Thursday 24 October 2013

Rendezvous With Destiny

First, a Preface, as I have been smoked out of my double retirement; the latter one, from commenting on the passing scene, after leaving my home in a spiritual community for the last nearly thirty years.1  This is in addition to the Comments I made on other sites, posted yesterday.  Same subject; under my saddle, like a burr. Or as I might call it: a grrr.  

from Tea Party Command Center: 'The 2016 Primary Debate Stage: Where the Old Image of the GOP is Shattered' - posted by Natl Dir Dee - Oct. 23 - by revive federalism at

Reply by Stan Stanfield 22 hours ago  [Oct. 23]

I am getting more than a tad angry at Tea Party types who don't understand that the Constitution is hanging by a thread because they have allowed an ineligible candidate to be in the office of the presidency for the last two terms without raising more of a stink about it than some of them have, and are now compounding the fragility of the document and the rule of law that it affords the U.S. by even considering either Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio for a run for that dishonored office, for neither of them being eligible for it either.  I am of course referring to the issue of the legal, American common law definition of a 'natural born citizen'.  

Why should I be having to lecture a Tea Party or red state audience as to that apparently 'little' matter to them, as well as to the average American Joe or Jill??  Why are you lot not understanding why that term was included as a qualification to run for that office - and that particular federal office ONLY??? It was because the constitutional Framers chose to make sure that the person holding that office - who was to be as well the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces; a not little extraneous matter - would not have DUAL LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES - as, for example, by being a DUAL CITIZEN[???].  As, for example, THE CURRENT OCCUPANT of that thus-dishonored office[????].

It is not only a matter of the office having been dishonored, by the nation allowing a person to be in it who was not born of TWO U.S. CITIZEN PARENTS.  It is because, by Tea Party types allowing the Constitution to hang by an increasingly tenuous thread, there will be no rule of law in the nation soon - and no elections in 2016 to be blathering about.  Because the nation will be under the rule of a tyrant.  With no Constitution to limit the despot, he will rule by decree - as Obama is doing increasingly ALREADY.  For in such a state of affairs, the tyrant IS 'the law'.

Have you learned nothing from history in general, and Nazi Germany's experience in particular???  WAKE UP, Tea Partiers.  Or accept your fate.  And the basic responsibility for the terrible fate of the federal constitutional Republic of the United States of America, for not putting up a better fight for it, when you could have.  



Permalink Reply by Victoria T. DeLacy 10 hours ago

Senator Cruz is not an escape artist like Obama and is rather an honest man who will not attempt to seal any of his early records.  What happened with Obama has been unprecedented to that point and while the DNC is notorious for such attempts to circumvent the Constitution, the same cannot be said of the GOP.  Eagle Forum vetted Cruz and found him eligible by all factors considered.  I trust Phyllis Schlafly who is legally knowledgeable, has been in politics throughout at least the past forty years and would be the first to call out anyone whose candidacy was not in keeping with our founding principles.  Check out the article on that from last week at Eagle Rising.  Ted will make a dynamite candidate, going on to become the first American President of hispanic descent, with solidly conservative principles that will surely translate into a very Reaganesque presidency!

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Permalink Reply by Jack Hartwell 9 hours ago

Victoria...Eagle Forum obviously cannot READ and neither can Phyllis if they think Cruz is eligible under the Constitution.  Its not up for INTPRETATION as the SCOTUS seems to think.  It was written that way on purpose.  First thing you know we will have Muslim Brotherhood members being nominated.  As much as I admire Ted Cruz...NO CIGAR..NOT EVEN CUBAN....

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Yes, Ted Cruz Can be President

This article appeared on Daily Caller on August 26, 2013.

