Tuesday 13 December 2011

The U.S. Constitution Hangs By a Thread

I just got an email a while ago, from a U.S. organisation called 'Campaign for Liberty', that is most disturbing. It turns out that the PTB are close to a major breakthrough in the elimination of the rule of law in America - in the trashing of the Constitution - by using the subterfuge of their War on Terror to slip legislation through that will make U.S. citizens susceptible to draconian laws supposedly designed to round up 'terrorists' and keep them in indefinite detention - no habeas corpus; no 'probable cause'. By stealthily making the U.S. homeland part of the 'battlefield' in that deliberately created 'war', the PTB have moved the arbitrary power of the state right into American homes. Below is their candid description of this caper.

"Dear Stan,

You and I both know that freedom is not free. Its price cannot be measured in dollars - and its defense requires eternal vigilance.

On December 1, the U.S. Senate passed S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), by a vote of 93-7.

A slightly different NDAA, H.R. 1540, had already passed the U.S. House in May, and it has been reconciled with the Senate version in a closed session of a Joint Conference Committee.

The NDAA is passed annually to specify the budget and expenditures for the U.S. Department of Defense, but this year's version would essentially strip American Citizens of due process - protections that used to set us apart from despotic nations.

The Senate version of the NDAA declares the homeland to be part of the battlefield in the "War on Terror."

In simple terms, Sections 1031 and 1032 of S. 1867 allow American citizens to be detained indefinitely - without charges or trial - until the War on Terror is declared over.

There has been some recent confusion over what exactly the Senate bill actually stipulates.

In fact, when you call your representative and BOTH of your senators, as I'm about to ask you to do, the staff will probably give you one of two canned responses:

1.) "The Feinstein amendment #1456, which passed on Dec. 1 (by a vote of 99-1), says that no provision of Sec. 1031 can be taken to "affect existing law or authorities, relating to the detention of United States citizens."

In reality, this was added nearly unanimously at the last minute to appease those of us rightly opposed to these detention provisions. In the Congressional Record that day, there are arguments from Senators Lindsey Graham and Carl Levin, both of whom supported this amendment, stating they believe the President and Congress already have the authority to detain American Citizens, since the Supreme Court hasn't yet ruled otherwise. This is not the case, but it explains why the bill's main supporters did not oppose the Feinstein amendment.

2.) "It already exempts American Citizens. You should know that Sec. 1032 actually states: "The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States."

Don't fall for their cleverly chosen legislative language.

A careful reading of the suspect sections bears out that, while there is no requirement to detain an American citizen, the act thereof is not explicitly prohibited. By extension, it is actually permitted.

As if the above is not bad enough, the power to determine which American citizens will be indefinitely detained without charges or trial will be left to the President alone.

I'm certain you would agree that something as important as overturning longstanding American jurisprudence deserves to be the subject of a vigorous debate in a public forum.

But, late last week, the House, by an overwhelming majority (406-17), passed a motion that allowed this Joint Committee to meet in secret.

Last night, the House and Senate conferees emerged without having changed the offending detainee provisions of the NDAA.

And the section numbers (formerly 1031 and 1032) have been changed to 1021 and 1022.

A vote on the conference report could come as early as this Wednesday in the House of Representatives!" [ie, tomorrow.]

Isn't that clever of these despots. And the tipoff to the legitimacy of this take on the matter - that this is not just an innocent 'oversight' regarding the use of words - is the information that Congress turned down a couple of amendments attempting to explicitly prohibit U.S. citizens from being capable of being rounded up by this legislation.

Why not "specifically prohibit'/explicitly exclude detention of U.S. citizens without constitutional safeguards? Could it be because U.S. citizens might be involved in 'acts of terrorism'? And if so, what could be the definition of 'acts of terrorism'? Could it be just giving 'aid and comfort to the enemy' by speaking for constitutional protection to be provided to people deemed terrorists by the PTB? In the spirit of George W. Bush's announcement to the world, in the wake of 9/11, that "You're either with us, or you're against us" (or words to that effect)?? Or could it be simply opposition to the federal government, 'in a time of war'???...

