Friday 6 July 2012

More On The Illegality - & Danger - Of Obama

In my last blog I talked about hypocrisy, in relation to Obama and his 'bona fides' about being a lecturer on the Constitution, or at least on constitutional law (the two are not necessarily the same thing).  I quoted a devastating critique, by Thomas Sowell, of his stance on the Constitution and constitutional law in relation to his remarks leading up to the Supreme Court's hearing on ObamaCare.  He is, simply put, slippery on such matters.  A slippery liar; what Sowell called a "smooth liar", which invokes luciferian connotations.  Somewhere in remarks I have made recently, to some blog or other, I gave a caricature of the situation, where I had Obama talking to someone about his inaction on immigration issues, specifically on not helping the southern states guard their borders against illegal aliens - or as the current PC has it: 'undocumented workers'.  Because of his 'nature', as has been coming through for some time now - i.e., as a very slippery character - I had him arguing that a) the states did not have the jurisdiction in that area, it was a federal matter, so back off; and when I had his antagonist rebut that the federal government wasn't doing their job in the matter, I had him say slickly and cynically that b) well, that was the fed's business; that the Constitution didn't require them to act on their 'job', that it just clarified what was their job, and what was the individual states' area of responsibility.  It turns out that I was wrong in my fanciful take on the point; and I would like to set the record straight on the matter.

I stand corrected under Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution,wherein it states that the president has the duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed".  So he doesn't even have that excuse for his lack of meaningful action in this area.  He is, simply, becoming a law unto himself - and is getting away with it.

This truth has even come to the attention - somewhat belatedly - of the conservative publication the National Review, where in a recent article it was noted that this constitutional requirement was specifically included by the Framers "to make sure that the president could not simply cancel legislation that he didn't like, as had the British king."  So says John Yoo - who served in the Dubya Bush Justice Department from 2001-03, and is currently a law professor at the U of Cal at Berkeley - in the July 9 edition of the NR.  Prof. Yoo is no staunch conservative (is more of a neocon).  He 'spun the law' - provided legal cover to the Bush administration to justify GW's incursions into the imperial presidency.*  But even he knows when enough is enough, and "the fabric of the Constitution" has been stretched too far.

Why the NR balks at this current act of contempt for the Constitution on the part of Obama (the subject of his article was 'The Immigration Proclamation'; subtitled 'President Obama may not ignore laws he dislikes')** and has not called him on the 'natural born Citizen' qualification is a worry, as I called them on in my previous blog (of June 13) entitled 'The State of the Nation - Part 1', wherein I said that the NR "strains at a gnat and swallows a camel".  But at least they are beginning to wake up to the dangers of the Obama presidency (the edition had on its cover the unequivocal comment, 'The Imperial President...And His Discontents').

But it is all small potatoes, for what needs to happen now.  Which is a major push by The People to force Obama to vacate the office, before even worse damage is done to the American Republic.  As I have said today (oops; just gone over to tomorrow), on a thread on an article (at entitled 'Outrageous: Judge Decides Law Doesn't Apply To Obama' (regarding a judge's decision in Florida that 'there's nothing to see here, folks, just keep moving on' on the subject of Obama's ineligibility to appear on the state's election ballot for not proving his NBC bona fides):
kibitzer2 says:
These are times that try men’s souls…’Nuff said.
So it’s clear that there has been a long-enough “train of abuses and usurpations” in this matter of The Government v The People to call for extraordinary measures on the part of the latter party, to take their country back from the usurpers. And that is plural. The man who calls himself BHO could never have gotten away with this usurpation without the collusion of the Congress (and the judicial branch too, for that matter). And waiting until November to take care of this matter by the (often rigged) ballot box could well be too late, with the danger of a false flag op and subsequent declaration of Martial Law taking the country totally out from under the protections of the Constitution before that opportunity to remedy this crime of unprecedented proportions.
That’s why I call for (& have been calling for, for some time) a March on Washington of The People, Assembled – led by Oathkeepers, and consisting of Second Amendmenters and Tenth Amendmenters and Article Twoers and Tea Partiers, and every other kind of constitutionalist there is in the nation - to stay, in nonviolent civil disobedience and in orderly rotations, until the Usurper vacates the presidential office (a daily reading of the list of his crimes being a feature of the gathering); with the Congress dissolved by The People as well, for being an accessory to and after the fact of the Usurper’s illegality, and an Officer OF The People appointed (Art. II, Sect. 1) who will call for elections within a time certain (say, 90 to 120 days), and in the meantime, clean out the Augean stables of the executive branch of the federal government of all those who don’t pass the smell test.
And thus, may we of this generation of American citizens rise to this momentous occasion, and keep from breaking faith with the Founders of this honorable republic. This honorable constitutional republic; returned thereby to standing for, and exampling, the rule of law. Not the rule of tyrants.

If I had been thinking quickly enough, I would have added, at the beginning, regarding 'nuff said: "to true patriots".  But the point is made.  We are in critical mode, now.  It is time for action, on a par with the need at the time of the first Declaration of Independence.  This time, against principalities and powers that would fasten a dark agenda on the American people, and by extension from that major base, on the people of the planet at large.  The purpose would appear to be to corral the world into a combination socialist-fascist state - much like Communist China has turned into.

