Tuesday 19 June 2012

Bits'n Pieces

Some bits'n pieces of thoughts/reflections recently.  First of all, as follow-on to my last posting, where I broached the subject of the falsity of the Christian religion.  Call this:

Check Your Premises

When I left formal schooling, in the summer of '55, to go looking for truth with a capital T, one of the first things I discovered was that the Judeo-Christian Bible was terribly flawed, as a supposed true record of historical events.  In all the years since of my searching, I have found nothing to obviate that conclusion, and plenty to confirm it.

It is not a work of God.  It is a work of Man.  Of many men, over the centuries, muddying those waters.  So I stopped fishing in them for capital-t Truth long ago; and have concentrated my search in more promising waters.  Like facts.  And the facts are, that there is plenty of evidence that, to summarize the matter: 

the universe has Purpose; and that Purpose is Good.

And I'll leave the matter there for the moment,  The matter of our human existence, and its relationship to and meaning in the great scheme of things.  And none of that requires the Bible (other than as a source of some good homilies about life) for its edification.  Except as a good lesson in life; to wit: 

Check your premises.  You might find dry rot in the foundation. 


And while on the general subject of gripes, here's another major one for me.   Call this one:

First, Do No Harm

I see so many of My People walking around in varying stages of distress - physically, mentally, emotionally; and thus, spiritually.

It saddens me.

It angers me.

I know that the human body is an imperfect vehicle, and vessel - for getting around in, and containing something.  But this, that I see on the streets of a modern American city, is ridiculous.

It's time something was done about it.


And if you have a good idea, it's a good idea to do something about it.

So I'll try to.

Am, trying to.  By Being that which I would like to see happen in the world.  Being a center of Light within the world.

Join me.  And we will make of the world a center of Light.  And Demonstration.  Of, and for, The New.

And one place to start - one really good place to start - would be to replace 'modern medicine' with a holistic version of that admirable calling.

'Modern' medicine - i.e., western medicine; as growing out of the capitalist economic system based on the profit motive - is in industry mode.  These practitioners - by and large; bar good individuals - are part of a corporate complex, fairly called the medical-pharmaceutical complex.  (Actually, to give this entity - this behemoth - its fair and full dues, its proper name and 'reach' is as the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex.)  They are in business primarily to make money - as is any business.  Even one with its roots in health services, as the modern medical industry has.

What a betrayal of the Hippocratic ideal.  And it's all due to something seemingly, basically minor: a slight shift in emphasis, from looking on something as an end in itself - in this case, the providing and maintaining of good health - to looking on it as a means to an end.  In this case - as in many cases, in the 'western' world - the means to the end of making money.  Where 'making money' becomes the object of the exercise - has been the object from the beginning, of the capitalist system, with its handmaiden of interest-bearing money.

How different things would be if people provided goods and services to one another out of the spirit of Service, rather than out of the desire for personal gain; treating things as an end in themselves, not as a means.

Do you really need me - or anybody - to tell you that??

There is an element of 'Duh' in all this.  There is also an element, I recognize, of timing.

It is, really, time to recognize all this.

And to start acting accordingly.

What would that look like?

It would look like a wholesale ('I can get it for you wholesale'…) change in the basis of your 'western'  world, whereby your culture is based not on profit but on service - the sharing (not 'exchanges' directly) of goods and services with one another (and the giving of one's best in the process) out of the higher, more mature, more conscious motive of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.  And out of that change in attitude, towards one's fellow souls (whereby we are, and are seen as, 'spiritual beings having a human experience'), will grow the 'new look' of, e.g., 'medicine' - the provision of health care - being treated as an end in itself.  Thus, in such a holistic approach to life, the emphasis in health care is on prevention, not treatment; and if the preventive 'barrier' is breached by dis-ease, the treatment is along holistic, natural lines; i.e. to say, with what is already being called 'energetic medicine', and natural remedies - from nature, not from drugs.  

