Friday 13 July 2012

While America Slept

A comment of mine today under a blog at the western journalism site (posted on 11 July) entitled 'Is America Under Barry Becoming a Totalitarian State' :

kibitzer2 says:
I fear that a major block will keep any lukewarm project for removal of the tyrant from office – and the Congress being ‘stood down’ – dissolved – by The People, for having been an accessory to and after the fact of the Usurper’s unconstitutional elevation to the office – from being effected. And that is the unpreparedness of the mass of the American people even to understand the constitutional issues involved. This was highlighted for me in another thread on this web site, when a grandparent shared that her grandchildren told her that they didn’t have to take History in school.
America, you have been asleep; and your country has been stolen from right under your noses, by people who were more prepared to keep an eye on things socio-political, and to affect them, than you were, in your hedonistic approach to life. Freedom is not free. You have to earn it, and to pay the price to keep it, which is – as you were warned by your Founding Fathers – eternal vigilance. And as another blog on this site today showed, a large number of young people don’t even know what a ‘Founding Father’ is.
There’s your answer to your dilemma today. It may not be too late to save the – your – republic. But it will be a close-run thing, given the rot that has set in; and from many years’ standing.


The 'other thread' on the site was primarily the video of a young member of the Fox News family going out, on the 4th of July, and asking a number of young people on a beach somewhere some questions about the date, and what it meant, and what were some of the 'founding' quotations of the country's history, 'Give me Liberty or give me - ' etc etc.

It was appalling.  Most of them didn't have a clue to the answers to his simple questions.  And these are the people that are being asked to understand how the current occupant of the office of the presidency is acting like a dictator??  For all they know, how he is acting is how a president is supposed to act.  If the Congress won't take action in some area, he'll just write an Executive Order and simply do what he wants done.  And so forth.

People, people...These are your children, and grandchildren.  Where were you when their education rug was pulled out from under them, and they weren't taught about their country??  The Marxists have taken over your - our - country, without a shot having been fired.  All because you were too busy in your lives to pay attention to the need for a government of, by, and for The People to be governed by them. Or it would be governed by tyrants.

Which it is having done to it, as we speak.

I was out of the country for many years, living abroad, and didn't have a clue that the rot had set in this badly.

It is one thing to be aware of the damage being done to the country by the bankers, and their powerful allies in Congress.  It is another to be aware of the damage being wrought in the country at its very foundations: the people themselves.

There's still time.  But barely.

And I need to be fully honest here, as to where I am coming from.  The answer is not to go back to 'the way things were'.  'The way things were' will just end up being fertilizer for the same thing to happen again as is happening now.  What is called for now is something far more substantial, and fundamental.   What is called for now is a further step, from either the Left or the Right of the current paradigm.  Those polarities have created the condition, now - and at humanity's globalized stage of development -  for a major breakthrough, into a higher level of consciousness than is reflected in either of the current 'left' and 'right' pieces of the picture.  It is a far larger picture than just these two polarities encompass.

It is a move up, to Ascension, of the entirely of humanity, to - as I say - a higher level of consciousness than currently employed.  A recognition that we are 'spiritual beings having a human experience'; and that reality becoming a bedrock base for our next stage of development.  Wherein we will eliminate money, and move into a state of abundance, and joy, and peace.  All for having recognized who we really are: the spiritual offspring of a loving Creator.  Treating each other, on this lovely planet, AS brothers and sisters.  And in fact, further: as gods in our own right.  Each capable of great creation; for being 'a chip off the old Block'.  

But first things first.  We have to earn our wings.

And that requires us to evidence a higher level of consciousness about such things than we have shown up to now.

'Such things' as living by the rule of Law.  Not by the arbitrary whim of individuals who would be our masters, in a materialistic world, given to the law of the jungle.

Been there.  Done that.  It's time for something more.  Something more fully.  And more fulfilling.

Before things in the current paradigm like bio-weaponry create any more havoc than they already have.

And if you don't know what I'm talking about:

that's precisely what I am talking about.  


P.S.  And I realize, based on the theme of this blog, that many people won't understand fully why I have titled this blog the way I have.  It is a play on the book by JFK (you do know about JFK, don't you?  One wonders - has to wonder, in this climate) that he titled 'While England Slept,' wherein he chronicled how England wasn't prepared for what finally erupted into World War II, starting on its very doorstep; and in part because of its somnolence to such things as 'international relations'.  For the citizens of that country just getting on with their lives...   

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