For more on which, see my comments on another thread, to the subject of 'China's Ghost Cities':

[a poster]
Suppose a thermo-nuclear war were to be started and China was involved. They attack and are attacked and they must know in advance that many millions of citizens would die. They would be left with a country, if anything was left, which was too dangerous for the possibly few million people left to live in. However, they've already got those 'ghost cities,' in countries that are unlikely to be involved in a thermo-nuclear conflict. China has contingency plans on a grand scale and doesn't need to back down. If they don't get their bombs off first, the survivors have somewhere to go.
The sight of those 'ghost towns,' is really quite chilling and does look like some plan for the future.
noavatar32.png   (4 July 2012)
And a "plan for the future" could also include a collapse of the world monetary system, in conjunction with an awakening about our spiritual reality, as 'spiritual beings having a human experience', and thus the elimination of money; and with that outcome, a world of abundance, with all peoples being able to live in comfortable surroundings, and living lives with joyful meaning.  Since the reality - the unmistakable reality - of our being such beings gives us an alternative motive to share goods and services with one another - and give of our best in the process - than the proven and spectacular failure of the profit system, and its handmaiden, interest-bearing money.  And wouldn't that be interesting, that the Communist Chinese 'got' that reality before the nominally 'religious' western world??
Oh - that alternate motive?  The highest there could possibly be.  Simple, really: that of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.  The motivating power being, in a word: love.
As all of humanity comes together, at last, in one big family, recognizing that we are all the children of a loving God/Source; having simply experienced a degree of separation, in order to learn lessons from it.  Recognizing - and inheriting - finally: One Planet - One Humanity - One Destiny.  With the 'religious' western world having to catch up with those 'commies'; who woke up to their true identity before the 'religious' westerners did.  Obviously, God would then prove to have a sense of humor as well; albeit a bit ironic.  But enlightenment will come where, and when, it will come.
There's no telling, really.  Unless one is really listening closely, to the heart-murmurings of their inner selves.
What is that supposed to mean and what does that have to do with building cities with no people?
  • 46 minutes ago
  • in reply to kibitzer

kibitzer3    [5 July]
It means that there is the possibility here - given the right consciousness behind the 'project' - to have some infrastructure ready on the other side of the collapse of the now-globalized monetary system, and its replacement with an essentially (globalized) moneyless system (non-interest-bearing 'credits'), to move people out of living in hovels and into decent, if not state-of-the-art to start with, accommodation.  As part of the systemic move up in consciousness going on on planet Earth; where we are about to leave the Play behind, that we have been involved in long enough - just playing, and exchanging, parts, over and over, in our lesson-learning stage of development - and move up closer into a semblance of the real thing; the kind of living that goes on on the higher dimensions.  Because it's time. 
I repeat: I'm not saying that that is the thinking in the minds of the current leaders of the mainland Chinese people.  I'm saying that that is what this 'project' COULD be turned to.  As elsewhere on the planet.  Where and when we all upgrade our standard of living; closer to one reflecting more fully the wonders and glory of our Creator Source, Who has given us the Creation energy to work with, and learn to live in harmony with, as a way of fuller life. 

All of which is to say that Obama is - in cahoots with others - creating the conditions for a need to transcend the current paradigm, of liberal-conservative, Left-Right, action-reaction, and take it all up to a higher level, where we can begin to function in a unity mode, no longer the duality mode that we have been locked in for eons of time on this lovely planet.  It is time, in short, for Ascension, to a higher level - dimension - of reality.  

And if that requires me to join a march on Washington, and to take the role of an Officer of The People, to help bring about that fundamental change - which is, basically, a fundamental change in consciousness - so be it.

I'm ready.

In actuality: I have been; for some time.  Because I have seen, and felt, this coming for some time.  Particularly ever since I took to the road in 1961, from Southern California to Washington, D.C., on foot, to tell the President that "the way to rid ourselves of all our aches and evils is to do away with money".

And now, it's time to activate that stage of human development; no longer to hold it as just an idea.

For it is an idea whose time has come.    


* He thinks that torture is a perfectly acceptable form of interrogation (provided the so-called 'torture memos' to his employers, Cheney & Co.).  It is - in totalitarian societies.  Not in America (TV shows like 24/7 notwithstanding).  America is holding high a different torch than that ignoble sort.  Or at least used to; used to stand for more than that the end justifies the means.
     I have a question for the learned, and likes of, Prof. Yoo: How many times do you think it takes for waterboarding to 'work', i.e., to elicit precisely whatever answer it is you want to hear, to stop the torture?  Once?  A hundred and eleven times??...
     Did humanity learn nothing from the likes of the Inquisition???

** Prof. Yoo goes on from his comment about how only a king can ignore enforcing laws simply because he dislikes them: "Since the days of Machiavelli, through Hobbes, Locke, and Montesquieu to the Framers, executing the laws...has formed the very core of the executive power."  Executive = to execute.
     And NOT in the sense of drone takeouts...   

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