Wednesday 4 July 2012

On Hyprocrisy, & Other Such Little Matters

It is perhaps fitting that I didn't come across a particular article by Thomas Sowell, on Obama and his 'ways', until today, the 4th of July.  Remember?  Independence Day, and all that jazz?  Hot dogs and corn on the cob and fireworks??  Celebrating...what, precisely.

A public holiday; celebrating the declaration of independence of the American colonies and people from the oppression of the mother country of most of them.  Celebrating the birth of freedom on this continent, from 'the old ways'.  Ways steeped in corruption.  Which brings me back to the article by Sowell.

Thomas Sowell, for those who don't know him, or about him, is a conservative scholar, now a senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at (my alma mater of) Stanford University.  He is the author of many books, and articles.  He is also black.  And the latter is about all that he has in common with Barack Hussein Obama.  For whom he has political contempt; which is in accordance with his political perspective on life in America.  But in addition to that perspective, he has basic, justified contempt for the man currently occupying the office of the presidency, for being a liar.  And not just any old kind of liar.  But a "smooth" liar, as he calls Obama.  Or as I would call him: an egregious liar.

This attitude of mine is particularly occasioned by this article by Sowell, appearing in the just-passed May issue of Whistleblower Magazine, entitled 'Political Word Games', subtitled 'Obama is a "master" of "lying smoothly" by redefining words'.  It is the first time I have come across a specific quote by Obama in the lead-up to the Supreme Court's ruling on the ObamaCare legislation.  I am appalled by, and outraged at, his audacity in the art of twisting the truth.  I quote from the relative section in Sowell's article.  After pointing out how there are different kinds of liars, and commenting that "(i)f we must have lying presidents of the United States, I prefer that they be like Richard Nixon.  You could just look at him and tell that he was lying," he goes on:

"But Obama is much smoother.  On this and on many other issues, you would have to know what the facts are to know that he is lying.  He is obviously counting on the fact that, in this era of dumbed-down education, many people have no clue as to what the facts are."  (A subject in itself; but to continue herein:)

"He is also counting on something else - namely, that the pro-Obama media will not expose his lies."  (And another subject in itself; but to continue:)

"In the comment on the case pending before the Supreme Court, President Obama said that he wanted to remind 'conservative commentators' that they have complained about 'judicial activism' - which he redefines as the idea that 'an unelected group of people would somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law.'"1

This is breathtaking.  The mind truly boggles.  These are the words of not just a liar; and further, of an egregious liar,  But they are the words of an arrogant liar, of black-arts proportions.  And I will go into that in a moment.  But for now, just to clarify, as Sowell so artfully does: Obama, and especially as a former lawyer, and who, in point of fact, even taught constitutional law (at the University of Chicago law school.  Which may be part of the problem here; but that's another matter as well), knows perfectly well that judicial review is the very JOB OF the Supreme Court.  As Sowell goes on to say: "They have been doing [that sort of thing[ for more than two centuries  It is the foundation of American constitutional law.  There is no way that Barack Obama has never heard of it or really believes it to be 'unprecedented' after two centuries of countless precedents.  In short, he is simply lying."

So he is a truth-twister; having been emboldened in the 'art' by having gotten away with it in the little matter of his birth certificate - the copy of which that he posted on the Internet having been analyzed to be a forgery (and not a very good one at that; to add insult to injury to the American people) - and the little matter, before that, of his ineligibility (for not being a 'natural born citizen', rather simply a citizen -if that, even, after his stay in Indonesia) for the office that he is besmirching as every day passes that he is not called, judicially or otherwise, on his deceit.

There is a subject here in its own right that I will comment on at some point, that of the redefinition of words and phrases by left-wing ideologues that has been going on for over half a century, to further their end, of a socialist-communist society with a totalitarian government forcing the populace to be 'good' in its terms, precisely as Marx and Lenin & Co. envisioned.2  But for now, I just want to highlight the real audacity in Obama's life: how he feels that he can now brazenly lie to the faces of the American people, and get away with it, because of the power of his 'personality'.  And, as Sowell points out, the power of a mainstream media, in on the deceit.

Obama needs to be reminded that pride goeth before a fall.  And the American people need to be reminded that, in a republic, they are the government.  And they will get the kind of government that they deserve.