In a nutshell: 'They' have been trying for years to figure out how to merge the U.S. into their New World Ordure (most lately, as part of a region called the North American Union), and they keep coming up against the Constitution - or, as George W reportedly called it, that 'damn piece of paper'. To be tossed aside, by hook or by crook...

I grieve for my home country, as much as I am angered by the arrogance and deceit of these people who are trying to rule the world. The same people who planned, and caused to be executed, the 'new Pearl Harbor' on America, in order to further their hegemonic ends. In particular, to create an American imperialist umbrella over the Middle East. In order - besides securing oil for their intended American empire - to further the political ends of Zionism.

For yes, the Israeli government was deeply involved in 9/11; in cahoots with their placepeople in the American government, and their control of the banking and media professions (in particular).*

9/ll was so obviously a set-up - for anybody who had eyes to see - somebody's fingerprints were all over it besides the patsies recruited for the job. I won't go into the details of the 9/11 false-flag op at this point; just to say that some very high-up people were behind that atrocity, for it to have been able to be carried off the way it was, and they did. And by 'they', I mean a couple of dens of thieves - one on the nominal Right, and one on the nominal Left, of American politics; but both controlled at the top, of a pyramid, with an All-Seeing Eye at the apex; standing as well for comprehensive surveillance of the citizenry on the planet.

Which Eye is going to come to a crashing halt, when the Powers of Light take over on this planet, and help bring it to its higher fate. Helped, that is, by The People. Who will come into their own, after all this skulduggery on the part of the planetary elite. They have had their day.

I'm sorry to see how close they have been able to come, to pull their caper completely over the eyes of The People. But that's it.**

I have news for them. And it's in the spirit of the story about a whole group of people claiming, say, that "I am Spartacus"; one after the other; and the PTB don't know who to detain. Here is our message to the power elite on this planet; in a nutshell:

'This is my world you're trashing. Back off.'

As for 9/11: there will be a new, independent, comprehensive - and I mean comprehensive, as in exhaustive - investigation; and it will expose the truth, for all to see. The truth, of how close America came to being overthrown.

Close. But no cigar.

For the Truth - and the Light - will win out. And all dwellers in the dark will have their choice: to come out into the Light, and rejoin their path to their highest positive potential. Or succumb to the pull of the Dark, and miss out on this opportunity to regain their lawful inheritance.

Your choice.


* My message to the Israeli government, when the American government is set to rights (and the current occupier of the office of the presidency is unceremoniously dumped out on the street, Congress is dissolved - for not doing its constitutional job in the takeover of the American government, and in fact aiding and abetting in that crime - and a wholesale cleanout of the Augean stables of the executive branch of the government takes place):

'America has nothing to say to you until you issue an apology to the American people for your attack on the U.S.S. Liberty in international waters, and on the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon; for what has been called the Lavon Affair; and so forth, and especially including your involvement in 9/11, and its coverup.

'You can make any statement you wish regarding your justifications, and intentions. But at the least, there needs to be a clear and abject apology. And then we can proceed from there.

'And to clarify: this is not addressed to the Israeli people in general, or to the Jews in America who have not supported blindly the Israeli government in its machinations in the world. To the Israeli people in general, I say: Seek for the truth. And ye shall find. You may not be happy with what you find. But it is important that you do. As it is for us all.'

** Including creating 'terminator genes', in order to force the farmers of the world to come to their 'store' for their seeds; thus giving them control over the world's food supplies. And ruling huge areas of America off from human habitation or interaction; not only to 'save the environment', but so that people can't escape their dragnet, and fend for themselves in the wild. And controlling rural America itself, through a federal committee, that will determine how much food and milk farmers can grow - and outrightly make it illegal to sell directly to the public (for 'health reasons', of course). And...and...and......
They're clever. But too clever by half. The picture is beginning to be seen, for what it is: total human population control. Like a herd of cattle. To be branded and vaccinated and otherwise made docile, for takeover, and 'management'. And slaughter.
News flash. The future on this planet will NOT be the dystopian version planned for it by these minions of the Dark, and their Masters. They are playing a part of the overall picture. But they will not succeed in making their part in the process the product. They are providing Man with choice. That's all.

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