Sunday 6 October 2013

It's Graduation Time

I am noticing that I can still get caught up in the drama.  And at the risk of beginning to sound like Roman statesman of old, Cato - who had the habit of ending every speech in his day's Senate with the call, "Carthage must be destroyed" - I am tempted to start saying, over and over, about Obama: The man is a despot.  He has to go.

The latest provocation along this line is a 31-page 'Special Report' by Judicial Watch, titled '"Yes, Mr. President.  You Will Wait."  An Updated Examination into the Unprecedented and Radical Attempt by the Obama Administration to Expand Power.'1  It is not the only such summary of Obama's crimes and tendencies.  Freedom Watch; the Committee for Justice; the Conservative Caucus; the United States Justice Foundation - these are just a handful of organizations which are doing a good job of documenting Obama's crimes and collusions.2  But this one is really getting to me.  I hadn't realized before reading about it in this document that his outrageous and arrogant activity as our 'imperial president', in his unconstitutional overreach, extended to unilaterally gutting the 1996 "historic, bipartisan welfare reform law's" work requirements.3  But not to let a little thing like illegality stop a person who has assumed the mantle worn not too long ago by a man by the name of Adolf Hitler, who declared, when assuming the position: "I Am the law."

Not to get too carried away here in the drama.  I can be angry.  (Very angry.)  But I can also be understanding.  To say: It all seems to be part of - even an integral part of - the End Game, going on.  For, everything is breaking down.  As it needs to.  For The New to come into being.

At last.  At long, long last.

The realm of free will - to say, of polarity and separation; of Duality; the play of Light and Dark - starts to break down psychologically for incarnate souls when they start to awaken.  For, once you really grok what is going on - that life is but a dream state, wherein we present lessons to ourselves in the form of a drama on the grand stage of 3D life; acting out parts, over and over, in concert with each other - you no longer want to play parts in a drama, rather, want to release the stage-acting bit and get involved with the real thing.  Engaging in and with the fiction you have helped create and sustain is no longer satisfying or desirable.  The realms beyond the seemingly endless turning of the Wheel of Karma beckon, subconsciously.  Those upper grades, beyond the kindergarten level, so to speak, call quietly to us: It's time.  The inner urge to fly, instead of merely crawl, starts taking over.

Graduate level: Here we come.  En masse.

As exemplified In Our Time by a South African by the name of Michael Tellinger.4  Who I reference here, in my concluding contribution to this blog:

from 2012: What's the 'real' truth: 'Michael Tellinger's presentation of the annunaki [sic/sp.] and more!  MUST WATCH!' - Oct. 5; orig. published on July 9, 2013
(a 2-hour presentation that he gave at the Global Breakthrough Energy Movement (BEM) conference in 2012, about ancient South African sites tied up with gold mining and 'free' energy production, and his modern Ubuntu movement, "for a society based on contributionism" - NOT profit/money)

  • 45017dc20ce2dd468632e1029df454c2.png
  • kibitzer3 says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. 
  • October 6, 2013 at 4:49 am 

  • A man after my own heart.

  • Over 50 years ago I was inspired to engage in a walk from my home in the Los Angeles area to Washington D.C. with a message that I left at newspaper offices along the way, saying that I was doing it “to see the president and draw to his attention that the way to rid ourselves of all our aches and evils is to do away with money,” and invited people to think about it. Personally, I thought it might take about 30 years, for the idea to sink in. 

  • In its own time, the time has come. 

  • Go, Michael. And others, caught up in the spirit of the New World aborning.


I rest my case.

For today.  


P.S. A late entry, from the 2012/'real' truth blog I quoted from above:

A. Smith says:
I did watch it and absorb it and was wishing really hard to transport myself into the “UBUNTU” world.
The only problem with this though, is that there will always be evil [Yin and Yang in the Universe]
What’s to stop someone/people from amassing wealth [in whatever shape or form] again?
I fear there will always be a society of the have’s and have not’s- no matter what.
All the Best-
  • 935590807bb47a634302970ddf3515dc.png
  • Ethyl says:
    October 6, 2013 at 5:02 pm

  • Well, it might not last forever. There could be problems again in the future. But wouldn’t it be worth it to give it a try? What do we SERIOUSLY have to lose? And if it does well, wouldn’t it be worth it for the good time it brought along the way? 

  • What’s the alternative? To happily march away to the FEMA camps after handing over every last dollar and nugget of silver and gold and our children to the Evilumes???

  • If you have a different alternative that sounds good and is viable, please share!!!!!!!!

  • 45017dc20ce2dd468632e1029df454c2.png
  • kibitzer3 says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. 
  • October 6, 2013 at 11:44 pm 

  • A. Smith:
    There are solid indications that there IS ‘something new under the sun’ – that we are on the verge of a new paradigm.

  • 1) There is all manner of evidence in our day – books, videos, studies, NDEs – of the truth/fact of reincarnation. Beyond mere belief is new about that phenomenon.

