Sunday 4 December 2011

Living in Glass Cages

It's snowing outside the window of my second floor cosy cave, in a former four-star hotel (transformed magically into 'a centre of Light and demonstration', for the raising of consciousness on the planet. For a purpose. For the purpose of entering into - bringing about - a New Age. The New Age...)

And the copper beech tree in the centre of my personal wintry scene - with a narrow road in the background winding up to - somewhere (in physical fact, a golf course clubhouse, set in a stand of evergreens) - has been stripped bare for its winter rest, after its fiery near death experience in a particularly balmy autumn...

'Now is the winter of our discontent' comes to mind...

Definition, I find, in a search via Google: 'The time of unhappiness is past.' Yes. I can relate to that...

...but there is still a melancholy lingering in the air. Something still a pungent odor from an unhappy fire...

I read in the papers lugubrious things. People killing people. People practicing oneupmanship on others...

People; people...

I'm not interested in people having great ideas in order to practice self-aggrandizement. I'm interested in what people will come up with in order better to serve the concept of community creation. A community - with common unity - of souls. We don't live in isolation from one another. We are interdependent.

A good book in this regard is the new one by David Wilcock, entitled 'The Source Field Investigations'.* In it he reviews a lot of the research that has gone on and is going on revealing the makeup of the physical dimension that we are living in, and the underlying fact that everything - "(b)acteria, plants, insects, eggs, animals and humans" - appears to be "sharing the same Mind". That All is connected. Through a non-electromagnetic energy Field.

So why are we living as if it were not true.

As if it were not true that 'As we do unto others [and Everything], so do we do unto ourselves'?...

We have work to do. To live our lives as though it were true. Not as if it were not, as we - largely - are doing at present.

There are harbingers of the spring coming on. People - individuals - who are living connected-up lives. Lives reflecting that consciousness. That sense of the Oneness of all things.

But is it enough?

And in time??...

Meanwhile, I await my turn. To make a difference. In the outer scheme of things.

As I bide my time, in my cave - a cosy one; but a cave nevertheless - in the north of Scotland. And watch the seasons change outside my window on the world that I am in; but not of.

At least, metaphorically speaking.

* subtitled 'The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations behind the 2012 Prophecies'

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