Tuesday 10 September 2019

Going Up

‘Would you like to know how to design and create a flower?’
‘A flower!  What for?’
‘As a step to learn how to create.’
‘To learn how to create…That rings a bit of a bell, way back at the back of my mind somewhere…Interesting……What’ll it cost me?’
‘Your life.’
‘My - what?!’
‘Your life, wandering in the desert of your making.  With no real purpose.’
‘…Wandering in the desert of my making, with no real purpose…that rings a closer bell…’
‘So…well.  What have I got to lose?’
‘So, you’re on.  What do I have to do now?’
‘Follow me.’
‘Where are we going?’
‘Out of this Illusion.  Created.  For this very purpose.’
‘…Created…for this very purpose……this desert, like……  - Oh.  I get it.  Kind of like…a flower, but with no scent, or intricate design to it.  And with, like, bees, and things, associated with it.  And rivers and trees.  And, like, mountain ranges…’
‘You catch on fast.’

‘Up’.  Not just to go 'round and 'round in it.  Otherwise, it’s like trying to solve a problem on the same level as the problem.

You’ll catch on.  It’s sort of like

it’s in your DNA.

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