As we head into a potential government shutdown over the funding of Obamacare, the iconoclastic junior senator from Texas — love him or hate him — continues to stride across the national stage. With his presidential aspirations as big as everything in his home state, by now many know what has never been a secret: Ted Cruz was born in Canada.
(Full disclosure: I’m Canadian myself, with a green card. Also, Cruz has been a friend since his days representing Texas before the Supreme Court.)
But does that mean that Cruz’s presidential ambitions are gummed up with maple syrup or stuck in snowdrifts altogether different from those plaguing the Iowa caucuses? Are the birthers now hoist on their own petards, having been unable to find any proof that President Obama was born outside the United States but forcing their comrade-in-boots to disqualify himself by releasing his Alberta birth certificate?
No, actually, and it’s not even that complicated; you just have to look up the right law. It boils down to whether Cruz is a “natural born citizen” of the United States, the only class of people constitutionally eligible for the presidency. (The Founding Fathers didn’t want their newly independent nation to be taken over by foreigners on the sly.)
What’s a “natural born citizen”? The Constitution doesn’t say, but the Framers’ understanding, combined with statutes enacted by the First Congress, indicate that the phrase means both birth abroad to American parents — in a manner regulated by federal law — and birth within the nation’s territory regardless of parental citizenship. The Supreme Court has confirmed that definition on multiple occasions in various contexts.
There’s no ideological debate here: Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe and former solicitor general Ted Olson — who were on opposite sides in Bush v. Gore among other cases — co-authored a memorandum in March 2008 detailing the above legal explanation in the context of John McCain’s eligibility. Recall that McCain — lately one of Cruz’s chief antagonists — was born to U.S. citizen parents serving on a military base in the Panama Canal Zone.
In other words, anyone who is a citizen at birth — as opposed to someone who becomes a citizen later (“naturalizes”) or who isn’t a citizen at all — can be president.
Permalink Reply by Stan Stanfield just now  [Oct. 23]

I have just come across this posting of yours on this thread, Melony, and I have to warn you to be careful of your sources for your opinion on legal matters.  This article is wrong, wrong, wrong on this issue.  

For one thing, going to professor Laurence Tribe for an opinion on the Constitution is to go to a leading liberal on constitutional matters.  They love to have the Constitution mean what they want it to mean - or say it means.  For a pure constitutionalist's reading of this particular matter, I recommend you go to Mario Apuzzo's site, or to a video by Professor Herb Titus for another example.  I also ask you to go to your common sense.

I posted a while ago here my take on the matter; wanting further detail would lead you to the above sources, and ultimately to E. de Vattel's The Law of Nations, and to the difference between American common law and English common law - the latter of which refers to the definition of a 'natural born SUBJECT'; which the constitutional Framers were certainly NOT going by, in their deliberations for a constitution for a nation of SOVEREIGNS in their own right.

You and the readers of this site also need to understand that the Republican Party is up to its eyeballs in collusion in this outrageous matter, of Obama's getting away with this charade.  If they had REALLY wanted to contest his eligibility over this requirement, they would have.  They didn't.  Why?  Not because they have the facts on their side.  But because they wanted their OWN candidates in the future to be able to get around this constitutional stumbling block for candidates for that office.  Why do I say this with such certainty?  Because both Parties tried a total of 8 times between 2003 and 2008 to get an amendment on the matter of presidential qualification going through Congress, featuring changes in the NBC requirement - and they failed each time even to get it out of committee (the committee reps obviously feeling that it would be too difficult an issue to get all the way through the amending process).  So it is rather obvious that they colluded in a quid pro quo: We won't say anything about your candidate if you won't say anything about ours.

All the facts of this collusion will come out in an official inquiry into the matter; once the nation rises up against its erstwhile masters, cleans the nest of vipers out of both the Congress and the Executive branch, and returns the nation to the rule of law.  But first things first.

(posted as Reply)

P,.S. As for what I meant by "common sense": Why would the constitutional Framers rule out for consideration for the presidential office  - and that federal office ONLY, let it be reminded - a) a non-citizen; b) a naturalized citizen - but not c) a DUAL citizen??  The latter of whom would have even MORE of the taint of DUAL LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES about him or her than a NATURALIZED citizen would??? 
     Let sanity prevail in this matter.  And let's get ON with it,  Tempus fugit.


"And the basic responsibility for the terrible fate of the federal constitutional Republic of the United States of America, for not putting up a better fight for it, when you could have."  …and then this, in today's mail, from another Tea Party group, this one the 'Tea Party Patriots - Citizens Fund' headed by one Jenny Beth Martin; on their envelope, quoting Ronald Reagan:

"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny.  We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness.  If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here.  We did all that could be done."2

And then, after the covering letter - making excellent noises - I was invited to fill out their enclosed 'Tea Party Candidate Issues Poll'.  Among which questions for reply was which of a number of conservatives I was most partial to for a run for the presidency in 2016.  

Among which names were those of...Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.  

