the moneychangers running the world, do you??") An alternative system put in place somewhat like the LETS systems, with local currencies: a 'currency' whereby individuals can earn credits by giving Service to the system, which they can spend any way they wish to. And by eliminating money, and the profit motive, we do away with the energy for wars, and pharmaceutical products to keep people sick so the medical-pharmaceutical-complex industry can keep healthy, and the trashing of the environment in the holy name of 'growth', and so forth and so on.

These things are not inevitable. They are the outcome of the interest-bearing money system, and the profit motive; but they are not intrinsic to Man's nature.

We are about to find out what is TRULY intrinsic to Man's nature. To Man's higher nature.

So: Watch this space.

In the (relative) year 2012.

And the sooner, the better.

Which requires the removal of the usurper from the honorable office of the presidency of the United States. And the setting to rights of that country's spiritual mission in and for the world:

to show what a species of self-governing humanoids can REALLY get up to.

Get UP to...

Once they heed the message:

It's time you woke up, and realized you have been kept deliberately in the dark about a lot of things. And that's no way for you to run a government of, by, and for the people.

You have not been told the truth abut bin Laden; you have not been told the truth about 9/11; you have not been told the truth about the Oklahoma City bombing. You have not been told the truth about a lot of things.

But you have an inkling of all of these matters. So if you don't wake up:

it's your own bloody fault.

So get off your duff, and DO something about it, all.


it's time.



* As to this point, of a failure of the Republican Party to be a responsible opposition party, and so letting The People down, I said this in the thread to another of this liberal's blogs:

(after referencing the NDAA - this same bit of toxic legislation) "So: Shall we accept, now, that there's no specifically socialistic New World Ordure or specifically fascistic New World Ordure, in our future, in polar opposites to one another, but it's really the same nest of vipers at the top of the pyramid?? Obama gives off all the aura of a man co-opted. His heart may be on the Left; but he has been made an offer that he couldn't refuse. My bet is that it was the statement to him that TPTB know all about his background, and they are keeping schtum as long as he is a nice by, and does what he is told. Consider the perks of the office that has been appallingly besmirched by all this totalitarian nonsense that has been going on, for too long now.

'It's time for Change indeed."

** Point of clarification: Most of these 'Neocons' are Jewish, but a particular type of Jew. This is the Zionist Jew, who is hungry for political power, not just a homeland for the Jews. And most of that kind are not Jewish by link to the former Holy Land OF the Jews (of all the tribes of Hebrews, not just the tribe of Judah), but have their origin in the former 'land'/area of Khazaria, in the Caucasus area, where the king converted to Judaism and took his people along with him. (See, eg, Arthur Koestler's 'The Thirteenth Tribe'.) Maybe they are of The Lost 10 Tribes of Israel, but there is no proof of that link, seem to have different racial roots. They are called Ashkenazi; and many of them have the mentality OF Nazis, and politically dominate the state of Israel. Thus, the state of Israel has engaged in such monstrous crimes as the attack on the USS Liberty, a U.S. intelligence vessel in international waters monitoring the situation in the so-called Six Day War in 1967; and allowed the 1983 attack on the U.S. Marine Barracks in Lebanon to proceed, for its political benefit; there was the so-called Lavon Affair before that, and 9/11 after that, where the Dancing Mossad Masters on top of their van monitoring the attack on the Twin Towers going on across the river, with their video cameras in place, and flicking their cigarette lighters in glee with the burning towers in the background of the shots, for the folks back home, gave that caper away, as another example of their end - hegemony over the Middle East (between the two rivers on their flag, of the Nile and the Euphrates) and ultimately over the world itself - justifying the means. The morality of tyrants down through the ages.
And American Christians continue to support this criminal government, because of a religious belief. Heaven help us, all.

(See, eg, Victor Ostrovsky's 'By Way of Deception' and 'The Other Side of Deception'. Also Edward Hendrie's '9/11- Enemies Foreign and Domestic'. Also Fox News's series on Israeli control of communications businesses in America, and the curious business about 'Israeli art students', shadowing the Arab patsies in the country, and also casing various U.S. government installations. All, the tip of the iceberg. Americans: Wake up from your (cultivated) stupor. You are being had. And so is the world, through you.)

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