Friday 2 December 2011

And The Bell Continues Its Tolling

My friend has died. Last night. In his sleep. Peacefully...

..and We the Living carry on. With our own weights to bear.

I bear the weight of the world. Consciously. And wilfully. And though I know that it is changing, for the better - despite many appearances - still I despair, sometimes. That its emergence from the chrysalis that it has been encased in will come about in time.

Interesting, this image, of a chrysalis, and emergence. Not only to describe my friend's condition, but in terms of a short article I have been prompted inwardly to write this week. - and I wonder, now, if my friend's transition phase, that he has been experiencing this week, in hospital, has had anything to do with it??...whatever; it has to do with musing on Change. And how difficult it can be.*

It has something to do with the subjects that I have written about in my last couple of blogs, regarding the threats going on to the American form of government - the Republic, "for which it stands," as every school child in the country recites 'religiously' every time the pledge of allegiance to the flag is invoked. And I have wondered, sometimes, if Obama's role in the destruction of that republic going on - on his watch - has been at least in part due to the fact that he did not grow up, in his younger, formative years, under that 'rule', rather in a foreign country, with a pledge of allegiance to that flag. But that's just conjecture, as an aside. And not a totally fair one, in itself, since many a person involved in the destruction of the American republic in our day did grow up in that environment, and culture.

But to continue. My concerns have been increased this week, with recent disturbing reports that the U.S. - that is, the U.S. government (there is a difference) - may well be gearing up for war with Iran; and that may well be why the various governing aspects that I have reported on have been put in place, in preparation for 'civil defense' measures needed in relation to foreign affairs, AND 'civil unrest' measures needed in relation to domestic affairs, with the populace beginning to rebel against their government. Their federal government. Under either the Democrats OR the Republicans; under the latter whom many of the threats to the status quo of the country were put in place. This being a scenario of domestic capture and control under both sides of the political divide in America. At least at the top. Which is controlled by the same gang of perpetrators; roughly to be called 'the bankers'. Aka the Illuminati. Who would dearly welcome a third World War, because it is under war conditions that control of the populace can be put in place, and increased. And the establishment of a New World Order is the name of the game, that these individuals and elite families have been engaged in for generations; to make the world safe for oligarchy.

But closer to home, my thoughts have been centred on how to help awaken my community - my nominally-described spiritual community - to the importance of this 'window of opportunity' time in human life, and of our help in bringing about positive change for the planet, in the way that we model an attitude towards 'community' life that can benefit the world at large. And that has to do with our attitude towards money. Hence the name of, and the focus of, my 'paper'.

Added herewith.


As the [Findhorn] Foundation looks to the future, what could we see?

We could still see danger. The danger of buying into the current economic system, at the very time that it is imploding. That danger could take the form of trying to increase our income in various ways. And one of those ways could be to go to a system that has already been floated here, for consideration: a system of paying people more than the base allowance to do/in certain jobs. A system of what is called differential pay.

I am against differential pay because then the Staff will become motivated by money - will be seduced into the same attitudes as that are in the ‘outer’ world: doing things for the money, rather than for the Service to the collective, to the extent of your abilities, and your individually valuable challenges.

The New Age will not be characterized by such considerations.

Yes, there will still be some sort of exchange/credit device, because there will not be enough of everything for everybody; and so people will earn credits for their services to the system, and can spend them any way they want to. But the key to the future state of humanity - a representation of the kingdom of heaven on earth - is the Service given to the system, out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning - NOT out of hankering for personal reward. There lie dragons, that way. As we have learned, painfully.

As for how to structure such a system: I think the model of a LETS system is a good one. You give credits to individuals for their services to you, and thereby log up debits to the system, that you need to keep in balance, or the operator of the system will drop you from the system. You don’t get something for nothing. (Thus we need to get rid of the mindset of ‘entitlements’, that is bedeviling the current economic system that is in place in much of the world. It cultivates the idea of getting something for nothing. Bad idea to encourage.) Treat the system right, and the system will treat you right. That is, things will be in balance; in harmony. Accumulate a lot of credits to the system, and you can spend them on special things that others have provided in their service to the system.