In my responding return of the otherwise unfilled-out questionnaire I made this comment (in the cramped space available for such an insert at the end of the poll):

"Jenny Beth [Martin; otherwise admirable head of TPP], 

"For your TPP organization to even consider Cruz and Rubio for the presidency - when neither is a natural born citizen - shows how off base you are.

"Take me off your mailing list."  (signed)    

Thus, my Preface to this blog.


It took me a while to get the hang of things here.  Not just in the grownups around me not seemingly interested in the truth of things, rather, settling for merely belief in things.  But in that you just can't command something to be, and so it is.  

And maybe that's why so many incarnates have been seduced by their erstwhile masters on this plane of existence into giving their power away to them, in the creation of the likes of welfare states: the 'something for nothing' mentality being a residue, a residual if distorted memory of life on other, higher planes of existence - where we all came from.3  Where you - one; as a fractal of the One - image the thought, and your thought instantly manifests.  Because everything is energy; is made up of energy.4  We swim in a sea of energy; which also has consciousness.  Is conscious.  And all it takes to transmute it into a particular form - into something you want - is a form of concentration.  'I want, and so it is.'  

Take my experience in learning to be a printer in the spiritual community that I joined in my adulthood.5  So there I was, in my adulthood in this realm, trying to find my way to the headwaters; and at one point, fairly early on in my life in that community I was asked if I wanted to learn how to be the printer.  And being the go-for-it, selfless-server type that I am, I said - almost reflexively, without giving it a second thought - 'Sure'.  

Not that it was a big mistake, mind you.  I learned a lot, as apprentice to my master.  Me and old Heidelberg…6  But 'he' had a mind of his own… - but: Why not.  A new experience, of life in this realm.  What could it take, to learn that skill?

A lot of patience, it turned out.  Mine of which got sorely tested, before I moved on to other aspects of life in a - the - community.

There was this one night in particular…

I had been having a devil of a time with the printing of a cover for one of our books, which was showing a fine short streak smack in the middle of the color.  (I think the color was blue, as memory serves.  The streak itself was, of course, white, from the basic card-weight paper I was printing on.)  The appearance was of a bit of talcum-like powder that the machine quickly sprays on each piece as it lands in the catchment pile, to keep the color from bleeding over to the back of the following piece as it lands.  I had prided myself (I should have known: Pride, and all that…) that I was not getting such color set-off, both by running the feed at a slow speed and by cranking up the amount of powder that I was using for the job; but I may have overdone the latter, and a bit of said powder had gotten into the feed system somehow.  I cleaned the machine's innards as best I could reach, but to no avail; had, then, to shut the operation down completely, and do a thorough clean job of it; taking all manner of parts apart, to try to find the elusive speck of grit.   It was quite late in the evening when I finished all that, and then cranked Heidelberg up again, and, before throwing the feed handle, ordered it to work this time, dammit.

Which it promptly did not.

Just sat there.  Waiting.

I stared at the beast; my ire slowly rising.  And began to lose it - 

- when I caught myself.  

And had to smile.  And I think I even chuckled, a bit.

At myself. 

And cleaned it up completely, for the night.  And started all over again fresh the next day, from scratch.  As it were.

And somehow, it worked.

The bit of grit - and in myself - was gone.7 

Never to return.

Except in a slightly different form.

This time, in the form of the man who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama.  

Old calm and cool and collected.  While he 'fundamentally transforms' the federal constitutional Republic of the United States of America into a socialist state.  One of many, to make up the homogenous New World Order, under the aegis of the UN.  And its Masters, behind the scenes of everyday life on the planet called Earth, aka Gaia.

Old calm and cool.  Getting away with his approach.  Like the bear that (it was imagined; from previous experience with this one of the wildlife rangers in the area) sort of sidled up to the fellow known as The Grizzly Man - a young man who spent some time in the wilderness, and lecturing to students on living in harmony with Nature - and his girlfriend one fine day in said wild, and looked as if it were going to stop and wait for a handout, when what happened in the reality of the matter was a hand in - and an arm, and other body parts yet to be digested in the stomach of old calm and cool and collecting; found sometime later, when the rangers, investigating the disappearance of said minor celebrity and his squeeze, shot and killed Old Calm and Cool and found said grisly remains (or should that be, grizzly) in their suspected final resting place.  

