Saturday 9 June 2012

Don't Be Daft

I've got some posers for you.

9/11.  All of the eyewitnesses saw at least one of the planes - the second one - hit the towers.

Or did they.

Just like we at home saw on our TV screens.

Or did we...

Bin Laden.  First, he said - i.e., we heard him say, on tape - that he had nothing to do with 9/11.  Then, he said - i.e., we heard him say, on tape - that he did.

We heard him.

Or did we.

Soon into the caper, when he was being fingered as a suspect, we heard - i.e., it was reported - that he had been visited in a hospital - where he was being treated for his debilitating kidney condition - by a CIA field agent.

Or was he?

Nothing ever came of that story.

Why was that??

Or the story, by at least one eyewitness - with proof from at least one stopped clock - that the explosion at the Pentagon on that terrible day came before the plane hit.

The explosion came before the plane hit??

Don't be daft.

Still, stranger things have happened.  Like the report, in Colin Wilson's book on 'The Supernatural', about the boy who was looking out of the window of a house in the countryside, watching a man chopping wood, when all of a sudden he realized that he was hearing the sound of the blow before the axe struck.  And so forth, in that stranger-than-fiction vein, of things that have happened on this intriguing planet.

So.  Stranger things have happened.

Like the two steel-frame buildings collapsing from fires on the same day, when that sort of thing - i.e., buildings with that type of construction - had never happened before, and has never happened since.

Funny, that.

We were told that the jarring of the plane hits on the towers dislodged - must have dislodged - fire retardant coating on the steel.

Could be.

Except that - hold on a second - a third tower came down that day, in the same way - i.e. to say, collapsing straight down into its footprint1 - that had not been jarred by a plane strike.

Funny, that.

Just had some asymmetric fires, from debris from the other towers's collapses (a block or so away).

Which were like pyroclastic displays; like volcanoes.

Like, explosions.

With almost everything - office equipment, people - almost everything turned into little more than dust.


Except for huge javelins of steel girders (of curiously similar lengths), blown out of the pyroclastic displays early on, like arrows from a bow.

Or an explosion.

But nothing to see here folks.  Just keep moving on.

Because stranger things have happened. - sorry; but it keeps niggling away: like the video, that came out some time after (or was it before.  Probably, in such a world, it makes little difference) we heard - it was reported - that bin Laden was in a hospital for his debilitating kidney condition (for which he needed dialysis treatment, it was so severe), that showed a robust bin Laden admitting that he was behind 9/11.

Or did it.

Funny about the looks.

Especially the nose.

Oh well.  Maybe that sort of thing happens to you when you are deathly ill from a kidney disease.

Maybe the next time we would have seen it grown to the size of Pinocchio's.

If we had ever seen any more tapes of him.  But he simply disappeared off our screens - this Most Wanted of men.

For  a time.

Until a wrap was put on that whole caper with a - presumed - takeout operation by a Navy SEAL unit, that was watched live by Obama & Hillary & co., from a camera mounted on the helmet of one of the team.

Or was it.

Before bin Laden's body was dumped in the ocean.

Or was it...

Surely they wouldn't have taken the risk of not dumping his body?  Don't be daft??

But what if he had died before the - presumed - hit.

Since stranger things have happened.

And he was just being used - perhaps for years - as a poster boy.  (Kind of like El Cid's dead body strapped to his horse, to rally his soldiers for one last charge.  Unless that was just Hollywood's take on reality.  Playing fast and loose with reality.  But to continue.)

But we saw a video of him, watching TV - or a video; something on a screen - in his hideaway, in Pakistan (near a military base).

Or did we.

And has this whole thing - this whole monstrous caper - just been played out on the screens of our imaginations, with our imaginations filling in the details, for us to draw several conclusions from, that 'they' deftly pointed us towards.

'They' almost slipped up once, when one of the images on our screens of the 9/11 atrocity showed the nose of the second plane coming out the other side of the building - kind of like Pinocchio's nose growing - before it was - apparently - caught by the technicians behind the show, and the screen shot suddenly went to black.2

But surely, 'they' couldn't be so well organized as to orchestrate such a massive deception.  Could they?

Don't be daft.


P.S. Someone has done an analysis on the left ear of the person in the video shot watching TV - or at least looking at the TV screen - in 'bin Laden's hideaway' (or wherever it was shot, and when), and has concluded that the person - the figure - is not bin Laden.  But then, experts haves analyzed Obama's birth certificates, and made convincing cases that they are forgeries; and what is being done about that?  
     Ir has all disappeared into the same black hole that holds the Founding Fathers's definition of a 'natural born citizen'.
     And oh yes: if that small crowd of actors in the office in Washington were not watching a live feed of the takeout of bin Laden - as some of them have since admitted that they were not (possibly after word surfaced from experts that that would have been impossible to have happened the way it was being sold) - what were they watching? with Hillary's hand so deftly covering her mouth,3 and all the rest of them so intent on the event they were watching on their screen??

Who knows?

All the public knows, and have been left with, is the image they were given, of their political leaders intently watching something on a screen.

And that's good enough for you???

But I suppose that I shouldn't be so daft as to think that our leaders could be so daft as to try to pull off such a story as I seem to be making a case for.  I mean, the BBC in on it too??

But hey - you never know.

You never really know.

Because - altogether now:

Yes indeed.  Stranger things have happened.  In this image, this screen, that we live in, and on.

Where we strut and fret our hour upon the stage, until we are heard no more.

Until the next time we enter into the play of Life.

Before we give it up.  And go for gold.  Content with fool's gold no longer.

P.P.S. I understand that David Wilcock's government insiders tell him that it was bin Laden in that compound; and that he was 'being kept alive' "in order to boost oil prices and profits", because he was apparently organizing teams to mount attacks on Iraqi oil fields and pipelines.  So both sides of this story may have been right, to some extent.  And the real question is, Why was BHO allowed to take him out?
     Could it have had anything to do with the fact that the issue of his birth certificate/ineligibility was heating up (with a book coming out on the subject)?  And TPTB wanted him kept where he is too.  For the same reasons; which are geopolitical ones.



1 remember all this, folks.  Such events require the infrastructure to have been taken out.  Remember it.

2 And another time, on another network - this one the BBC - when the female correspondent reported the collapse of the third building that day, when - oops - it happened to be still showing through the window behind the live-feed shot of her; before the picture conveniently broke up, and they cut back to the studio in London.
     But this could all, of course, have been one of those funny 'time' things.  Stranger things, etc.

3 and we do remember her crouching under mortar fire upon arriving in Bosnia; don't we?  At least, that was her good story.  Until someone happened to uncover a video shot of the real thing, that showed her walking casually away from the plane.
     As I say: Oops.
     Or has all of that disappeared down our black memory hole, and all we really care about is what's for dinner, and did 'our' team make the playoffs???

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