Another such 'little matter' here in this matter is the curious business of a number of purported spiritual sources - channelers, and other such commentators - who believe, and teach, that Obama is a highly spiritual soul, and will help lead humanity into the New World that beckons, and which many high-minded souls await with bated breath; to leave the corruption of the old world behind, and move fully into the light of that blessed new day.  There is something decidedly wrong with this picture.  I personally can't see him helping to lead humanity into anything other than the New World Order of our erstwhile keepers.  His whole life has been one big lie - and in part, to him as well.  But he is continuing to go along with the charade.  And now, has grown so puffed up - so arrogant in his pride, that he can boldly stand right in the public's face, and lie with consummate ease.  As, in Sowell's word, a 'smooth' liar.  Meaning, being so artful at it, that he has been carried away with the art.3

And with the help, as noted, of the mainstream media.

So much for a free press.   So much for the little matter of the Constitution, and its proper 'reading', including the high-hurdle qualifications for the office of the presidency, not having been met in the present instance; and thus, in short, so much for the spirit of Truth.  And high-minded souls think such qualities - those of chicanery and deceit - are those of a leader of the people into the Light??

As I say: the mind boggles.

Something has to give way here.

And I dearly hope it is the spirit of deception.

Or humanity will descend further into a prison.  A prison largely of its own making,

For not paying attention to the little things.  Like, say: personal responsibility.  And having gotten so caught up in the drama that it lost sight of the fact that it is, all, really, just that: a drama; and we have simply been playing parts.  Over and over.  Until we have 'gotten it': the point.

That it is, and has been, a means to an end.  Not an end in itself.  As master materialists - those who have lost their way in the illusion; on the stage - would have it; and have you believe.

Interesting, how so much can hang on such a little matter, as the difference between something being a means to an end, and becoming an end in itself.  Like money.

And life - material life - itself.

Wherein to catch the conscience of us all.


1 Previously in the article, Sowell had quoted Obama on this matter thusly, when asked if he thought the Supreme Court would uphold the healthcare legislation as constitutional or strike it down as unconstitutional:  "I'm confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be un unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress." Not only does this remark overlook just how close that vote in fact was; but as Sowell comments on the remark: "But how unprecedented would it actually be if the Supreme Court declared a law unconstitutional if it was passed by [such a congressional vote]?" and goes on to make his dissenting case.  And well.

2 A very quick aside here, to note that 'the Left' has indeed a piece of the larger picture of life, and of the sort of society that we are about to inherit, in our spiritual development on this lovely planet, and beyond.  But it is NOT characterized by an all-powerful state, riding roughshod over a populace cowed into submission to it like cattle, to be culled and 'managed' as its materialistic Masters decide.  That is 3D stuff; and egregiously atheistic stuff at that.
     Come on, those of you currently on the Left: wake up to your TRUE identities.  And stop the part-playing.  You have helped get the play to its final curtain; now take your bows, and acknowledge the larger reality, and move on with the rest of us as the One that we are, and are a part of.  And that is not fundamentally as players in a drama, of our making, and character unfolding - on this stage on which we play our parts, over and over, exchanging parts; in the course of which, refining our 'acts'.  For the purpose of which: read on.

3 This trait extends even to the writing of his so-called autobiography 'Dreams From My Father'.  Not only in the matter of creating composite characters, and so forth.  (See p. 9, 'The Manchurian President,' Klein & Elliott; WorldNetDaily, 2010.)  But in the actual writing of it.  (Ibid., pp. 14-16.  Quoting sources Jack Cashill and Christopher Andersen.)
     We have a pathological liar on our hands in the Oval Office.  The most powerful office in the world.  And a somnolent citizenry put him there.
     You call yourselves Americans??
     As Cashill noted, and is quoted: "Only in America could an American-hating terrorist conspire with an unskilled writer of uncertain origins on an untruthful memoir and succeed in getting the man elected president.  This plot is so absolutely rich, so thoroughly cinematic, that the literary gatekeepers refuse to believe it is true."
     And so does the American public.  Where a sucker is seemingly born every minute; just ripe to be fleeced, by experts in the trade.  

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