Saturday 24 December 2011

American Media - A Shame

...And You, Citizen??

This little rant was triggered by a blog on a site called Godfather Politics yesterday, by 'The Godfather' himself, titled 'Ron Paul Criticism Heats Up The Internet'. Background: U.S. presidential candidate Ron Paul was 'caught' on YouTube getting exasperated with the incessant questioning of a TV news channel journalist about something that appeared in a newsletter released by his political camp over 20 years ago. Yes, with his name on the newsletter. Never mind that he had answered that question a number of times previously. Never mind that it turns out that that so-called journalist has a conflict of interest, regarding her husband's business. She was determined to get something 'newsworthy' out of him in the confrontation. And she got it, when he had had enough, and started taking off his lapel mike. Shock, horror. Can't stand the heat. Not presidential material. 'He has something to hide.' Well, speaking of somebody who has something to's my little rant:


The American media is a strange beast. At a time when there is all manner of evidence that the man occupying the office of the presidency of the United States is a usurper - when the copies of both forms of his birth certificate released to the public have proven, in the eyes and detailed explanations of a number of experts, to be forgeries, and there is a prima facie case that he was not eligible to run for that particular office even on their face evidence - and when he has sequestered all of his bona fides from being able to be investigated for tell-tale signs of a cover-up as to his background - you folks are all atwitter about something that appeared in a newsletter over twenty years ago from the Ron Paul camp. There is a great biblical expression to cover something like this: how you are straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel.

American mainstream media, you are a hypocrite. The American public, you have been hoodwinked at best; and irresponsibly asleep at the switch at the worst. At the switch of your - and my - country, from a constitutional republic to an oligarchy. Shame on you. Were you not warned, by your Founding Fathers, about just such a possible event? That if you were going to be self-governing - were going to demonstrate that kind of government to the people of the planet, as superior to being governed either by a king or a church or other potential tyrant - you would need to stay awake? That you coud not ‘let George do it’; or he would all too possibly do just that??

I’m disappointed in you. In any event: I can’t let you get away with this disservice to the people of your world. They are your brothers and sisters; they deserve better from you, than for you to fail at the hurdle like this.

Pick yourself up, and join me in setting things right. Or forever hang your head in shame, at being called, and failing in your duty.

There’s still time. But barely."

This matter, of a usurper in the office of the presidency of the United States - let's put it in its total context: this matter, of what has all the appearances of being a usurper in the office of the presidency of the United States; which is an insult both to that honorable office and to the people OF the United States - needs to be cleared up, and now. It cannot wait for another year, to be dealt with at an election. Too much is at stake, that could happen in the meantime, parlous to the Republic.

I call on all Oathkeepers - including the Citizenry who consider themselves of the same allegiance - to go to their nation's capital, and surround the White House, and not leave until the current occupier of that office either makes a successful case for his eligibility for the office, in the release of all of his bona fides, and to their inspection by experts - and gives an explanation for why he has been so remiss in addressing this major constitutional issue - or vacates the office forthwith; with The People, Assembled, to appoint an Officer OF The People, who will dissolve Congress - for not having acted on this constitutional matter as was their constitutional duty and responsibility - and call for elections within a time certain (say 90 days); said Officer also to clean out the Augean stables of the executive branch of the federal government, and stand down all legislation signed into law, and appointments made, by the usurper. Said Officer should also call for and organize independent investigations into such constitutional subjects as 9/11 - for who ALL was involved in that crime against the country - and the suspected connivance of the federal government in the collapse of the country's currency and fiscal credibility, and begin proceedings to bring all persons suspected of crimes in these constitutional matters to a court of law; their passports being retained in the meantime, to keep them from fleeing justice.

And may Justice so be served.

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