Monday 5 December 2011


I have, as of today, received my last copy of the American mostly-political magazine, National Review. I canceled my subscription this year, after many years as a loyal reader of this right-wing publication, giving me that window onto the American scene. I did so, because the NR - a very respectable publication that could have successfully blown the whistle on the curious and suspicious background of the man currently occupying the office of the president of the United States,* which makes it look very much as though he is a usurper in and of the office - chose to do nothing about this major matter; and thus conspired in (or at the least, was an accessory to) the biggest deception in history.

Well; maybe not the biggest deception in all of history. That could be reserved for the 'Jesus' conspiracy. But at the least, the biggest in modern history.

Bigger, to my way of thinking, than the sinking of the Lusitania (which helped suck the U.S. into the first World War); and Pearl Harbor (which did the trick for the Second World War); and 9/11 (which did the same for the War on Terror); and other, lesser conspiracies in our time.

Which brings up the general subject of how the United States has been used and abused for years - to further the ignoble ends of a cabal of Very Powerful People.

To keep this subject limited, for now, to one aspect of this matter; but a very important one: I am not happy (to say the least) with how all of these modern-day events have been put over on the American people. But then, it is in part their fault, too. If they were going to think to live by government of, by, and for 'the people', they needed to be aware not to go asleep on their watch. Or they would be sheared like sheep. As such Founding Fathers as Thomas Jefferson warned clearly about.

What's the point of a new way of doing things - to move beyond the power of both Religion and Royalty, and into the realm of self-responsibility - if it is going to be treated so cavalierly? Almost as an afterthought, as 'the people' got on with the business of - in short - making money? Which business was clearly controlled by just those forces as the likes of Jefferson warned about?? And the likes of Andrew Jackson freed the American people from???

Yes, The People elected him to office. And then went back to sleep...

To move on to the point I was leading up to, back at the beginning of this short thread:

Humanity now knows enough about what the game is, to stop playing it. Over and over and over again.

It can be captivating, yes. But that is in part the point: to test us. In our dedication to, and devotion to, our Creator. In order for each of us sparks of divinity, and the Whole, to advance further on our paths.

My advice: Leave the illusion - the Game - behind. Go for the real thing.

And to combine this point with the point back at the beginning:

We are alll playing parts in a drama. The man currently occupying the office of the presidency of the United States is playing the part of a usurper, an illegal occupant of that office; and some of us are playing the parts of those who want him out of there, for sullying that honourable office; and some of us are playing the parts of those who want him to stay there, for representing a substantial change in things.

We're both right, in our ways. But there is a larger right. And that is, that he must vacate the office, for a Good to take the place of a Bad. The Bad having been to think, and act on, the idea of the end justifying the means. And the Good being to counter that notion. Including allowing the sparks of divinity to return to the House of their Father of their own free will. Not because they are coerced into doing so, and deprived of choice in the matter.

It is a fundamental difference in the way to approach Life.

Choose. And choose wisely.

And that is the very point of the Drama.

As for the 'Jesus' conspiracy; briefly. I like what Ralph Ellis has written about this matter. And the likes of Michael Baigent; who in his book 'the Jesus Papers' makes a strong case for the mainstream story that has been handed down to us in our time being fraudulent, and how it is.

As for the Why: that would be a major story. And would encompass the very point I am making in this little thread:

that we must stay awake, and aware. Or we can be led astray.

As a test.

Of our dedication to the Truth.

Including, of our own higher nature. As an integral - holographic? - part of The One.

To Whom all blessings will flow. At the point of full Awareness.


I am God.

You are God.

We are One.


* I hesitate to use his name, since there is even some question regarding that about his background.
What a murky story this is...

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