Saturday 3 December 2011

Claiming Your Christhood

I'm going out on a limb here. But it feels like right timing. As various very dangerous scenarios in the world heat up, and threaten to play themselves out on the physical. I need to do my part - up here in my cave in the north of Scotland - to help head 'it' off at the come to pass. The more I, and others, invoke a higher outcome, the better. To be able to feel that we did all we could. Up against whatever karma still needs to play itself out.

So here's my

of the

What would I really like to say to my brothers and sisters here in the Findhorn Foundation (and to a lesser extent, the members of the wider, Findhorn Foundation Community)?

Okay. You asked for it. ( :-) )

I would really like to say, more clearly, that I have recently been trying to prepare you for the modern-day Good News. Which is that the Findhorn Foundation - and as characterized by Sir George Trevelyan - is the Essene community of and for the New Age. That out of this community wll come the impulse for a new era on planet Earth. Which can also be called the kingdom of heaven; for it is to be dedicated to The Most High, and functions in alignment with the highest motive we Sons and Daughters of our Source can live our lives by: out of respect for, and gratitude to, our Creator, for giving us - allowing us - the gift of life with meaning.

And if you are not ready or willing to embody that role - if you’re not in sync with it - you really should leave, and thus get out of the way of those who are ready to embody, and further, the new, for humanity, and Gaia; and the glory of God. Which means, and entails, breaking the mold of the old. Particularly as ‘the old’ had to do with humanity being motivated to do things by the concept of profit, growing out of the means of interest-bearing money - in a word: usury.

Which we were warned about. And which ‘tool’ has had its day. And must now get out of the way of a higher motive for social activity. The highest motive there is, and can ever be: doing things out of, in a word: Love.

It will happen. Ready or not.

Because it’s time.

Announced - ‘channeled’ - on this day of the Gregorian calendar of December 3, 2011. The Incarnation - more clearly - of the New, Improved Model for Humanity’s Welfare.


And speaking of welfare, and the current model of social life; some observations.


The current model - at least in the UK - is to provide more welfare monies to reduce (child) poverty. My response: You give people on welfare - and others observing the arrangements - more incentive not to work, they won’t work. Duh.

The answer? Two-fold.

(a) First of all, to acknowledge: The government never should have gotten involved in a ‘welfare’ system whereby citizens were incentivized to have children ON welfare. That is to say, on the taxpayers’ shilling. That result? Generations of families on Welfare. A welfare class.
Not fair to them. Not fair to the taxpayers. Not good for the health of the society.

(b) The way out of the poverty trap (in terms of the current money system): No female should be paid any taxpayers’ money to have a child - let alone multiple births - on the taxpayers.
If they can’t afford to raise a child properly, ie, not in a state of poverty, they should not be having any - and especially not when many taxpayers can‘t afford to have their own children, and are being responsible adults in not having any.
To force the taxpayers to pay for others to have children on their shilling is not only unfair. It is immoral.
Until the current mindset, of ‘welfarism’, is broken, the state - which bears some responsibility for the current state of affairs, in seducing females with a bag of goodies, to have children on ‘it’ - could provide contraceptive advice and materials cheaply, or, depending on income circumstances (aka ‘means tested’), even for free. But ‘not one cent for tribute’.
If a female, still - with all of this social awareness kicking in - has a child that she can’t afford to raise decently, she needs to rely on her family for financial support. That, or private charities; where the money is given freely. Not extorted.
It’s called tough love. The state does no favours to such people, by giving them perverse incentives. They need to learn to take responsibility for themselves; for their actions. That is the name of the game, of life. It also has a name: karma.

I don’t want there to be any more children born into poverty. That, too, is not only unfair. It is immoral.*


I’m not interested in saving people from themselves. They have to learn to take responsibility for themselves, not leave it up to others - ie, the state, or any other source - to do it for them. So there should not be any laws against what people choose to do to themselves. But they also need to learn that it’s not fair to put a burden of care onto anybody else, either. So: monitor yourself, as a responsible human being, learning lessons about such things.


The same sort of response as above, under ‘Drugs’.

A lot of people seem to have lost sight of the purpose of the life experience. It’s not to hang around, getting into addictions and other trouble for nothing better to do - experiencing the results of the biblical adage, ‘Without a vision, the people perish’. It’s time to wake up, and get serious about life. And yes, with a sense of the joy of life. But in its proper context; as having a higher purpose than just experiencing life for life‘s sake.

Life is a school. The purpose is to graduate. Not get stuck in the lower grades.


I have other thoughts for the structure, and organising, of the New Society - the kingdom of Heaven on Earth. But this will do for now, to give a flavour of its construction, and essence. Essentially, it runs on Love. But tough love.

Abide by it, and all will be well. And in fact, will be very, very well. the words of Eileen, one of the founders of this community. Who, towards the end of her life, realised that the voice of God within her was coming, not from outside of her self. But was her Self. Her Higher Self. Her true Self.

Coming to a theatre of operations near you.

I encourage you - as Eileen did - to claim your Christhood NOW.

As have I. Which gives me the audacity to make this announcement.

Knowing, that I and the Father are One.

And that All Is One.

So make YOUR choice.

(Hint: There really isn't any. If you're smart. And want to stop dawdling on the path. That's the only choice you have, in the end. Or, really, would want to have.)

* As for the matter of 'poverty' itself: It is due to a poverty of consciousness. There is no reason for people to have to go hungry in the midst of plenty. No good reason. That is merely a reflection of the inadequacy of the carrying culture.

I am not happy with people going hungry because of the system they are living under. And I say 'under', rather than 'in', because the word 'under' conveys more of the feeling of the oppression involved than merely 'in'.

Apparently it says somewhere in the Christian Bible that 'the poor will always be with us'. I say 'apparently', not only because I'm not precisely sure of that, or the English translation, but because I want to convey my misgivings about that document. There is too much evidence to indicate that 'it' - I speak now simply of the New Testament portion - is not a true rendition of historical fact. I won't go into that subject here. I just want to say, to this idea, of 'the poor always being with us': bollocks. It is simply a thought-form.

Which - must - change. To reflect current reality. Of the ability of the Earth to provide enough for all. Not in totally equal measure. But enough, that nobody need ever go hungry again.

It's time to wake up to our current reality, and stop letting our past dictate our future.

Including in matters of, like, war.

When you raise your consciousness level, you see things differently; from a different perspective. We need, now, to go up to a higher level.

Because it's time to.

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