The pharmaceutical industry - the modern-day form of sorcery - has some merit, which can continue to be worked with; i.e., in the understanding of the elements of healing powers in various substances found in Nature.  But the approach will be different.  The point will not be to make money, for a business (and the more the better; for the stockholders and management, at least).  The point will be to keep people healthy, and, if they get out of balance, to help them get back in balance as naturally as possible; working with Nature, and our basic natures, not on them, i.e., from the outside in, rather than from the inside out.  And so, the leaders in the medical sector in the future will be the likes of Drs, Jonathan V. Wright, and William C Douglass, Jr., and Norm Shealy, and Joseph Mercola, and Mike Adams, and with the HSI, and those working with more holistic treatments for the likes of cancer; and so forth.  

It is, really, time for Change, all right.

Real change.  Fundamental change. 

Coming to a theater of operations near you.  To say: coming to Gaia.  On the tide, rising, as we speak.   


Note: A good article to read in this regard is the one in the April-May 2012 issue of NEXUS Magazine titled 'Iodine: The Perfect Panacea' by Elaine Hollingsworth.  
     (Elaine is Director of the Hippocrates Health Centre in Queensland, Australia.  She has written a book entitled 'Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry'.   Her website:


And lastly, and to pick up from the reference to 'Change' above; this on a major gripe of mine.  Call it:

Not Good Enough

In the course of setting things right in the American Republic, living under the rule of law, which is to say, its Constitution, and dealing with the ineligibility of Barack Hussein Obama to have run for the office of the presidency in the first place (for not being a "natural born Citizen"*), the argument may come: 'If Obama was elected by the will of the people, isn't that good enough?'

The short answer is No.  The longer answer is No, it isn't.

This is a nation of laws.  The highest law in the land is the Constitution of the United States of America.  if you overthrow the Constitution - and make of it "just a damn piece of paper"** - you overthrow the nation.  I won't have it.

The People can change their Constitution - the rules they agree to live by - in a manner allowed for within the parameters of the rule of law.  Not within the likes of the parameters of Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals',  via the use of cynical tools like ridicule, and so forth, to achieve your ends.

As for the argument about 'the will of the people' in this particular instance: If the People, in possession of all of the facts of a constitutional matter, still choose to ignore the law, then they will have made their bed - with the likes of dogs and fleas - and they will have to lie in it.  But I will not join them.  I have a greater itch.  And that is to live by a higher will than that of a mob.

So don't be a mob.  Be a People, with some self-respect, and worthy of respect.

And then we will change things for the better,

Not before.  Not like this.  In a fudged mess; which needs some serious attention paid to it.  Not this ignoring of the elephant in the room that is going on now.  And has been going on. 

For long enough.



*  And I'm not going to go into that discussion here, as to what constitutes the definition of a 'natural born citizen'.  The bottom line is that BHO doesn't  fit the bill.  
     As for 'the bill', as in a bill of sale: the American people have bought a pig in a poke for their presidency.  It's unseemly.  It is an insult, both to the people and to the office.  It must not stand.  

** I am here quoting George W. Bush; another potential tyrant in that office, by wanting to disregard the Constitution, and just 'get on with it' from his (fascistic) perspective.  So both sides of the political aisle have much to answer for, in this overthrow of constitutional government that has been going on in the U.S., for long enough now.  For too long, now.
     And if George Dubya has been misquoted, the media needs to clear that other 'little matter' up as well (i..e., in addition to the 'little matter' of Obama being, and having been, ineligible to sit in that office that he is occupying).  But the proof of the pudding is in the eating.  That is to say: all manner of steps were put in place under his presidency to take the country into overthrow mode.  
     Neither major political party is free from the taint of tyranny.  They both must go, as well as the Manchurian-like man currently sitting as a Usurper in that august office.  The stench is stifling.  It's time for a major clean-out of politics in America; to let the nation fulfill its full potential - its highest full potential.  Not its lowest; as it is close to doing right now.          

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