  • 2) Once you’ve had even just a peek behind the curtain, and realized that ‘life’ as we have known it on this planet is all a bit of a game – that we are on a stage; that this is all just an illusion. For some sort of Purpose, obviously; but essentially just that – the drama loses its power to engage you/us, loses its mesmerizing hold over us. That signals the end of the play, on the same level that it has been on. For the individual. And collectively, this time around the Wheel of Karma (which is a Grand Round; an entire 25,920 years of the ‘wobble’ resulting in the phenomenon of what we call the precession of the equinoxes).

  • 3) The global financial system is about to collapse, under the weight of its ‘internal contradictions’ – the excesses committed by its more ardent acolytes. Great Crisis is great Opportunity. (Enter Neil Keenan.) And so goes as well the motive of profit; for having proved itself not up to the job, in the long run.

  • 4) To be replaced by something along the lines of Michael Tellinger’s Ubuntu Movement. A system that runs, not on profit, and the dual training wheels of interest-bearing money on the one hand and fractional-reserve banking on the other, but on the principle of something approximating the Golden Rule. Which I characterize as people (incarnate souls, obviously, remember) sharing goods & services with one another – and giving of their best in the process – out of a higher motive than the age-old, and old-age, one of profit. Out of the highest motive there could ever be: out of gratitude to our Creator (our Prime Creator) for life with meaning. Out of, in a word: Love.
    With the old paradigm not in place any more. The paradigm of duality/polarity; and a sense of separation. From each other. And from our Source. 
  • As to the idea/sense of ‘other’: 

  • 5) Since reincarnation is a fact, a) We Are (fundamentally) One Another. Therefore, We Are (fundamentally) One. Therefore, there IS no ‘other’. Therefore, As we do unto others, so do we do unto ourselves – literally. For, We Are All One. And All IS One. So there will be no energy for ‘oneupmanship,’ and all those Games That People Play in this paradigm.
    And lastly (for this overview):

  • 6) There is going to be a Disclosure event; whereby our galactic neighbors come out of the background, and into the forefront of our earthly experience. And that is going to reveal a lot. About ourselves. About life on Earth in general. And about the universe, and their understanding of The Big Picture.

  • All of this is to say that it’s time for New Thinking about such matters as you broach. Fair enough questions. But time for a New Look ON such matters. For, we will not be able to progress beyond this current Crisis point in our spiritual evolution, until we understand precisely where we’re at (in the way of Opportunity).

  • And start acting accordingly.
  • ---
  • (M. Tellinger's Ubuntu Movement initiative is well worth looking into.  It highlights the value of starting in your local community.  Great idea; and ideas/examples as to how to go about that are presented in the video.)



1 The first part of the title being a play on the fact that "Mr. Obama has declared openly and repeatedly his belief that America 'cannot afford to wait' on Congress or the courts to act on his agenda".  So he is intending to govern - and is doing so - by executive fiat; in the extension of the office to the 'imperial presidency' potential state of the office that Bush Jr. was only beginning to explore, with his sidekick in corruption, Dick 'Darth Vader' Cheney.
     They're all a bunch of tossers.  But none of his predecessors in that office is in the same category as the Marxist charlatan, Barack Hussein/Barry Soetoro Obama.
     And he was not even eligible for the office in the first place.  That's how unobservant of national affairs the average American self-governor has become.
     A pity.  And, it's a perfect statement as to where we're at:
     In the deep, deep end.
     Which occasions us, really, only one way to go.
     The other way - further into the Dark, and its maelstrom of hatred and torture and killing, and starvation and general civil disorder - is unthinkable.

2 Unfortunately, they all seem to think that the answer is to Impeach the Bum.  As I indicated in my last blog, impeachment of a person who is not in the office legally is not the way to go; that just lends to the illusion that Obama is legally in the office. from which he is being impeached for 'high crimes and misdemeanors' committed while in the office.  His crimes started well before.
     Very possibly, in getting into Occidental, for his first two years of college.  But that's all another matter.
     Another aspect of the matter...

3 As footnoted in this document:
     "As the Heritage Foundation described Obama's re-write of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act: 'Under the guise of providing states greater "flexibility" in operating their welfare programs, the Obama Administration now claims the authority to weaken or waive the work requirements that are at the heart of welfare reform.  But Congress intended that those requirements be absolutely mandatory in all instances and specifically withheld any authority to weaken or waive them  Waiving the work requirements that are at the center of the 1996 welfare reform is not only terrible policy, but also a violation of the President's constitutional obligation to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."'  See Andrew M. Grossman, "Welfare Reform's Work Requirements Cannot be Waived," Legal Memorandum #84, The Heritage Foundation, August 8, 2012..."

4 And by the likes of Charles 'Sacred Economics' Eisenstein.  And Joanna 'The Great Turning' Macy.  And David 'Agenda for a New Economy' Korten.  And...and...and..........

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