And such calmness and coolness is associated with a major celebrity, now.  So much so that he, in his arrogance - aided and abetted by an ineffectual, if not deliberately colluding, opposition political party - apparently thought that he could get away with ordering a nuclear device to be exploded on American soil.8

I am reminded, in this context, of a different set of appendages: these, the final resting place of the legs of Ozymandias, King of Kings.  Look on them, ye Mighty, and do more than despair.  One: Reflect on the fact that there, but for the grace of God, be you.  And two: Walk away from the site.  And sight: of the result of haughty Pride. 

That being Desolation.  And the Obamanation that makes it.

With the sort of thinking that is going down in today's world, it will not be long before the sophists have made non-natural born citizen adoptees of  (single or plural) U.S. citizen parents eligible to run for the presidential office.  And……and………and………………………..

You all are about to seal your fate.  Live with it.  And learn from it.  For your next stage of operation: Up, in resonant frequency with Gaia.  Or back around, for another turn of the spiral, with a look-alike hologram of Terra Firma.

Either way:

See you at the finish line. 

P.S. Oh, and just a concluding point of awareness, and hint:
     If you are not being called a 'birther' by the socialists on the one hand, and/or a 9/11 'truther' by the fascists on the other (primarily, although not exclusively, in each case), you are not doing your job, as an unmasker of Untruth.  And are therefore unworthy of the kingdom that the rest of us are heading for.  
     As we speak. 
     Of abominations, and desolations, and so forth.
     And their obverse.



1 Not counting nearly eight years' retirement engaged in a committed relationship, completely off the radar screen down in Australia.  Another story.

2 The blurb on the envelope went on:
     'These words are as true today as they were when Ronald Reagan first spoke them in 1964 -- and the question remains the same:
     "'What And Who Will You Choose?'"

3 Before we were put to a test.  The Test.

4 And therefore the admonition, 'As you think, so you are' is actually a truism.  

5 Looking for likeminded souls - longing for likeminded souls, out of the half-asleep 'school' that I was swimming amongst at the time, and had been for some time.  And found them.  For a time and season. And then needed to move on. For various reasons; not necessarily germane to this telling. 

6 I never did give it a name, as we in our community were wont to do with our equipment; to acknowledge 'the consciousness in all things'.  I think I was a bit awed by the machine from the start.    Wouldn't dream of presuming to give it - him?  Her?? definitely, if any gender, a 'him' - a name from my limited consciousness of its beingness.  We in "Pubs' - the Publications Department - named our (relatively)  huge bookbinder Boris; and that fit.  But Heidelberg was a being to itself.
     As I was soon to find out.  
     In spades……but I get a bit ahead of myself in the telling of the story.  Back to which…
      - but a quick P.S. here, about the machine's name.  It turned out that Heidelberg in Germany was known for making top-of-the-line print machines, and when our community had grown to the point of needing a bigger machine than the office-sized one that they had been using up until then (even to the point of printing books on it, which it was not designed for), the male of our community's founding trio went out and - true to form - ordered 'only the best'. even when the community didn't have the money to pay for it.  Which, somehow, 'manifested' by the time it needed to be paid for.
     Stories like that were a dime a dozen (so to speak) in the early days of the community, when they were living purely on faith. that, if they were living true to God's will, all their needs would be met.  But to continue…

7 The same sort of story cannot be said about the fellow who began to work next to me, on the aforesaid office printer.  For whatever reason - not being fully attuned to it, or taking it for granted, or just having 'one of those nights,' or whatever - he was having trouble with it one night, and took it rather apart (he was known to be good with his hands) - all very calm and cool - and then started it up again.  And it wouldn't produce, for him.  And while I kept right on with the job I was working on on the big machine, I noticed that he took his machine apart to a considerable extent again; not casually, I sensed, this time.  And then he started it up again.  And it still wouldn't do what he wanted it to do.  And he lost it; starting to shake the machine furiously, like he would a human being in the same sort of circumstances.  And finally calmed down; enough to just stand there, looking at his nemesis.
     I wasn't precisely sure what to do.  I suppose I should have put my arm around him, and consoled him a bit.  But I sensed a lesson going on.  
     And I wasn't about to interfere with that  level of reality.

8 As fuse for the imperial declaration of Martial Law, and its concomitant takeover of the entirety of the nation - lock, stock and barrel. 
     In one felonious swoop.

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