Thursday 21 June 2012

Of Nights Out - Or In

(The first of these Reflections is from the evening of May 23)

I'm not saying that I'm leading a dull life; but to go out in the evening to walk to the store for a quart of milk is something to look forward to.  (Since what I am really looking forward to - a change in the fundamentals of life on Earth - is taking longer than I thought it might...)

As for my evening (or any) meal: I recognize now, when I am experiencing the frustration of feeling that I'm not really getting anywhere - or at least, the feeling that it's difficult to do so - that I should have shared the blessing I say over my plate with a guest at Cluny (my former home in the spiritual community where I have spent a great portion of my life, feasting at that table of riches) who asked me one fine day.  He had no legs; and I realize now that that may well have given him a lift of sorts.  My blessing, belatedly, with love and support:*

'May the strength that I will derive from this food be used in serving Thee; and may I proceed in health and happiness and holiness...**

'Now let the vibratory rate of this food be such as to draw me closer to Thee; and in all things, let not my will but Thine be done on Earth, as it is in heaven.  Even so.  Amen.'

I'm not sure why I keep the 'amen' in there at the end.  My reading in these matters - specifically, of the origins of Christianity - tells me that that word, regardless of speculation in our day as to its origins, has to have come from pre-biblical times; is a part of the absorption of other religions and traditions by 'the new kid on the block,' religion-wise, and goes back to the long-former time of an Egyptian deity.  Habit, I suppose.  Anyway, it gives a nice rounding-off note to the blessing.

I don't think the true Deity is much fussed over these sorts of things.  It is all, after all, really simply a matter of intention.

Not for the Old Testament vengeful god Jehovah, of course, who cursed anybody who put another god before him; to the point of encouraging his followers to slay them.  But that's 'religion' for you: often a very pale imitation of the real thing.  And here we are, down to this very day, subject to people killing other people over their religion.  What a travesty.  How long must we put up with this sort of nonsense...

Which is the sort of 'end of days' that I am patiently waiting for.  But, as I imply above, it gets to be a bit much at times.  So I go out to 'have a good time' by purchasing a quart of milk.  My idea of 'a good time', until the real thing kicks in...

...but then, you will really see some celebrating going on.  And sighs of relief.  That at last, we can live with Truth in our midst.  Not just far off on the horizon somewhere, in the far distance of our long road towards it.  That we have been trodding on for long enough.

Because it's time for that blessing in our lives, now.


* It's kind of long, because I want to give my hands, cupped over my plate, some time to 'make energetic contact'; complete a circuit, as it were.

** I am sometimes inclined to substitute the word 'wholeness' here; but that seems coming mostly from just my head, because it invariably comes out the former.  So I let it.


(This Reflection is from the evening of May 25.  Obviously, I decided to get more out of my 'evening outs' than just a quart of milk...)

I have to admit that my idea, or at least my experience, of 'a night out' - the equivalent of 'having a good time' - so far is occasionally (usually on a weekend evening) to walk to a nearish MacDonald's and have a filet-o-fish, a small side of fries, and a small fruit smoothie; to eat there, and suck on the smoothie on the way home.

I did it again this evening, feeling the need to celebrate finally getting a device in place to give me access to the Internet, on their D-Day for me, of June 4th.   It's also the long Memorial Day weekend.  Something to celebrate.  And remember the sacrifices of many who died to preserve our way of life, of honoring the individual, not letting him be subsumed by the state.*  

Would that we would remember them all better, including those who gave their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, to establish on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and so forth and so on.  As the nation now slides perilously close into Empire mode.

Let we forget.

P.S. I didn't see the strong evening star - undoubtedly Venus - in the western sky this evening, on my way back, from my 'night out'.  The (sliver of a) moon seems to have 'replaced' it...

I wish I knew how these things work.  I feel like such a dunce sometimes, about the workings of 'the universe'.  At least on the level of astronomy.

The more I get into Acharya S's book 'The Christ Conspiracy' (subtitle: 'The Greatest Story Ever Sold'), the more I marvel at how close of attention 'the ancients' played to 'the heavens'.  They were extremely well versed on all that stuff.  It puts us moderns to shame.  And if they made a bit too much of it all - in creating legends about gods and goddesses and such - they certainly got more out of their evening skies than we do.

And what's wrong with myths and symbolism and allegories anyway?  Such a mentality certainly pays more attention to its surroundings - its cosmos - than our secular, rational, dry one does.  Give me an entertaining story about 'the three kings' over a trip to MacDonald's anytime.

* the citizenry considered, in such a society, as mere agents of the state; rather than having their own free moral agency, as autonomous human beings.  Not the serf-like equivalent of slaves.  And as to that; as Lincoln said: As I would be a slave to no man, so I would have no man be a slave to me.
     Good advice. And it actually recognizes the fact, through the intercessionary phenomenon of reincarnation, that We Are One Another; and therefore - through that Plan of Life's attendant law of karma - that As you do to others, so do you do to yourself.  To say: As you mete out to others, so will it be meted out to you.  Until you 'get it' - understand that we are all equally fractals of the Divine - and are ready then to move on from this level, up a notch, to the next level of consciousness.  On our way to Godhood in our own right.


(And a summary thought, from one night in.)

Am I crazy, or is everyone else not crazy but asleep??  Except for a comparative few, who know in their deepest gut that it's time for a major change on this planet - a change of consciousness, up to a higher level than ever before; at least as far as we know, from recorded history.  A level that will take us into a Golden Age - the Golden Age of fable, as our souls responded to intimations of that potential; now upon us.  As we wake up to it, in our reality.

And wake up to the fact that the key to it all is to do away with money.  At least, money as we have known it.  For long enough.

For too long, now.  As it becomes increasingly tainted, with blood, and vibes of greed.  And clearly now - even to people still relatively asleep to the changes upon us - no longer fit for purpose.  The purpose, of allowing humanity to enter a new kingdom.  

Not one of this world.  But now from this world.  From inside us; and in harmony with the living Earth.
A nice place to be.

If we would only get there.


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