These units of credit can be called anything. I would recommend that they are not called ‘money’, with those connotations, of the old way of doing things - with interest-bearing money - that got humanity into such trouble, ultimately. (Trouble that was built in to the system from the very beginning, with its creation of debt by its very nature.) And different areas - ‘regions’, in the vernacular of those who were trying to set up a New World Order of their own, without regard to our spiritual nature, and essence - of the ‘kingdom’ could have their own units of credit, reflecting their own culture, and its mores. But with caution, not to allow it to get out of kilter too much from the overalll planetary culture. Or it might become a case of deja vu all over again, with different units assuming different levels of value, like the current money exchange system, and people starting to trade in them for its own sake, not for the benefit of the system, and the collective; with the differential simply reflecting local circumstances, and a good feedback device for the health of the local operation. But with the benefit of historical hindsight, we can steer the Good Ship Lollipop clear of the rocks and reefs that it could founder on, with undue care - even with the built-in concept of doing things ‘for the glory of God’. God, not being present - except within us - may well get forgotten, in the passage of time, and the dimming of cultural memory.

As we should have learned by now. Although such a system will certainly be a cut above the historical experience, which started with no such attitude as the base for the launch of this new state of affairs on planet Earth - this New Order of Things, starting out on a higher level of consciousness than in the past; and building from there. Building a kingdom to the glory of our humankind’s ultimate Creator - the Creator of our divine essence, within the highest carrying vehicle on this planet. Sparks of divinity; off the One Mind, or Field: the, and our, Essence.

As a poster said on a Comments thread on some blog or other that I read recently: “Order out of Chaos is a Masonic concept relating to the idea that we are all one divine Mind that has been splintered into billions of tiny pieces that are slowly recombining.”

The concept of Order out of Chaos is also one envisioned by the Illuminati, that body of terrestrial power brokers who would like to control the world for their own stunted ends. It is up to us more perfectly aligned sparks of divinity to make sure that they do not win the day - that we take the historical process that is unfolding itself up to its highest level, of Synthesis, and not leave it stranded on the way. For our sakes; and those of those such sparks who follow in our wake. Experiencing a degree of separation in the Creation, for learning, and growing, purposes. Until each of us graduates; back to the Source from which we came, for just such a growing, educative purpose.

‘Educare’ - to draw forth from. That which is inside. Just waiting to burst free from its enclosing seed, and experience a larger reality, through the process. To be transformed thereby. Like a butterfly from its caterpillar stage.

We really need to awaken, and be awakened, now, to our full potential, as butterflies - and beyond. So let’s be about it.

And the key to the process is for humanity to do away with money as a motivating force; and get in touch with that natural motivating force from within, that is struggling, now - so forcefully - to be free.

To break out from its encapsulating stage. And fly.



As my friend's soul is doing as we speak.

And as we, as individual sparks of divinity -'spiritual beings having a human experience' - will do, when our individual time is finished here.

Which still has a ways to go, yet.

As we now help see humanity through its dark days yet ahead. As it gets its bearings; its sense of its new identity. And struggles to free itself from the cocoon that its erstwhile masters have attempted to secure it in.

For their purposes.

Which are similar to those referred to in the poem by Scotland's folk hero, Robert Burns, when he wrote about 'best-laid plans'. That can oft go awry.

May we rise to this occasion. Within ourselves. As we are, right now.

And make sure that the process is not terminated terribly, midway.


P.S. And as for the factor of how many Christians are urging on this terrible scenario that could well lead to World War III - because of a misguided belief in its 'rightness' - I shall leave comment aside for now. Except to register my horror, and disapproval.
No true God would be 'for' such an appalling scenario.
Wake up, those of you who have been mesmerized by this untruth. You are being had, by the works of Man. Not God.

* N.B. I decided to look up the word 'chrysalis' in my dictionary, to check its precise definition; and I discovered something - a word - that I never knew before. The word was, is, 'obtect'. First definition for chrysalis "The obtect pupa for a moth or butterfly." Obtect?? Definition: "adj. (of a pupa) encased in a hardened secretion so that the wings, legs, etc. are held immovably to the body, as in butterflies." What an interesting word, and meaning. And how we must feel obtected, sometimes, in our forms, our bodies; the vehicle for incarnation on this planet. And is my friend's spirit feeling like a butterfly, right now, with metaphorical wings outstretched??...

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