Friday 25 October 2013

Beyond 'Ozymandias' Obama

I've had it with people - U.S. citizens in particular - screwing with my country, beyond just the studied indifference a major portion of the public is playing to the crucial issue of Obama's ineligibility for the office that he is dishonoring by his presence in it.1

Let's take illegal aliens.  And no, let's not take them.  For they are illegals.  A fact which seems to have escaped the attention of many leading Republicans, besides the usual suspects on the Left.2  The main sticking point - besides the fundamental ones of their having jumped the immigration queue (and so should not be rewarded for their illegal act in and of itself, one, and two, especially while good potential law-abiding citizens are patiently doing the right thing, by waiting their turn in line), and being both a drain on the American taxpayers (housing, education, food stamps, health care) and unfair competition for jobs, especially at a time of massive unemployment of our own citizenry3 - is the one of the children of illegals.

I am very clear about this matter.  Listen carefully, that you either quote me or paraphrase my position accurately.  (If - of course - you are so inclined.)

Which is, that their parents should have thought of their children's potential fate when they brought them here - or had them here - illegally.  'Potential': meaning when, or if, the truth of the law of the land prevailed.

Which it is about to.  For this matter goes to the very heart of the matter of incarnation in this realm of free will: that individuals need to learn the primary lesson of taking responsibility for their actions.  That includes the effect of their actions on their children.  

They ALL need to get in line with all the other prospective immigrants, who are doing the right thing by waiting their turn.

Illegals want to come here and work (and collect the goodies that the nation, both federal and state, has irresponsibly provided them)?  That's fine.  But they need to come through the front door to do it.

Neither they nor their children should be rewarded for their illegal actions.  That would be to reward both law-breaking and arrogance - a haughty manner.

And we have seen where that leaves The Arrogant Ones amongst us, in the end.

As for the report of some countries not wanting their citizens back who entered this country illegally: That's too bad.  They are your citizens: You have to take responsibility for them, whether you like it or not.  

America is not a dumping ground.  (Anymore than it can be a borderless haven for the world's economic refugees.)

Let the message be clear: All nations, and the citizens of all nations, need to learn the lesson of living by the rule of law.  If you want to change the law, do it; but do it legally, not by subterfuge.  And: unless it is a law put in place illegally, say by tyrants, who gained their positions illegally.  

We are here to serve Truth.  Not Untruth.

And the next message I have is in particular, but not exclusively, to other nations:4

Don't mess with America.  Or you will experience the consequences of your actions.  

As we clean up the consequences of - take responsibility for - ours.

And once we have all learned these fundamental lessons

we can release the whole experience of nations

and move into the real New World Order.

Not the counterfeit one that our erstwhile Masters have tried for generations to corral us in.  By way of compulsion.  Of Force.

Rather than by way of Love.

The only Way it is ever going to work.

For being in alignment with both Love and Truth. 

The Purpose of the whole exercise.  in experiencing free will.  

And returning to our Source through the same doorway. 

Not attempting the process by the back one.

Of Untruth.

Such prestidigitators need not apply.  

Should apply their cleverness in other ways.  

While waiting for the next Round, of immigrants, into the kingdom of Heaven.

Who qualify.  By virtue of their energy signature.  

Which separates the sheep from the goats.

The winners.

From the losers.  Clearly needing a little more seasoning.  In a place of Time, and seasons.

While the rest of us get on with it.


The Purpose - as I say; but feel it fitting and helpful to emphasize - of the whole exercise.

Gaining our re-entry.

Your turn.


Or not???



1 Fools.  Don't you understand that you have no protection from tyranny if you compromise the Constitution?  That act destroys the rule of law in the nation.  Without which: Anything Goes.  Which is precisely what TPTB want.  The Powers behind both sides of the political aisle.  As it currently stands.    
     As for those timid souls who are averting their eyes to the trashing of the Constitution by the installing by deception of an ineligible candidate in the Oval Office - the most powerful office in the world, actually. As things currently stand - for fear of the potential for 'unrest' - let's call it accurately: for violence - in the country by Obama supporters, and primarily black Americans, if the Truth of the matter is pressed by patriot types (not all of whom are staunch constitutionalists; which is part of the problem of the moment), I stand in amazement at your attitude.  For one thing: Can't you imagine the level of violence that is going to be visited upon the nation by the backlash to The Usurper's attempt to convert America into a socialist state?, by the 'patriots' that he and his acolytes are already trying to paint with various epithets and marginalize as 'domestic terrorists,' as they prepare for the expected counter-revolution to their slow-action putsch for power??  For another: You are being as racist as they come, for painting black Americans as so hopelessly stupid that they can't understand facts when they are spelled out clearly to them; in this case, the ineligibility for the office of their half-black hero; who has turned out to have feet old clay.  (Legs, more precisely.)  
     Stop being cowards, Americans, and face up to the Truth of the matter.  You have an historical mission to perform; a Destiny to fulfill.  Fulfill it.  Or stand in eternal shame: a failure, not only in the eyes of others.  But of yourself.  Your higher Self.  When reviewing this episode on your learning path.
     As you will.  
     As will we all.  As do we all.  Between every incarnation.  Before going back into the arena of free will; and seeing what we are made of, this time.  How we have progressed.  
     If any.

2 And having, in fact, entrapped even some of the leading lights in the 'patriot'/conservative caucus in the nation.  Rendering them thereby members of a new party: the Expedient Party.
     Along with those Republican business owners who have found employment of illegals very satisfactory, indeed.  And those big banks that are running the food stamp program, because it is very satisfactory to them, financially, indeed.  And along with other assorted such bandits, and connivers, and despicable types.
     The Expedient Party.  Yes; we should round up all those prospective members, and paste that label on their foreheads.
     To go with copies of Obama's forged birth certificate.      

3 An additional factor here is the particular magnet of what has come to be called 'anchor babies'; which a return to the rule of law would already turn off, and thereby send many illegal aliens back to their home countries without further ado.  For that phenomenon is based on a lie, about the 14th Amendment to the Constitution; and with its correction, would solve a considerable amount of the problem on its own.
     It will take a battle between liberals and constitutionalists to set this matter right.  
     I welcome the battle.
     Additionally, because its outcome will render many of the liberals' political positions null and void, for being founded not on the rock solid base of Truth, but on the sand of Sophistry.  Which has led many a potentate to leave his mark in the sands of actual time, rather than on its symbolic signature.
     But I digress. 
     A bit.

4 I.e., it is to erstwhile termites as well.  

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